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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
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precarious circumstances; some times of their own making, sometimes inflicted upon them by milieus. If you visit any normal prison and check out the data of inmates, you shall find this reality as true. It is therefore a rather pragmatic idea to accept that human excellence is not something different from other species of animals. Most animals also need the same – Sound Healthy ‘Media’ of body-mind and Facilitative external ‘Milieus’.

It is however a tragedy that even after 10,000 years of settled and consequent civilized-cultured life-living, more than 80 percent of contemporary humanity of 7.5 billion people do not get the bare basic of the two key requisites essential for Human Dignity and peaceful life-living. This is the worst background of Reality, which poses a huge challenge, as we think of having an alternative and novel model and methodology of humanity and human systems for higher and novel purposes. How can we possibly talk of Higher Consciousness and nobler purposes led by it?

Talk to a man in a hospital bed, struggling to survive his pain and debilitation, about how you can make him a better person and ensure better life-living. He will not listen to a single word; rather he will keep asking for help to get cured and be able to go home. Survivalism is every human’s primary instinct and if mass majority of humanity is still waging daily life battles to optimize survival potentials alone, how could we think of optimization of his or her consciousness and general life-living? How can such a Dead Culture, where such an inhuman reality still persists, even think of having average men and women behave and act sensibly? The man-made jurisprudence can acquit a person’s wrong admitting the culpability of his or her genetic disposition but the same jurisprudence shall extend no reprieve to an accused if his or her pathetic milieus and untrained consciousness led him or her to commit a wrong. It is cyclic. Settled and sound people create good cultures and infuse potential in societies. In turn, good cultures and high potential societies create milieus for sound and high potential men and women. This model and methodology is working perfectly in some parts of the world, where the political tribe is knowledgeable, responsible; general level of resource equitability is high and depravity has not eroded human potential for good life.

As we are beginning to talk about Higher Consciousness and alternative and novel purposes for life-living, we surely cannot be blind to the massive challenges the average humanity faces even today for survival and dignified life-living. As we have talked previously, the primary and unputdownable need for entire humanity is to be in singular Presentness and Contemporaneousness of Timeline. This idea very much includes the bare basics of sound Media and facilitative Milieu. All humans must be at the bare basic presentness and contemporaneousness of the two essential elements. This can then be the launch pad of next level of higher purposes through the emergent agency of Higher Consciousness.

We have also insisted all along that all goals of humanity can be possible if we optimize human potential through the Presentness and Contemporaneousness of Information. Knowledge alone can facilitate every goal and purposes. The knowledge however has to lead humanity, as against the contemporary cultures, where even basic and genuine Information is not available to mass majority and leadership is in the hands of depraved and mediocre political tribes and their ilk.

In the new millennium, our singular and last hope is the immense and cathartic power of Information and its Emergent Causalities. No doubt, the immensity of potential of Information in human world is also loaded with higher than ever entropic propensities and their own cataclysmic causalities. But then; this is how evolution works. Evolution probably thrives on entropic energies and sporadic but impacting changes, amid the usual linearity of progression of step-by-step changes. The Information revolution, which humanity has unleashed in new millennium has the Potential, which can work either ways – it can destroy everything or create something novel and afresh. We shall touch upon this idea as we delve into our listed priority of detailing the alternative and novel methodology of new Reality for Humanity in this chapter.

What we intend to talk about here is a possibility, despite the overall debilitation of contemporary human Media and Milieus, of Higher Consciousness being able to install and persevere at least some qualitative changes for better life-living. This we list as two-way possibility –

Higher Consciousness facilitating the Input of quality and quantity of True and Right Information, so that the Media of Consciousness has better personal-subjective cognition. This may then help keep the ‘Media’ in better shape and form to handle life-living challenges. As we have hypothesized, most people fall into bad and wrong decisions and choices because they either have very little Information, or they have little wherewithal to make distinction between fake-fudged Information and True-Right ones. Higher Consciousness facilitates things on both aspects. This is the domain of change in Cognition.

Higher Consciousness preparing a person and its ‘Media’ of consciousness to consciously strike an Informed and Free-Willed connect, causality and context with external Milieu. We have already talked about how most average persons, in their intuitive thinking and instinctive behavior get hooked up to an auto-mode reactionary relationship with their milieus and commit to troubles. The higher consciousness may change this reactionary causality and rather install an alternative contextual relationship of Media with Milieus. We know, an individual is too insignificant to change the Milieu. However, every individual is Free and Endowed to detach itself from those causalities of the external and internal milieus, which have wrong and bad impact on his or her life-living. This is the core and cardinal philosophy of Buddhism and Yoga.

