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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Four

Cat didn’t speak for a few seconds as she just looked at the beautiful man in front of her mouth open... then realising what she was doing said almost mindlessly “Who?” “Mrs Logan, who else? This is her office isn’t it?” Came his sarcastic reply Cat quickly looked at her watch “I’m sorry sir but Mrs Logan had a lunch meeting and isn’t due back until around 2pm, is there anything I can help you with?” Cat replied sweetly there was no point being rude in return even though secretly she would love to knee him in the balls. Cat raised an eyebrow at him with a small smile. The man only then really looked at her for the first time since storming into the office, he took his sweet time taking in her red gold hair pulled back into a neat up do, her emerald green eyes and full lips set perfectly into her heart shaped face and everything else he could see from the desk top up... thank god she was sitting down. Cat knew what she looked like, she saw herself in the mirror every morning. Even trying to play down her looks had not stop the male attention she received even from a very early age, short of cutting and dying her hair mud brown and wearing glasses which she believed she would have to do to be taken seriously, plus her foster mother would kill her for even considering cutting let alone colouring her hair. So she had become used to the way she looked and the effect it had on the opposite sex. It didn’t mean she liked it. Turning her full attention back to the man standing in front of her desk now, she noticed his face had softened, his gaze heated and his eyes flicked to her left hand for a second checking, she was sure to see if she bore any rings indicating her availability to him, liking what he saw his lips turned up into a full watt smile Cat groaned inwardly “Hi, you must be new around here? sweetheart” He said as if butter would melt-in his mouth What did he think she was an easy half-wit? Cat silently cursed herself because she knew that when she opened her mouth it wouldn’t be nice but she just couldn’t help herself “I have a given name and it isn’t sweetheart, babe or honey! Now may I help you sir.” The man standing before her started to laugh. Cat frowned at him... well it looks like I made his day. Who did he think he was anyway! “Okay, sweetheart before you lose your temper which I’m sure goes with that red hair, I think I’d better tell you who I am...” he held his hand out towards Cat, which she took slowly still not trusting this man “ Eric Logan and you are Miss......” The instant their hands touched Cat got an electric shock which run through he entire body and a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach, this man made her uneasy in a way she had never experienced before. “Miss?” Eric prompted again. “Sinclair... Katherine Sinclair, I’m your mother’s new secretary.” Cat stated evenly not really sure how when she was shaking on the inside, she dropped Eric’s hand trying not to make a big deal out of it because this man made her feel uncomfortable and unsure of herself. She was going to have to keep away from this man because she didn’t like how she was feeling one bit. Plus from what Julie had told her today at lunch this man didn’t do long term. “That’s right mum’s old secretary made a complete spectacle and a bloody nuisance of herself during my visits...” Wow....boy was this guy was in love with himself or what, oops Cat hoped she hadn’t just said that out aloud sometimes she did that when emotions got the better of her but looking at his face she figured she was safe but from now on she would have to watch herself. Cat said nothing to his last comment and when on with “ Well Mr Logan, if there is nothing I can help you with Mrs Logan has left me plenty of work to do!” Silently adding, please go away.... He didn’t move, then asked “There is something you can do for me.” His smile was dazzling Cat raised an eyebrow at him feeling like she could guess what was coming but hoping she was wrong. “Yes, will you have dinner with me tonight?” “No” before adding “ thank you” not really sure why she was thanking him. He seemed genuinely surprised at her reply, probably used to getting whatever he wanted and women being no exception with his looks and money, well not in this case. “Tomorrow then” “No, thank you” “Any day this week” “No” her answer was shorter but no different to her last two answers hoping he would get the hint. He laughed as if this was a novelty to him “Sometime this year?” Cat didn’t reply  Smiling he said “Sometime this lifetime”........ The doorbell brought Cat back to the present, she slid off the bed and headed for the front door. “Yes?” Calling from her side of the wooden door. “Locksmith Miss Sinclair.” An unfamiliar man’s voice replied.  Cat signed in relief “ hang on...” Cat unlocked the door letting the locksmith in”... Hi, I want the locks changed on both the front and back doors and dead bolt put in as well please.” While the locksmith got busy she went about cleaning the townhouse, finding a few more things about that belonged to Eric and put them into the box in the bedroom. Closing the box up she sealed it writing his name and address neatly on the top and leaving it by the front door to give to Jo next time she saw her. Cat had never told her foster parents about Eric and he had never asked to meet them, Jack and Dawn were old school in their thinking, not that you had to be a virgin on your wedding night, what they didn’t believe in was casual sex, sex was part of a deeper relationship with the person you intend to marry.  They would see her relationship with Eric for what it was, dead end affair based on casual sex that wasn’t going anywhere, which was right on the money. Eric had no plans to marry her, he had been honest with her from the very beginning, that he wouldn’t give her forever commitment and not to angle for more. They would only stay together for as long as they both found enjoyment,  once it wasn’t there anymore they would move on. Cat had been happy in the beginning but she’d been less important to him than a lot of other things in his life, work being just one of them. Eric had became more distance and working harder. He didn’t call her anymore while travelling,  just saying when he returned there just hadn’t been time or the time zone had meant it was to late or to early.  Cat wanted children one day, she wouldn’t have them outside of married even in this modern time where women could have children on their own without the stigma or shame of being a single parent. It was for her own reason that the children she would one day give birth to would come within wedlock. Granted marriage was no guarantee but it still give a child security which she didn’t get until she moved into the Nelson’s household, love and security had come freely without strings attached. Cat decided then she wouldn’t give the box to Jo to pass onto Eric, she would mail it back to him, it was about time she ended this chapter of her life and moved on.  Now she just had to work out how she was going to get the B.M.W back to him because that wouldn’t fit into the box! 

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