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Book online «Musing Of A Would Be Hermit by Sixto Ofnine (dar e dil novel online reading .txt) 📖». Author Sixto Ofnine

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Listen Up


I’m the only one in the room with something worth saying and I don’t understand why everybody doesn’t know that?




They’re the most uninteresting person alive and we should be grateful for that.


Look Harder


If you’re trying to figure out why something is going wrong, don’t be tempted to put it all under one heading.  Dig deeper, there’s usually multiple reasons it’s happening.




That’s not a problem; that is just an idiot spouting off.



Don’t You See It?


People who believe that only they can “see” the conspiracy, need some serious help to bring them back to a more realistic reality.


Not Apart


They don’t hate them for who they are, they do for all they represent.


Built On Fantasy


If you say it enough, you’ll come to believe it’s true, even when there’s still no evidence that it every actually existed.




The reason we came here is long gone, perhaps it’s time we are too?


No One


Why does everybody have to have a label?  Can’t they just be?


Yes You


We all have to work within the confines of the system we’re in, with few exceptions.


Try It


Sometimes two hands are required.


Their Turn


They play upon your ignorance to get what they want, so why not turn the tables and play upon their ignorance and then just ignore them.




You still on that?  Everyone else has moved on, perhaps it’s time you did too.  For your beginning to act like a cult.




No matter what I do, I’m destined to be alone and this situation is just one more brick in that wall. 


Not So Much


Rights are an illusion of those in power who let us think we have them. 


Not Productive


People don’t believe they’re wasting time in what they’re doing.  They are thou. 


Bad Idea


Self-medicating to try and prevent a virus, can be as bad as getting what you’re trying to avoid. 


In The Future?


I will get to that , not today, but maybe this year or next. 




What you’re doing is never going to appeal to everybody, you just hope it appeals to somebody. 


My Way


Sometimes to get things the way that you want , you have to do it yourself.




*They Command It!


*Who Commands It?


*The Only One That Really Matters!


Real Use


The purpose of money is to spend.




Let them waste their lives arguing over what they think I meant by what I perhaps stated. 


Best Of


They’re not a great person, but rather a good one, for that is by far a harder thing to be. 


iLL tHought oPinion


I don’t comprehend what I’m reading, but I’ll still give you my opinion just the same. 


It Happens


You have to consider the collateral consequences of your decision. 




I need to go somewhere that human noises are a rarity, not a given. 


Let It Go


They think they’re protecting a way of life that has already come to an end.  Once gone, you can’t return. 


So Stated


The lady of the house has returned, so the toilet seat shall always be down.  It has been declared! 


If Only


The problem with weather forecasting is that weather isn’t listening to the weather forecaster. 


Open Eyes


I wish I could so blindly believe the way you do. 


Truly Bad


The things they’re saying smells worse than a heavily used, unmaintained 20 year old out house. 


You Never Know


My brother in law recently passed and I was asked to help clean out his house.  He worked from home and while cleaning his office I hit his mouse and the computer can back to life.  It was still on the last thing he was working on.  He probably thought he’d get back to that, so didn’t close it out.  It was kinda sad.


Yes Master


I wonder what it’s like to be in a cult where you blindly believe everything the leader says, no matter how outrageous it is and question none of it. 


Lack Of


They only released what they thought was the important part of the video.  It showed the version of what they wanted us to see.  They did not want us to see the whole video, since it would go against their message.




You have no clue as to what we do or how we do it.  But you find it necessary to give us advice on how to do it anyhow?  So apparently you came here to sound stupid, because if you did: Mission Accomplished! 


I’m Louder


So when you believe you’re right, when clearly not, your response to anyone who challenges your beliefs is to shout them down, so you don’t have to listen.




You want to create a highly effective sleep aid?  Then write the story of my life.  Come to my Cabin In the Woods and I’ll help you with it, that is if you can stay awake. 


What They’ll Say


When my father passed, his obituary was titled, “A Life of Teaching”.  When I die mine will be titled, “A Life of Randomness.”


Over Achiever


We all make bad decisions, thing is, you’ve been excelling at it lately. 