Therefore, what we wish to arrive at is this twin probability of change in contemporary humanity and human systems. First set of changes has to happen in personal and individual domain as here, the attainment of Higher Consciousness shall be a personal enterprise. This shall be facilitated by a generic understanding of the Idea of Information and its critical role in life-living. We shall need to ‘Unlearn’ our intuitive understanding and acceptance of Self or ‘I’ and learn the non-intuitive novelty of accepting Self from the alternative perspective of Information. This generic knowledge also includes the artistry of how to seek and access the Right and True Information. Then, there is this crucial domain of specific understanding of how to use the wider Information to engender alternative and novel metaphors for higher purposes of life-living.

The second set of changes has to happen in external milieus, where science has to take lead and create such novel technical support system, which could facilitate a person’s quest for attaining higher consciousness in a definitive way. Contemporary science is fast evolving in many critical domains of knowledge and may be in very near future, within decades, it can engender an alternative and novel protocol and devices that shall be helpful in not only qualitative Information dissemination but also filtering fake and fudged Information. Science sure has the ability to come up with such novel handy interface with high-end technology, like smart phones and other sensorial Artificial Intelligence devices, which could facilitate higher cognitive abilities of top brain layer to attain smoother and faster higher consciousness goals.

We have been talking about the potential of humanity and cultures not being facilitative enough to optimize them. Probably, the most glaring example of this gap between potential and actual is manifested in the area of science and society. If we stand science and its marvelous attainments in the last few decades of the new millennium on the one hand and then compare it with how much this scientific Information and knowledge has percolated and got internalized in societies, we can very clearly see there is a calamitously huge gap between what science potentials for humanity and what human societies have bothered to imbibe and avail. This must change in the new alternative culture of humanity in the coming years. We have clearly seen, how depraved and mediocre political tribes made the hell out of the troubles during Covid pandemic owing to their unscientific and populist attitudes, as scientific potential was not assigned its due leadership position. Those societies, where scientists worked in perfect sync and symmetry with political leadership, they successfully controlled the pain and devastation caused by Covid pandemic.

The new millennium, we are living in, is full of scientific potentials. The sad part is that all these potentials are very poorly invested and nurtured in societies and cultures. The contemporary cultures are still dominated by commercial, political and faith related stupidities and hypocrisies. Scientific Information has no takers. Somehow, the reach and accessibility of scientific information is also precarious. In contemporary human world, science and its objective Information alone should be the singular benchmark for shaping societal rights and wrong, good and bad. All human systems must run on the basis of science alone and not faith-commerce-politics. And, when we say ‘science’, it does not mean the discipline or subject of science but this mind consciousness of objectivity, non-intuitiveness, logicality, skepticism, rationality, verifiability, measurability, etc. Even the current scientific potential is good enough to correct most troubles of societies, cultures and individuals. The coming decades however shall unleash such potentials for science, which humanity can benefit tremendously. The field of Consciousness is one of the frontier areas of scientific potentials in future. We humbly list some of them and how humanity can benefit.

There are some areas of scientific knowledge, where human potentials for growth augment exponentially. These areas then lend support to related domains of scientific advancements. Contemporary human knowledge is advancing exponentially in the domains of artificial intelligence, neuroscience and probably also in biology. Somehow, probably only recently, there has emerged an assimilation of these frontier sciences and the cooperative initiatives are likely to yield better potentials in future. The most mesmerizing however is the huge advancements in artificial intelligence and data computing technologies. This sure has the potential to lend big support to other fields of human knowledge.

Already, scientists are claiming that within a decade, they may be able to have the Singularity in artificial intelligence domain. This means, humanly designed machines can very nearly simulate a human brain. This is brilliant. The flip side of it and its probable calamitous causalities are another aspect, about which we have hinted at. We are not into it as we all know; human potentials are always susceptible to high entropic propensities. What we look at is the brilliance of scientific knowledge. We all know, human brain is a hugely complex information processing system. A man-made machine equaling the processing potentials of human brain is major achievement. It definitely opens up gates of many brilliant probabilities.

A rather interesting potential of the frontier technological advancement of artificial intelligence may be the simulation of human brain and computational mapping of consciousness, as the emergent holographic imagery. The Information, which pathways through different layers of human brain and creates ‘representations’ of Realities, through massive patterns of assemblage of neural plexuses, may very well be possibly mapped successfully. This at least can provide a close simulation of the Reality of Information processing of brain states and the basics of the emergent properties of Consciousness. This may be a huge leeway in modeling some fundamental programming, for the artificially created brain to engender novel and alternative goals and purposes.

For example, the new technology and its human interface probably can map the current Consciousness of a person, feeding relevant information data and simulating the holographic imagery of that person’s probable behaviors and actions. This function probably can provide an alternative method to facilitate those roles, which a human brain should and could ideally do. The most cherished role, as we have been discussing currently, is what the Higher Consciousness of a person is supposed to do. The artificial intelligence can create an interface of Higher Consciousness of a person. The alternative artificial brain of a person in a

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