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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Read books online » Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖

Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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at history is that human behavior has continued to be what it was millenniums back in most respects and that is why finding its trace in historicity can help us find the elements of continuity. The simple reason for this hypothesis is the fact that human body-mind mechanism remains the same and the external milieus have changed but with loads of continuity and similarities in the past many millenniums. We take a look.

There are so many infamous, cruel and inhumanly tales from history, which tells us how calamitous human consciousness can be and how disastrous cultures may become if the critical element of innate and entrenched Information is ‘misrepresented’ and depraved ‘metaphors’ are created by the scammed Media of consciousness. It is documented in the history of humanity that thousands of years back, some ancient human tribes had the horrifying ritual of beheading the most beautiful woman of the tribe or village as sacrifice to propitiate, what they accepted as ‘Angry God’, when there was a moon or sun eclipse. Why?

This is classic case of human consciousness processing disastrously some innate Information from external milieu. We all know now that lunar or solar eclipse is a natural phenomena occurring because of the movement of earth, sun and moon. The ancient humans having no access to right and true Information created a ‘metaphor’ of the innate Information by accepting that some deity was angry. As new physics urge us to situation the ‘observance’ in an alternative and novel way to ‘position’ ourselves appropriately vis-à-vis the Information; we ask the question, which seems the most appropriate positioning – Why ancient humans had this ‘vitiated cognition’ that eclipsed moon or sun was ‘symbol’ of anger? Why they did not symbolize it as ‘happiness’ of deity? Moreover; even early humans could see so many changes happening in nature everyday and there was enough ‘reason’ and Information to visualize or imagine something good, positive and not so ‘untoward’ about the eclipse. Why it could not happen? The next question is why a sacrifice of killing a woman and that too the most beautiful of the tribe?

The answers may be only probabilistic as we sure do not have the exact Information about a situation thousands of years back. However, we can recreate the scenario by interpolating and extrapolating available facts. From the history itself we know that ancient tribal community was led by a patriarch, who essentially was a warrior with little inclination to thoughtfulness, very similar to our contemporary political tribe. This chieftain was advised and guided in matters of knowledge and wisdom by a priest or cleric of some shade, who claimed to ‘Know’ and ‘interpreted’ Information from external milieus and even internal milieus of body-mind. The common men and women essentially followed what the cleric believed and the chieftain ordered. It is therefore somewhat reasonable to accept that ‘God’s Anger’ interpretation could not be a collective cognition but an individualistic one or at best, an oligarchic one.

We can also hypothesize rather easily why the oligarchy fell for ‘Anger’ interpretation? We very well know the current political tribe and its oligarchic comrades still do the same, even thousands of years after this all. The oligarchy of that time very naturally wanted to install and preserve high elements of ‘Fear’ in the common masses as it rightly served their personal purpose of ruling the tribe. This the current political tribe still does and does it with better artistry. The masses are always easy to be disciplined and handled with least chances of any rebellion against the ruling oligarchy if they are constantly made to believe and accept that there is a looming threat of survival on masses and only the ‘leadership’ or ‘chieftain’ can save them from an imminent disaster. That is probably why, the poor God had to be ‘Angry’. Somehow, the depraved and authoritarian oligarchy of humanity makes all efforts to keep the God in perpetual ‘Anger’ and the ‘Fear-Empire’ is kept intact and flourishing.

It is however easy to understand why a woman had to be killed and offered as propitiation to the angry God. The depravity and ingenuity of human consciousness as a Scammed Media is not new. It still prevails in more intense and complex ways. The priest or the chieftain could very easily sense that most humans of the tribe wanted this most beautiful woman to be their ‘property’. Sex is such powerful, innate and entrenched Information that it always dominated human subconscious choices. This most beautiful young woman sure could have been an element of ‘conflict’ and even strife in the otherwise ‘peaceful’ tribe. Killing her and offering her to the angry God was very natural and politically appropriate. Moreover, it was innate ‘imagination’ that as most humans want ‘something’, their God would also. Human consciousness works this way. The ‘thoughtfulness’ and metaphor-building artistry is restricted by the Information available to the brain states and it already has a pathway for. Therefore, God of humans must also be ‘keenly interested’ in the most beautiful young woman whom all humans ‘wanted’. Killing her also served ‘societal’ purpose.

