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Book online «Musing Of A Would Be Hermit by Sixto Ofnine (dar e dil novel online reading .txt) 📖». Author Sixto Ofnine

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when they run into an actual one.




If you never get up to start, then you can always fail to achieve.


Either and Or


Two wrongs don’t make it right, two rights don’t make it wrong.  But what if you put a wrong and right together, then what do you get?




It’s just like riding a bike, except I’m prone to fall off those too.


Eyes Wide Shut


I know it’s a mess back there, but if I don’t see it, I can easily ignore it.


Where’s The Camera


When a politician says they’re there for you, don’t buy into it, for in order for someone to get into politics, they’re there for their own self-gratification, you’re just a tool.


Top Of Nothing


They have an overabundance of ego and an under abundance of smarts.


Look Behind


You persecute people for their ancestry, that their no even aware of, but, do you even know yours?




If a committee of one makes all the decisions, does that make them a democracy?


Your Desire


If you have always desired to have someone hung up on you, then please call me anytime and I’ll gladly hang up on you.




I’m not a writer, rather I’m a mincer of words.


Look Up


Just because you have reached the height of your profession, doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t have a clue.  Rather it means we have a different perspective on the world.




Your actions are driving me crazy and we both know I need no help in that regard, so please dial it back.




I was once asked how I could live like this?  My answer was, how is it you can’t?


Know It All


I’m quite sure I know that I don’t know what you know.


Not Wanted


It’s easy to say you’d never work for them, when in fact they never asked you to.




I could mow the lawn, but I believe the weeds have such great potential.


No Hope


If someone is arguing with you and their choice of rebuttal is screaming at you, “you shut up”, then you have already won.




The less you have, the less you have to worry about, hopefully.


It Is


Denial is like sticking your head in a pile of shit, no matter how much you deny it, it’s still going to stink.


Tie A Knot


Someone said they couldn’t find a common thread to any of my writings, well yeah, I broke that.


No Wheels


You’re looking at it from the perspective of the baggage you brought to the discussion.


Shades Of Grey


They are not blatantly corrupt like the other, since they hide it much better than the other one.  Who honestly, isn’t very good at it.


Next Up


It’s cool until it becomes uncool, for interpretation always changes.


Not Roach’s


I don’t know what to do, my house is infested with humans!


Ears Up?


Since you didn’t listen to what was being told to you, you ripped everything apart when there wasn’t any need to disturb any of it.




We’ll have plenty of food until it runs out.




I knew what was coming, I just didn’t care at that moment.




Someone just thanked me for my expertise, little do they know.




I’m not smarter than you, just better educated.


Pissed Off


As a great man once said, “I will be in my house with the bathroom door open, while peeing, if I want to!”


Not The Whole


Don’t decry a whole ethnic group based on the actions of one of its members.




They think the world should go their way, the world begs to differ.


Two Blind Mice


Your attempts to hide your activity are not very imaginative, but neither were the people observing you, so it worked.


No Mystery


Cause of death, termination of life.


Show a Little


When you clearly don’t care, do expect me to reciprocate that same feeling towards you.




They’re allowed to express their opinion, but after some careful consideration, you’re not.




They are for themselves and the rest of are of us are just distractions they put up with.




I know I need other people in my life, problem is I don’t want them here.


I Do


I can accept you for who you are, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.




Don’t blame other groups for your bad decisions in life.  It’s not their fault that they were able to succeed where you failed.  You want to know where that blame lies, look in the mirror. 


Top Tier


When ones young, they’re allowed to be stupid to a point and we can move past it.  But…  we’re allowed to hold you responsible for your stupidity if you go too far and then try to deny it.


Every Rule


I’ll usually help others, but for you I’m willing to make an exception.




It’s amazing how you can get use to low grade pain in the background of your life and not even realize it until it’s just gone one day.


