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Book online «The Salem Trials by Amber Riel (bts books to read TXT) 📖». Author Amber Riel

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                   "Is this why they wanted me to work away from the town so I could not stop them?"                   

"I do not know and I do not understand, but try to forget about it.... I mean for now try to eat and not think about it please?"                   

Bowergaurd had appeared in the room. "The sun had set and I thought that I would check up on the two of you. The day is not something to worry about.... The night is when you have to worry." Amillet looked over at the ghost, while William just sat there not even bothering to look up at either one of them.                 "Two things that I have tell you two about this cottage. It is important to gaurd it to keep the evil spirits from taking over.... They can use the weapons to kill the living and that is why it is so important that you two make sure that none of those spirits get in here.... The other thing is that you two cannot leave this cottage. Well, the cemetery. Once the living set foot on the ground of the cemetery, whether day or night, they are stuck. There is a curse on this cemetery and it is important that you obey."                  

"What do you mean we cannot leave?" William asked, looking over at the ghost, who was next to the door.                  

"I am afraid that I cannot tell you." The ghost vanished without another word.                  

Amillet thought about Christian. She had to see him. "I have to go meet Christian."                  

"What?" William asked. "No. Amillet you heard him...."

It was too late; Amillet ran out of the cottage. William rushed out after her, making sure to close the door behind him. William chased Amillet out of the cemetery, when it started to grow dark for a storm and lighting struck. Then there....






                   It was now 2011, and a group of college kids where hanging out around an old cemetery in Salem, Massachusetts. They had heard stories about it being haunted but didn't believe it.                    Among the college students were three guys and three girls. One of the guys was tall and had somewhat long black hair which he wore in a ponytail. He had his arm around one of the girls. The girl was shorter than him and she had long black hair and wore glasses. They were one couple in the little group.                   

Another guy had short, brown hair and he held hands with a girl who had semi-long brown hair. They were another couple.                   

The next couple; the guy was a little bit talker than his girlfriend. He had bright blonde hair while his girl had darker blonde color hair which was long.                   

The three couples were cutting class. They had made their way to the cemetery.

"Anyone dares me to go in there?" the tallest guy asked.                    

"Yea," the brunette guy said.                    

"Man, I bet you don't have the guts, Thomas," the blonde boy said.                    

"Tommy, don't please. You know that they say this place is cursed. And besides it's really spooky.... And it's only during the day," Thomas's girlfriend had said.

"It's okay, Mia, I don't believe in curses anyways. Now, I believe that Jake's trying to challenge me. I bet I can go to that cottage and back."                    

"Yea, I would like to see you do that," Jake replied, kind of smiling.                    

"Ooo can I join this bet?" the other guy asked.                    

"Yea, go ahead, Mark."                    

"I'm with Jake. I want proof that you're stupid enough to go in there."                    

"Stupid? Dude, I ain't stupid."                    

"You two quit encouraging him. No Thomas."                    

"Mia, let the guys be idiots we'll stay out here and watch," the blonde girl said, kind of eyeing the three guys.                    

"Okay, Angela," Mia said, nodding. She still thought that it wasn't the best idea that her boyfriend had had. She felt a bad feeling about the bet the guys made. She looked over at the brunette girl and noticed that she had the same feeling. "You got a weird feeling too, Katlin?" she asked.                    

"Yea." Katlin nodded. "I wish the guys could think before they decide to do something."                    

 The three girls watched as Thomas ran into the cemetery and over to the cottage then he ran back to them. He leaned against the metal railing so he could catch his breath. "Pay up you two."                     

"Man," Mark said as he pulled out his money as Jake did the same. They handed the money to Thomas.                      

A strange wind had hit them. They looked into the sky and noticed that it was growing dark. They heard the sound of thunder and see lighten hit the ground.                     

"Man that's so strange. It was perfectly sunny just a second ago."

"Let's go into that cottage until the storm blows over," Thomas said.                     

Katlin and Mia looked at each other the bad feeling was growing.                      

"You guys go ahead," Mark told them. "I'm going to go get something from the truck."                      


Mark walked away from the cemetery while the others made their way to the cottage.

Waking the Spirits

                Katlin wiped away dust from an old window to look out. She was kind of starting to worry because Mark hadn't arrived yet. She seen lighting and the sound of thunder roared, shaking the little, old cottage. So far the only thing missing was the rain. She took a deep breath.           

"Don't worry, Katlin. Mark will be here," Angela told her kind of glancing at the sky. "Ooo.... Spooky weather, don't you think?"           


