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Book online «Musing Of A Would Be Hermit by Sixto Ofnine (dar e dil novel online reading .txt) 📖». Author Sixto Ofnine

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If you make the statement, “I have never seen anything like this”, then basically you haven’t lived.




A customer called about testing and I told them it wasn’t in the system yet and they state, “how was that possible?”, simple, anything is possible.


Leave Me Be


I’ve just came here to live, not to make world changing decisions.




They fell for it, hook, line and stupid!


Look In Mirror


You are treating me like an idiot because I can’t find your information.  Going so far as to sarcastically spelling your last name of “Burns” over and over again like I didn’t get it the first time.  However, despite me explaining that you’re not in the system, you keep insisting you are, until you realize you’re calling the wrong place.  Of course you apologized for your rude behavior, yeah sure, when pigs fly.


Down Under


We all have our downside, the trick is keeping it in check.




You only need plausible believability, after that…


Wrong One


They’re uniquely unqualified in their incompetence.




Their world is self-destructing around them and they don’t know why?


Look A Little


You have no idea on how’s it’s been put together or even how it’s being done.  But with this lack of information you have already decided it’s a bad idea.




It’s error lead perfection.


Time Warn


It was once strong and proud, but like everything before it, it has faded to nothing with the passage of time.


Cork In It


Oh no they shut down the bull sh*t artists, so who’s going to feed you your steady diet of misinformation now?  You’ll actually have to form your own opinion, that should give you a massive headache.




People who believe that we never landed on the moon should know, since their clearly from another planet.




How is it that a person can do something terrible to another and only get slightly punished or not at all while the victim has to serve a life sentence?




Don’t start out your conversation by saying, “I send you a lot of work”, because that shows your entitlement quotient is way too high and you need to dial it back.




I’m always right, everyone else is always wrong and if you dispute me on that, then that just proves my point.




I don’t remember it, so there’s little chance I’ll miss it.


All The Way


I’m done with a basic level of competence, I’m gonna go for the bottom of incompetence.




Why don’t you try out being useful for once, since you got being useless down pat.




I make my own, “You’re Welcome” 


You Last


When you’re hanging out in a line patiently waiting your turn and then someone comes up and says they just want to ask a quick question of the hostess.  No!  You just want to cut the line, you aren’t fooling anyone, so step back.




Maybe try pulling your weight around here instead of throwing it around.


In Another Universe Perhaps


You have no information on what we’re doing for you, but you’re gonna tell me we’re taking too long.  So please do tell me just how you know that?




It’s easy to discount what someone is saying by stating “they are ranting”, even when they’re not.


I Thought To High


I’m sorry you decided to act on your ignorance and persecute the person before the actual facts come to light.  I thought you better than that, I guess I overestimated your integrity.


Let’s Solve It


You can blame whoever you want for the situation were in, but the fact is we’re in deep and playing the blame game isn’t going to change that or even resolve it.  What needs to be done is to work together to resolve the problem until a resolution can be made.




It may not be impossible, if, you actually try.  But if you’re really not trying, then yeah it’s impossible for you.




I don’t ignore it, I just practice a heavy dose of denial instead.




They don’t want to talk to you because your concerns are an actual waste of time and they have real work they have to complete and you will only delay that.




I always listen to you, the key question is whether I’m actually paying attention or just dreaming of my Cabin In the Woods?




It’s been decided that you’re a prick.  Mostly because you twist everything to your advantage, no matter how far out on a limb you have to go.  Even after you break that limb, you double down.


God Send


I’m just confused as to how I managed to survive before you arrived here to point out the obvious to me.




Someone suggested I do some brain bending exercises.  I’ll decline this suggestion, for doing so might just straighten my brain out, and what positive could possibly come of that?


Stop It


If your actions make the other person uncomfortable to the point where they won’t move, how about you stop doing what you’re doing dumb ass.




If you actually have something to say, don’t bite your tongue and hold it in.  That hurts.




I believe they’re destined to disappoint the people around them and they’ll lack an understanding as to why that is so.