It’s not sad to die alone, it’s only sad if no one notices.


Doesn’t Matter


Same shit, just a different flavor. 


a Hand full?


I have a huge following, you would need less than one hand to count them all.




They’re not the majority, they’re the minority that thinks they’re the majority.  They just can’t come to grasp the realization that the majority wants to be heard. 


Why Not


What did you just do?  I did what pleases me!  Today’s attitude. 


Not Happening


I’m not going to compound one mistake by making the same mistake again, illogical. 




Just because you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean it isn’t the correct one. 




I have faith!  I have complete faith that what you are spewing is bullsh*t! 


Built To Last


My body is a temple, I’m always eating to build it bigger. 


Don’t Want To


I intellectually understand why they did it, but it still doesn’t mean I have to emotionally like it. 


Two Wrongs Equals Wrong


You can sit there in your position of ignorance and accuse us of whatever you want.  Thing is, that doesn’t make you correct. 


Middle Ground


Nobody is 100% right all the time and their opposition isn’t always wrong.  Once they come to realize that, then we can work out a compromise. 


Pay Back


It’s interesting to watch someone get mad that another isn’t taking care of their situation as fast as they’d like, but they block out how they did the same thing to that other person previously.




It’s one of those theories that nobody truly understands but everyone will argue about all the same. 


Two Way


If you have come here to preach at me, save your breath.  However if you’ve come here to have a discussion.


No Fuss


I don’t make grand announcements.  I don’t issue proclamations.  I just get down to work and fix it. 


Move On


We can only run with what we got.  Wishful thinking won’t get us there. 




Religious freedom is a good thing as long as everyone believes the way I do. 


Spinning Wheels


I wouldn’t really call it a step forward, but rather a step in the stationary or sideways progress if you prefer. 




I have no problem waiting for you to decide, but you gotta do it soon, I won’t wait forever. 




Keep it simple, but unfilled, so you know that life has limits. 


After You


I decided to be as considerate as you’re not. 




Wow!  They have standards with their ill-conceived ideas.




I trust you.  I trust you to do whatever you think is best for you and to disregard the rest of us.


Come Back


It’s time to move on since your fantasies are never going to become a reality. 




I care, it’s just that they don’t allow me to follow through. 


Look After


You should always start backing your car up, before, you actually look.  That’s after all the intelligent way to do it. 


Blah, Blah


They are full of useless information. 


Here I Come


I’m walking imperfection, get used to it! 


Out Of Hand


Having an addiction in and of itself is terrible.  Worse when your source has dried up and you can’t placate it. 


I Got It


If you have a common first name and you still feel the need to spell it out for people, you may perhaps be arrogant. 




Their like a freaking rabbit, they hop from one thing to another, with no order or structure. 


Not Centered


They are many things to many people, but nothing to themselves.




It’s amazing how you can go from the top of the pile to the bottom with just one ill-conceived decision. 


Me First


So let me clarify, you got mad at me for doing that to you, but it’s perfectly ok for you to do the same to everyone else? 




I have no problem with the concept of religion in itself, it’s the followers that I take issue with.


Self Service


It’s not rude to ring a bell for service if it’s there.  But it’s rude to bring your own bell. 


Reverse Please


I don’t get a lot of credit when credit is due, but I am saddled with a lot of ass(u)mptions.


Effort Required


Oh poor inconvenienced you, you’re actually required to put out some effort to get what you want, no free pass. 


Don’t Repeat


Just because someone else did it wrong, doesn’t mean I’m going to follow them down that same rabbit hole willingly.




Yeah I got it, I’m going to burn in h@ll, well at least I have something to look forward to. 


Look At Me!


It doesn’t even occur to them how much their self-centeredness is an inconvenience to them getting anything done, because they can’t possibly consider how badly they’re treating the other people around them. 




They screamed at the business owner that they will never use their business again and then stormed out, the owner signed, “Thank God!” 


Get Real


You’re fighting against a reality that’s a losing proposition, for fantasies never win.


A Safe Place


I was exhausted from pushing against the wind, so I found

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