The two girls noticed a shadow running toward the little house, carrying something. Katlin smiled in relief.           

A moment later, Mark walked through the door with some kind of board game in his hand. "Hey, I'm here," he said walking over to a little table, placing the board game on top.           

"What is it?" Thomas asked, walking out of another room followed by Jake. They went exploring to check out the little cottage.           

"Come here and I'll show you. All of you."           

"Man, there's no bathroom in here so if any of us need to go," Jake stated as he walked over to the table, "then we'll have to look for an outhouse or something."           

Mark just looked at him. "Thanks for the info, dude, but who cares."           

"What kind of lame board game do you have, Mark?" Thomas asked. He had made his way to the table and all three girls had surrounded one side, waiting to see what Mark had brought in for them to play.           

Mark smiled. "This." He revealed the game to them.           

Katlin and Mia backed away. They couldn't believe what Mark had brought, especially to a graveyard.           

Angela dropped her mouth. "That's not a game." She looked over at Mark, shaking her head. "You better get that thing out of here."           

"Awe, come girls," Jake said. "It's just a ouiga board."            

"I'm with the girls on this you two," Thomas said, backing away. "Get that cursed thing out of here. Remember where we are?"           

"Man you scared?" Jake asked.           

"No.... But I know those things are of the devil and we'll be in big trouble when the demons come after us."            

"Man, you know that's just a story.... I agree with Jake," Mark added. "I think you're scared."           

"Tommy, don't listen to those two," Mia told him. She knew how much Mark and Jake liked to get her boyfriend into trouble.           

"Mark, get that thing out of here," Katlin kind of yelled at him.           

"Oh come on. We should be able to have some fun and besides I think that Thomas's a big sissy."           

Thomas hated it when Jake and Mark always question his motives. "Fine, but one round."           

"No, Tommy," Mia told him, kind of disappointed.           

"You're going to listen to them?" Angela asked, getting ready to smack him.           

"It's the only way to shut them up," Thomas answered.           

"Well, that's a pretty stupid reason," Katlin kind of spit out.           

The girls had to watch as their three idiot boyfriends, decided on who was going to go first.






           Amillet woke up from a long sleep. She was actually ticked off because someone had woken her up from a deep sleep. She kind of ran through walls to get to the beginning of the cottage, screaming and yelling. "WHO WOKE ME UP FROM MY SLEEP?!"






           The six college kids heard a woman around their age yelling from a back room.           

The guys stopped what they were doing and rushed in front of their girlfriends. Thomas knew he shouldn't have listened to those guys.           

Amillet made her way into the room, mad. She had seen the six kids in the room. "WHO WOKE ME FROM MY SLEEP?! WHO ARE YOU AND WHY HAVE YOU WOKE ME UP?!" She was furious with them.           

"Angry ghost," Mark whispered to Jake and Thomas.                       

"Who wants to go first?"           

Jake and Thomas looked at Mark. "You," they both said.           

"Why me?" Mark asked, afraid.           

"Because you brought that cursed thing in here," Thomas replied.           


"What? Are you chicken?"           

Mark looked at Thomas. That was the first time he heard those words from his oldest friend.           

"I bet you're chicken."           

"Am not."           

Amillet grew angrier and angrier by the minute. "Someone answer me."           

"I bet you fifty bucks you can't do it."           

Mark suddenly felt courageous. "I'll take you up on that bet.”

 "Okay. Then go."           

"Fine." Mark took a deep breath and walked over to the ghost. "Hello, I'm Mark."           


 Mark suddenly froze. The ghost was angry and he knew that she was going to kill him. "It was me and my two friends over there, Thomas and Jake. The girls had nothing to deal with waking you...."           

Amillet kind of glanced over noticing the ouiga board. "Stupid living," she replied. "If things couldn't get any worst…. You used that devils weapon.... Throw it out.... THROW IT OUT NOW!!!"           

Mark looked over at the board, confused to why she wasn't attacking him. "The ouiga board...."           

"Yes get it out of my sight and because you all have pasted that gate and walked into the cemetery none of you can leave. None of you can leave...." Amillet rushed over to the window and noticed the dark, cloudy sky, hoping that they could find help.           

"What's going on?" William walked out from another wall, moving his arms and cracking dead bones. He noticed the living, who were just staring at him, confused. "Oh hello. I'm William and I see that you met, Amillet."           

"William, look at the cursed board that the living brought into this cottage," Amillet told him.           

William looked at the board and then to the college students. "Throw it out. We don't need it hear. The evil spirits already walk around looking for living to kill. That just gives them an early

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