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with their sins, because the people did not receive from Me the image of the godly nature.

Oh, what lessons of godly nature I have let upon for the people, but the people did not make use of this miracle, as I was the incarnated miracle of God into the man, and then I became the way for the people to the kingdom of My Father, Who testified Me from heaven as His Son in the time of My baptism through John.


… But you, My disciple of nowadays, remember My speaking with the one who tempted Me asking Me: «Lord, is it right for a man to leave his wife?». Do you see what he wanted to ask Me? I answered him according to his question, as his question was from the flesh and nature, if he asked something like this. I answered him referring to the law, as he had in his mind to catch Me as a law transgressor, and I told him: «What did Moses tell you?». And he went on and I also went on reminding him of God’s order from the very clean beginning. He said that «Moses allowed a certificate of divorce to be written, and to divorce her». And I answered him pointing it to the hardening of the hearts of those for whom this law was written, as the law is not written for those who work justly, but for those who work lawlessness; as for those that are lawless it is a special law, that is more tolerant with the lawlessness so that the man may not lose up to the end, man.

I answered to the tempter, to the one that was from the flesh, to the stiff-necked, and said that it was not so from the beginning, and I told him that the law came during the time of the hardening of the man’s heart. I told him that from the beginning of the creation, God made male and female, and the two will be become one flesh, as it was in the beginning. First, there was one body, and after that it was made another one, and that one became male and female into a union as in the beginning. And what do you say that that tempter understood? I tell you what he understood; as he perceived the things in a fleshly way and not in a heavenly way, as the wisdom that comes from the flesh is the law upon the flesh, and the law condemns the spirit and draws it to the flesh and to the fleshly wisdom, and the tempter could not catch Me with this word, as he did not understand My speech from the beginning either. But the wisdom from the beginning has worked upon My disciples who were present and they understood My speaking in another way, in the good way from between the two ways of speaking upon two kinds of hearts. They understood how the work and the order in the beginning was and that the One, Who made the two one from the beginning, made them male and female, and they are not two but one, united with the Lord, and that is why what God has joined together, let no man separate.

The disciples understood the mystery from the beginning and said: «Lord, if this is the case of the man with his wife, it is no use for the man to marry». And I answered them that not all men could receive this saying, but only those to whom it was given. And I explained them the work of the cleanness of the nature and body and I added to them that some receive a godly nature even from their mother’s womb, and are born with it and live by it in the middle of the people, and they are, as the word say, eunuchs even from their birth. But be careful My children, that within this category of eunuchs, only very few of them are born this way to be workers of the kingdom of the heavens, as was Paul, the apostle, and many other godly tools. Be careful, as within this category of eunuchs it is something else; it is the work, which comes from the fleshly sins, sons. As far as the work of the eunuchs concerns, there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the love of the holiness of the nature and flesh, so that they may have the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven. The last are the true monks, according to the word that is interpreted in the church today, with a life of a eunuch[5]. These kind of people, both from among men and women, are and will be many together, and there are many men and women, as it was in the beginning from one. As the monk of today, who leaves the people to live as a monk, is fighting against his flesh, since he is hiding himself and leaves the way of the fleshly temptation, and that one has not made himself eunuch so that he may be the dwelling of the heavenly kingdom from the beginning; however, this mystery is something else, children of My people, as this work is the way and the life in which I have to put you, son, so that you may be a people of heavenly bodies, as in the beginning when the man and the woman were one. I would like you to be able to bear from now on this mystery that I have been telling you for a long time, but you have not been able to bear it in its entire secret meaning and deeply rooted in the ages of the heavens, for the root of this mystery has its thread from the beginning when the man was in Eden and when the Lord took the woman out of the man and made man and woman in one body, since from one body He made two. God’s hand made two bodies of one body and this body was called man and woman. (See also: Jakob Lorber - The Household of God Vol-I, r.n.)


That is why I said that I have tasted you to show your faith and wisdom that you have stayed with into this work for forty years, people with a holy name, as your name is My name that you wear while eating at My table of godly word. I have been coming down as long as forty years by word into Romania that My father engaged her to Me at My birth and her birth, to be My bride at My coming from now. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.)


I would come to you, loved people, to tell you from now the mystery about Romania, but even now you cannot bear it, and I wait a little longer. Not even My mystery about you have you been able to bear, because you have not listen to Me, so that I may speak with you as in heaven and for you to understand what heaven means, and to understand it from now on. You could not listen to Me to become eunuch to be a dwelling of My kingdom within you; to become eunuch, you and your entire house and to start with you repairing the damage that arose because of the disbelief and the disobedience of the man from the beginning.


The man from the beginning did not believe that he would die if he took from those that I forbade, and it was reckoned to him as disbelief if he took, and from disbelief the man died by the sin of disobedience. If you had believed, Christian, all that I said to you from heaven, would have been now the heaven on the earth of this work, as it was in the beginning when death was not come upon man, and I would have worked for you a new heaven, a new earth and a new man, dressed into incorruption, and I would have offered My hand and to many through you. But because of your lack of humility, you did not receive grace, Christian, and you resisted as Peter did when I was working upon My apostles the mystery of My word about the kingdom of havens, which was made and created the very moment I became flesh being born as Man of the Virgin. This mystery did not tell you very much; the mystery about My birth from the Virgin, sent by My Father and from the Holy Spirit through the Virgin, to be also born of the flesh and to take upon Me the man’s nature, so that God may repair what the man has spoiled. Behold, My Father worked in the beginning, and He has worked again towards the end of the times by recreating the man from heaven; however, now He works again, wanting to bring every man to life by the work of the Holy Spirit in the Father and the Son through Whom everything was created. 


… Receive from Me a godly nature, My people, and let there be no division in your body, and be a strong body and whole in members and after the number of your members. Mind that it may not lack anything in your body. Let one of My people get up and declare the number of the members of Christ’s body, in Christ’s people and in Christ’s church.

Let you be born from above Christian, and receive a godly nature among the people; receive My power and show yourself to the people with Me. If you are sick and are not able to, behold, I heal you of everything that is harmful to you, and I no longer say: «Go and tell it no one», and rather I tell you: „Go and tell everybody about the Christ’s work which is with you”. Get up and proclaim Me, as you proclaim yourself, you near Me; to come to you and to show Myself that I am near you, and that the world may see you with Me, Christian of God’s kingdom.


I have many to forgive you, My people, as you were born in sins, as the union of the man with the woman, the union after the flesh is the sin, and the sin was not understood. The man is conceived in sin; the man is born of sins, and more, he brags about this, and he does not do as David did, who broke his heart down thinking at his sins; however, the human nature was born in Adam after he violated the commandment, that is, the fleshly and sinful nature, children. Since then I have always been watching over the man, to create an opportunity of repairing the damage, as I have a heart to leave My work spoiled in the man.


I am the New Man, the First Man born of the Father before the ages, and I made the man in God’s image and after His likeness, God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and when I made another body from one, I worked as in heaven, and this is how We made two bodies from one. We did not work according to the man’s work and to the nature of the man’s body. And then, I am the Man born of man, that is of the Virgin who gave Me birth from the Holy Spirit, and this is God’s work, and it is not like man’s work; and again, the work of the man is not like God’s work, and that is why the man needs a work of repentance during all the time of his perishable body, until this body will be clothed with the work of

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