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the immortality by the reparation which comes from God. But I tell you that the Lord has already come with the work of the reparation of the damage, which comes from the fleshly man. (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.)


Well children, how did the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit create the man? Behold, this is a heavenly question. And then how was I given birth of a Virgin? I became Man from a Virgin, receiving the man’s nature, to show to the man that he can have a godly nature in his body. I was born of the man like you, man, to be your Savior by putting the sin to death and by condemning it in the flesh, so that the sin may no longer be in the body and so that the man may not be condemned forever. But does My work match yours? Does My repairing match yours? It does not, and you need repentance during all the time of your body. The Lord took the woman from Adam, and this body He called man and woman. The Lord took the man from the Virgin, so that the Lord might be with the people; so that the Lord may come down to the man and to lift him up into the heaven; and I have given the man birth from above. And by what did I give it to him? By faith in God, Jesus Christ, Who, by His birth from the man, repaired the work of man’s destruction; by faith in the Man, Who came down from heaven into the man.


I proclaim peace upon you. In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, heavenly peace upon My people with a holy name! Peace and uplifting, peace and repentance upon the heart of My people! Peace and humility, and not haughtiness, and not boldness without repentance.


My people, I will look upon you to see how you open to Me, and if you are not faithful and do not open to the Lord, however, I will pass through close doors and I will search you out to come to repentance. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the first martyr and archdeacon, Stephen, on 09-01-1994


I have always exhorted you not to take care at your body anymore, and to take care of the body for the Holy Spirit, for it is written that your body, Christian, is the temple of the Holy Spirit. And it is also written in the Scriptures that you, My Christian, are not yours and that your bodies which you stay in, have to be the dwellings of the Holy Spirit. Even if you want to say that Abraham or Elijah or David or the apostles ate milk and meat and butter, you should no longer say so from now on, and rather think well what you say and search well what you mean for them, for the heaven and for the age to come now, which is being prepared by you, Israel of the last obedience. With you it is something else. You should fulfill what they did not fulfill, what it remained to be fulfilled for the returning to Eden, where the death shall be cast out and when all the unfulfillment of those by you shall be forgiven through you, for you fulfill what remained to be fulfilled. Do not be led astray with the Holy Scriptures that you keep into your front, and be careful that the Holy Scripture is the Holy Spirit; it is not flesh and nature, even if urges are found in it for those without the order of the holiness, without the power of the God’s love. It is in it the law for the people, so that the people may be led up to the holiness condition, but God’s sons raise above the law, so that they may pass to the holy condition from the beginning.


In the time of the apostles, a time that left us with orders and work upon the church in the Scripture; take a good look that the disobedient church of that time received the order by the apostles, after the condition of the church, but this does not mean that you should do the same, you who are obedient, as those who did not listen and for whom there were written orders by the apostles. What are you doing when you read the book about young widows that Paul exhorted to marry? And why did the apostle Paul want these to get married after their husbands’ death? Because he did not want them to commit fornication without law, Christian, for they did not choose the clean life in Christ, and they had to remain under the law, as on that time, neither the Jews and nor the apostles, understood enough that the law could not have the man for Christ. The apostles understood it, but they could not sufficiently perceive with the new ones upon the old ones, so suddenly, for there was callousness; and the Jews that came to become Christian and who were used to the law, could not understand it. But you, Israel of today, you should understand that My labor is coming to an end and I need to have a people like the holy heaven. This way, and do not stagger for I ask you to be like the holy heaven, as the Jerusalem from above is, the Jerusalem through the grace, and which won by grace the Jerusalem from above, as it was proclaimed the promise upon Abraham.


Listen to My voice, Israel; listen to My counsel, Israel, for you are chosen for holiness; you are not after the flesh; you are chosen for those which are to be above the flesh, son. Do not take after those in My people who did not want to fulfill those that were prophesied even from the time of Verginica’s body. I told you today that it was the most beautiful and holiest Passover and the holiest day of the resurrection in your life with Me, Israel. I speak of those which did not give up those that are established for this time being, from now on and until My coming in the clouds, Christian. (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.). Now it remains to see what I should do with those that spat on the requested establishment for the time which we reached at with the ages of the heavens. I, the Lord, will remember of those who have the name declared by the heaven by this prophecy, and I will search into the flesh and stone, and I will shake up every house of the Christians which have the witness of this prophecy, and I will put the question: „Why did you leave the Lord, you house of Israel, in order to worship the idols of your body and of the evil age?” (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross”, r.n.). I will turn with their faces to Me, those who heard from the Lord and spat on the words brought by Me to be fulfilled, for I brought them to be lived in you, children of this prophecy.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s resurrection, on 01-05-1994



… And you, who will be called out to help the Lord with His work, do not sit in the counsel of the rebellious and do not hesitate to come to help the Lord. Others have left their families and come with Me. Others have left their brides, cleanly dressed, and left for apostleship with the Lord. I went in Cana of Galilee to a wedding and I turned the water into wine, and if the bridegroom saw the Lord of the miracles, he left his bride and went to be the Lord’s apostle; and he remained with Me and worked much for My kingdom upon the people. Behold, this is why I attended the wedding and it is not as the people have said.


I have spoken with those that I add to the counsel of Israel. I have spoken for those in the margin of this sheepfold, but now you will rebel, Christian guilty towards the heaven. Rebel Christian, if you choose this! Perhaps you want to go on the way of the weak sheep to shout that I am not the One Who tells you all these, and that there are some who spoil the God’s law. Go Christian, and say what you want but this is true, as Adam committed this sin in heaven, and you have been doing it for seven thousand years on the earth.


I did not bless the wedding and the wedding bed, and you will probably say that I come and spoil your law, but I was not supposed to multiply the creature this way from the beginning, but rather by the Holy Spirit and by the word. Instead of going together, you and I, as the bridegroom went to the wedding from Cana of Galilee, you say that I am not the Lord, Jesus Christ, the One, Who talks with you. If you say so, go and lose your mind, as this is what you want, for fear of not losing your fleshly desires. Everything will be taken from you so that you may not be burned with sin, but open the book and read and see how it was the punishment for Israel’s people for murmuring. You had better put your hand on the plow and look at God and take as love the Christian virtues that I had in the middle of the people, as some scholars left the teaching of the world and embraced the work of the merits, fleeing from the world and from its spirit and from the science of the world. Israel, you will be blessed, if you put My rebuke right in front of you, to choose the crown which comes by its work, as behold, I look well, and I will put overseers upon you, and I will give them from Me so that you may also have, you who choose the work of obedience.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saints kings Constantine and Hellene, on 03-06-1994.


Oh, Christians, your kingdom should not be from this world. The martyrs that are now the saints of the heaven, the apostles, and those who left the spirit of the world, understood this Scripture, and they used this world as though they were not using it. The man made out a law upon him, between man and man, and he is not free. Behold, now, at the end of the age, I can say with a freedom of word, that I have neither Caesar, nor Anna or Caiaphas, to hide from them anymore; I can say that it is hard for the man who marries, very hard, as such a man is bound; he is a slave and is not free; he is full of worries and it is very difficult for him. Behold, it is of no use for a man to marry, but who do you see any longer that understands My Scripture, which I handed it down through My apostles? There comes no profit from this law, and it is a law, children. Nothing good comes from this law, but only people from people, slaves from slaves, people without freedom on the earth, and the married man cannot be My servant; he cannot as he has many obstacles; many to bear on his way. Even you, My people, believed that it was possible. It is not possible son, it is not possible. I have

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