But In My Mind


You can’t comprehend why people don’t except your legitimacy?  Granted your legitimacy is based on your fantasies in your head.  That should be enough for everyone else to except it, for it works for you.


Didn’t Matter


Oh, that’s a surprise that I didn’t care whether it was coming or not?


Blind Faith


We need whatever we can make up to get us to the truth.




I now need my glasses to find my glasses.  I misplaced my regular pair and they blended in so well with the background that I didn’t see them until I got my extra glasses from the car.  This is just getting sad.




If you don’t like what they’re saying through their art, then ignore it.  But then don’t also feel the need to tell the rest of us that we shouldn’t listen to them, no one appointed you responsible for that.


Not Owed


If your goal is to collect every nickel you believe you’re entitled too (not), you’re just greedy.




Why did you come here?  Why don’t you go back to where life is official and not real.


No Idea


They’re bringing their vast and limited knowledge to the situation, we should all rest easy? 


Not Always


Since I can, doesn’t mean I will.




Seen and quickly forgotten.




Is it necessary for everyone to know your story?


Still No


Just because you said please, doesn’t automatically make it a reasonable request.


Who’s Next?


They were so busy using people that one day they woke up and realized there wasn’t anybody left in their life to use.


Not You


You’re a dick, I don’t respond well to dicks, so move it along.


Passive One


If you’re counting on your faith alone to protect you, you’re in for a big surprise.


It’s Something?


Negative attention is still attention and sadly some people will take that.




I’ll take my half out of the middle please, I don’t like to share.


Get Along


I’m not here to better my circumstances, I’m here to simply exist.




How don’t I get some of that action?




Let me look that up in my sloppily written and order less notes.




I didn’t know you could be smart and stupid at the same time.  I just didn’t know that was a thing?


Drop It


The creator of the theory that you’re pushing was discredited long ago and your proof as to why their theory was proven right is based on ignorance.   This doesn’t pan out other than in your delusional mind.




If life was as simple as you’re trying to claim, we’d all be a lot happier.




It’s terrible to watch when your children leaves to start their life and wonder if you’ll ever see them again.  With no idea what the world has in store for them.




If you give a person a fish, you feed them for a day.  If you teach them how to fish, they eat for life.  I think in that case I’d starve.


It Continues


I can’t stop living my life because my children have left to live theirs.




People have strong political opinions, why?  It all disappoints in the end.


Perhaps Never?


I was thinking that I meant to do that, but then there are many things I meant to do over the years that just never happened.


Never Ending


They have a lot more stupid to say, so stay tuned.


The Loudest Loses


So you’re criticizing them for being knowledgeable and well informed in their field?  While you’re not and your rebuttal is to scream at the top of your lungs and not really add anything intelligent to the conversation, and yet, you still believe your right?


Closed Off


I’d open my mind, but I don’t want to let the moths out.


A Little Less


Every time I go to a family funeral, there is one less familiar face there.


Dream Land


If you want to ignore a proven reality, then enjoy your denial.


Still Moronic


Just because you got away with it, doesn’t mean it’s still not a stupid idea.




I’d like to help them, it’s just that they won’t let me.


It Fits?


You talk with such certainty about your views.  Too bad you only believed the research you found that supported them and disregarded the rest as a big conspiracy.




Your beliefs are not my beliefs and that matters, why?




Rules can be considered guide posts, not absolutes, depending on the situation.


Short Term


When you shit into a latrine, it leaves little opportunity to examine it.




I won’t say it’s dirty, I would say it’s rustic.


Don’t Ask Me


I know where everything isn’t.


Never Started


My work here isn’t completed.




I would never do that, it’s above me.


Not so Much


Oh yeah, I forgot, you’re a great genius aren’t you?




I drove by a used car lot the other day and they had a sign on one of the cars stating, “Priced To Sell”, well duh.  If they didn’t price it to sell they won’t be in business very long.


Be More


Is giving your unsolicited opinion on random subjects all that you’re about?

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