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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Twenty Four

Cat decided she couldn’t let it get to her and got to work. She still had all the CVs sitting on her desk she needed to go through, hoping to find just the right fit for Allison. One CV was from an employee currently working at Logan Holdings, she was young, only 19 but at present worked on the reception desk, on the ground floor. Cat lifted the phone hoping Tilly would pick up when she dialled the reception number. “Logan Holdings, Tilly speaking how may I direct your call.” “Tilly, this is Katherine from Allison Logan’s office, I just came across your CV, I was wondering if you could come and see me today? To talk about your interest in the roll.” Then Cat thought “Tilly does your direct supervisor know you applied?” “That’s great, oh yes! Katherine is it all right to call you Katherine or should I call you Mrs Logan now! Yes my supervisor, Mrs Pearson recommended I apply for the job.” Tilly said excited. Cat smiled “Katherine or Cat is fine, Can you ask Mrs Pearson then, if you can come to my office at 11am for a chat, it’s totally informal Tilly.” Cat reassured her. She had a feeling that Tilly, while young would be a great fit for Allison. After Tilly confirmed that she would and would sent a confirmation email once she had checked, Cat hung up. Looking at the rest of the CVs, Cat contemplated not looking at the rest until meeting with Tilly. Shaking her head it wouldn’t be fair, so she sent to work going over the rest.    Some time later Cat looked at her iPhone 1:17pm. Wow! she hadn’t realised it had gotten so late. Cat was hungry but just hadn’t had time so far, after going over all CVs and her meeting with Tilly, that in the end had included Allison. Cat smiled, just as she had thought, Allison had taken to Tilly straight away. Really talking to any one else would be a waste of time. She would talk to Allison tomorrow about getting Tilly to help Cat out and see how she went. Standing up Cat needed to use the bathroom then grab something to eat. Popping her head in Allison’s office Cat asked “Can I get you some lunch it’s after 1pm.” Allison looked up surprised  “Really!” Looking at her watch “If you don’t mind, that would be great. A sandwich would be fine, anything.” Smiling Cat nodded “Salad on wholemeal and a soda water?” “Please.” Allison agreed  “Ok, be back soon.” “Katherine, before you go, what do you think of Tilly, we didn’t get a chance after she left to talk.” “Allison, it’s really what you think . You’re the one that will have to work with her.” Cat reminded her Allison nodded “I know, you are right. There is just something about her, normally I would say she was to young.” Shrugging Allison went on “but I have this good feeling about her like I did you. I’m glad we interviewed her, how about we give her a two week trial.”  Smiling Cat agreed “I like her too, I’ll go now.”  Turning Cat picked up her bag from her desk and left the office, not finding Peters in the hallway, strange he had been there all day, maybe he was grabbing something to eat or him himself was on a toilet break. Shrugging Cat walked down the hall to the ladies toilets, Cat didn’t think it would hurt for her to go to the toilet while she waited on Peters to come back, she would be gone minutes. While she went to the toilet she wondered  how Eric’s and even Claudia’s meetings had gone this morning. She hadn’t even heard from Jo. Eric hadn’t called and Cat knew Jo would have told him. Opening the stall she stepped out ready to pick up her watch dog and go get lunch. She would worry about the rest later. Cat didn’t have time to defend herself as the metal bin that sat near the vanities came swinging at her head, knocking her back from the impact, her head then hit the side of the stall and pain from the double hit exploded in her head, crying out she fell to the floor opening her eyes to stare in shock  as a manic looking Claudia stood over the top of her breathing hard, still holding the bin. “You stupid fucking bitch, why did you have to start working here, you know he would have been mine.” Spittle was coming out of Claudia’s mouth as she spoke.  Insane! The woman had to be insane! Cat tried to stand but her head hurt and she felt sick, not only did her head hurt but she now realised she damaged her hand from the fall, that wasn’t the only thing, she had landed pretty hard when she had hit the ground and her left hip and bottom, from the collision with the tiled floor. Cat couldn’t get up.  Claudia moved around the room, mumbled to herself and faced Cat again “I bet your not even fucking pregnant, you lying little slut.” Cat couldn’t talk, she just couldn’t believe this was happening. This didn’t happen to normal people. Cat wasn’t sure if she should say anything to calm Claudia down or just keep quiet. Cat raised a hand to something wet running down her face, wiping it away, Cat looked at her hand, Blood! She was bleeding. Cat tried to prop herself up on the stall without using her left hand, laying that useless over her stomach, she had to protect her babies, lifting up her right leg, bending the knee and planting her foot on the floor, never taking her eyes now of the woman in front of her. Her eyes couldn’t focus and Claudia almost looked like a double image, she just needed to stay safe until someone found her. “You just couldn’t stand him with me, he was finally coming around. He didn’t need you anymore, maybe you are pregnant. Sluts like you always trick rich men to marry them. Maybe I should just cut that baby out of you.” Claudia dropped the bin, when the metal hit the floor, it made a huge noice that shot pain through Cat’s head, black spots appeared in front of her eyes, focused still on Claudia, she was scared to look away. Cat didn’t know if she had a choice, she knew she was fighting a battle she knew she couldn’t win, staying conscious. Claudia pulled a kitchen knife from the back of her skirt, it was about 6 inches long. Claudia took a step towards Cat, then stopped to look on the floor “Maybe I don’t need to cut the baby out after all, your bleeding. I’ll just kill you then for wrecking my life, you worthless slut.” Cat didn’t have time to look down to see if what Claudia said was true, the black spots increased in her eyes and she started to fall to the side. There was the sound of a door slamming against a tile wall and shouts and hurried footsteps, a woman screaming. Cat just wanted it to all go away. Why couldn’t everyone be quiet. Soft fingers touched the side of her face “Cat! Baby, please open your eyes.” His urgent voice urged. But she didn’t want to,  only wanted to sleep.  “Sir, it’s best not to move her until the medics arrive.” Another voice, calmer  “Cat! Please baby I love you! I have always loved you! Open your eyes. I’m sorry, so sorry. Please baby, let me see your beautiful green eyes.” His voice so remorseful Still urging her to come back to him. Cat tried she really did, but the pain and the blackhole she had sunk into wouldn’t release her. She could feel herself sinking deeper and the voices slipped away. Sometime later Cat became aware of laying on a bed, she wasn’t even sure she could open her eyes, she felt pain, and wanted to lift  her hand to her head but she couldn’t lift it, it was like her brain was sending the signal for her hand to move but her hand wouldn’t agree. Where was she? …it smelt like a hospital? She could hear noises like a hospital! Why was she in a hospital? The darkness took her again. Later still Cat didn’t know time, she just knew it was later, someone’s warm hand gripped hers on the bed, she fought so hard the squeeze the hand holding her, nothing! She tried to open her eyes but nothing worked. The pain, she could feel pain. Her head hurt and that wasn’t all, her side, left hip and also her hand that wasn’t being held. Why was she hurting. Cat couldn’t remember. She just wanted to wake up, but the blackhole of pain became too much and this time she didn’t want to go. Just before the darkness took her again, Cat was able to flick one of her fingers in the warm grip of another. 

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