The important point here, which we must not miss out, is the aspect of language and communication associated with it. Consider a human community of a few dozen men and women, in the distant past, when languages were not evolved and humans could communicate at best with some growling or gurgling sound symbols or the primitive sign language. It would probably have been almost impossible for the chieftain and cleric to execute their plan killing the most beautiful woman on eclipse. Why? It has to be understood and accepted that the entirety of the ‘event’ from start to finish required loads of ‘intent-transfer’ and ‘content communication’, apart from the convincing logic to so many humans of the tribe. It is not difficult to visualize that such detailing and such complexities involved in the conceptualization, propagation, conviction, mobilization and execution of a rather big and important ‘event’ like killing the most beautiful woman of the tribe for propitiation of an ‘angry’ deity could be possible only when there was this exclusive availability and facility of evolved language. Probably; only the artistry of linguistic proficiency and skill has the mastery to ‘engineer and manage’ such complicated tasks of conceptualization, propagation, conviction, mobilization and execution, etc of a ‘representation’ of Information. If we accept this probability, we have our hypothesis standing true and right that languages were the critical emergent element in evolution, which had its huge entropic influence on consciousness. The cyclicality of consciousness and languages influencing each other in dialectical progression only augmented the entropic propensities and now we have its massive role in vitiating and degrading the human life-living, cultures and human systems.

We can argue now that there could have been alternative and novel options even to those ancient humans, who had little or no knowledge of so many Realities, which we now know. We can insist that even when God was ‘angry’, there could have been better ‘offerings’, other than killing and the God could still be ‘happy’. The options no doubt can always be so many. There always are so many permutations and combinations of probabilities well within the interplay of available Information. However, what we are deliberating here is how human mind consciousness understands and accepts the elements and causalities of innate Information and how the consciousness itself creates causalities. We hypothesize this particular propensity of the human consciousness because we clearly see the continuity of the same cognition and same causalities still working in contemporary human societies and cultures, even when we have clear knowledge of most Realities. In many human societies and cultures, propitiation of deities during and after solar and lunar eclipse is still practiced, even when most ritual doers very well know that humanity has landed on moon many years back and what it is. The continuation is not subjective to availability of right and true Information but it is dependent on and influenced by the transcendental causality of ‘Fear’ and survival threat, as perceived by consciousness, especially the subconscious mind.

The idea, which the above example conveys to us, is very useful in understanding the current troubles of human life-living, cultures and other human systems. We shall be better off if we detail this aspect in short with a comparison of past and present. When we see, understand and accept how and why the ‘Causalities of Consciousness’ grossly represent Reality, by creating a vitiated and even calamitous ‘Metaphors’ of the innate and entrenched Information. As this is mechanismic and procedural to the way brain states and mind consciousness works, it happened thousands of years back, sill happens and shall continue to happen, if we do not consciously intervene and install an alternative and novel mechanism.

Now we sum up the discussion and arrive at the summary of what we have deliberated so far in this chapter. This we shall do with some examples so that our understanding is clear and vivid. The central issue to our discussion is that human life-living and cultures requires an alternative and novel perspective and cognition to divest them of their current troubles. As the new physics tells us to approach Reality from a new perspective; we have to consider very seriously that we must not accept human life-living and cultures from the viewpoint of perceptible and explicit physicality. Human life-living, cultures and human systems must now be understood and accepted from the novel and alternative perspective of Information. New millennium humanity requires this alternative Physics of imperceptible, implicit and non-physical emergent Information to have a relook at life-living, cultures and human systems. Everything is essentially Information and this approach helps us better to understand what the human consciousness is and how it works.

From our above deliberations, we have hypothesized that at the core and centrality of all probable realities, which life-living, cultures and human systems perceives and cogitates, are ‘emergent’ properties of Human Consciousness. This human consciousness is the God; it is equally the Devil. This human consciousness is the probability of prosperity; equally the prospect of calamities. This human consciousness is potentially a Super Human element; equally the worst element of ghastly animalism. This human consciousness is the blossoming Castle of Compassion; equally the vast Ocean of Cruelty. Therefore, humanity requires to invest its best of resources and energies on what we earlier deliberated as Higher Consciousness. The higher consciousness, understood from the new physics cognition of Information, is the alternative and novel way out of current troubles of life-living, cultures and human systems.

Next, we need to discuss briefly how humanity stands today to facilitate this required investment and focus on Higher Consciousness. We just outline some of the probable avenues. The details of the idea can be very easily worked out by so many brilliant humans in our contemporary world.






Probable Methodology of Alternative Reality…


Very early, in the beginning itself, we talked about Optimization of Potential as the sole generic purpose of every human and also insisted that societies and cultures must always ensure every possible facilitation for potential optimization. This is not a philosophy or idealism, we can brush aside as a pipedream and impractical probabilism. It is for sure that from personal experiences and even intuitive thinking, any aware person can say that sound Media and good Milieu are the bare basic need of humanity and they are very much possible. It has happened in past and also happening at some places in contemporary world. In fact, this attainment is what the society, cultures and other human systems were created for thousands of years back.

We all know that majority of crimes, wrongs and mistakes happen when a person is either personally in bad shape of body-mind or his or her ambient milieu is not conducive to a poised life-living. It is not a hypothesis but a reality that for majority of people, goodness; or at least neutral behavior may come natural to them but almost always, they fall to bad and wrong, falling prey to

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