If They Actually Did


When you hear people say “God will protect me from all evil”, think about that statement.  If that was the actually the case, there would be no war, famine, social unrest, discrimination, or violence against the weak.  God isn’t capable of protecting everyone, even if it were an actual fact.




One needs not to understand what one seeks to destroy.  For if they understood, they probably leave it alone.


BullshIt Meter


When it comes to you, I feel that you’re full of sh*t, I’m not certain as to why, but I do, so I’m going with that.




Everything in life doesn’t have to be a benefit to you.  Sometimes you can do something, just cause, it will help.




They seem to want to reward mediocrity and dissuade hard work?


Not Happening


You maybe the Lord of your own little fiefdom, but that doesn’t relate to me and I’m not one of minions.




I’m suffering from a case of I don’t give a shit and it’s a severe one!


Less Pucker


They’re mad at us because we haven’t been sufficiently kissing their ass hard enough.


My Truth


It’s annoying when someone rewrites a narrative to match their agenda and ignores the reality of what’s really happening since it doesn’t benefit them.


Really False


If every time you utter something that is absurd and incorrect and then double done on that statement when you’re called out on it, this is the pattern of the ill-informed.  For facts matter, your crap doesn’t.


Not My Problem


When they going gets tough, the tough wash their hands of the whole situation.


Shut Up


It’s not necessary to keep repeating your point over and over again.  I got it the first time and saying it again is just verbal diarrhea.


It’s Me


I’m responsible for any smells that might emanate from the throne room.




I’m not always sick, rather I’m just never well.





In the eyes of society, yes, however in your eyes, no.


Hermit Truth


I like people, but just not enough to be around them all the time.


Perhaps So


These colors don’t run, they kind of hide around the corner.


Yabber On


It just took you way too long to state the obvious.  Next time please just summarize.


There Was A Time


They sold their soul to the company store and the company has declared them obsolete.




I don’t need a chronological order of times when you think things should have been done.  All I need is the information to help you now, any past interactions are irrelevant.




I’m not famous in some circles and unknown in most others.


Too Bad


Apparently my way of relaxing in the bath tub is stressing them out, sorry?


Secret Stash


This past weekend the spouse, son and me went camping.  My spouse doesn’t go often so she borrowed my son’s extra sleeping bag.  While crawling into it that night she discovered 2 pairs of his dirty under wear still in it.  Oh the joy she must have felt.



Mirror Mirror


If you feel the need to vilify those who oppose you, then you’re the problem.




I have years of knowledge, just no practical experience.




It’s not what you’ve done in the past, but what you have done lately.  Sometimes the past should be taken in to consideration as the present and the future are still in play.


Not All Are Right


Look, two douche bags don’t add up to equal, right?


Thinks Last


You look and sound like the kind of person that leads with their mouth before your brain has a chance to actually think about what your mouth is spewing.


Out Of The Water


People evolve, sometimes for the better, often not.


Easiest Route


They’re looking for any advantage they can steal.


Perhaps Stronger


It’s said they’re not as hardy as they as they think they are.  But that really depends on your definition of hardy, doesn’t it?




The only perfect people in the world are already dead.




Pulling stuff out of the air without any actual proof to back it up does not make it real, other than in your delusions.  Proof is based on reality and actual facts and not based on lies and wishful thinking.  Just saying it, doesn’t make it so.




It’s hard to care when those who are supposed to, simply don’t.


To Their Advantage


They’re a twister of other peoples words.  For if they weren’t, they’d never be right and that can’t ever happen.




We don’t lose stuff, we creatively file it away.


Done Talking


The dead don’t respond for they have said all their going to say.  The living will consider to perhaps answer it.


Fantasy Based


If you can’t prove it actually happened, mostly since it never did, but, you  wish it did, that’s not an option.


Stupid Idea


You’re the one that booked a trip outside the country during a worldwide pandemic.  Your selfish stupidity is not a cause for concern for us.  For your Covid testing will be done, when it’s done and no we won’t rush it, no matter how you try to bribe or threaten us.  We

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