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Book online «The Salem Trials by Amber Riel (bts books to read TXT) 📖». Author Amber Riel

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"The animals are funny," Bowergaurd smiled. "They like to follow people dead or alive. These four little guys are going to help us."          

They heard ghostly howls from the outside. Three or four different wolves howled from all around the cemetery.






          Bethaney grew angrier at the sounds of the wolves. She knew that met more trouble for her. "Stupid animals."          

"You were a stupid cat," another woman said from behind her.          

She turned to see who it was. The woman looked like her but a few years younger. She had a ring around her neck for where she had been hung for witch craft. "Of course, Courtney, I could use your help."          

"I don't know, Bethaney. I believe that the last time I tried to help you, I wound up hanging from a tree."            Bethaney shook her head. "You didn't have to deal with flames ruining your dress or hair. I would of rather have been hung then burnt."          

"Why are you two always arguing?" a third woman asked. She also looked like Bethaney, but a few years older. She wasn't hung or burnt, but she had been drawn.          


"As the eldest sister, I think that you two should make up and then plan to destroy that cottage; because that's the only way any of us are going to get in there."          

"Yea, by the way, Bethaney, people don't like cats anymore," Courtney told her sister.          

"No one asked you."






          Lisa sat on chair in a little bed room, thinking.          

Amillet walked in followed by William. "Any ideas?" she asked.          

Lisa looked over at them. "Not yet.... Did any of you think of something?"          

"No.... Still thinking. I have a bad feeling that Bethaney's going to try and get her two sisters involved."           

"I agree.... They're bad news by themselves but worst once they all get together."          

"We'll stop them and save the living, you two," William had jumped in.          

Animals of all kinds started walking into the room packs of wolves, black bears, birds, sheep, mice, rats, etc. It was as if the little cottage had changed into a ghost zoo.          

"This is good news for us," Amillet said as she watched the animals walk in.          

"Wow.... Good thing we're all dead because this cottage would be filled to its weigh compassidy," William laughed.          

The two girls couldn't help but laugh at his words.

The Storm

          "We better start getting out there," Amillet told William.          

"Yea." William turned toward Quinn and Logen. "You two come with us along with the animals." He looked over at Lisa, Bowergaurd, and Craven. "You three stay here. One of us will come back to get you three."          

They all nodded in agreement. Logen and Quinn left, followed by the animals. Amillet and William where about to leave when Thomas stopped them.          

"Before you two go can you tell us what's so dangerous about the storm? You keep saying that we put ourselves in danger, and besides the ghost who want to kill us, we have to worry about the storm too.... What's so dangerous about it? What happened to the both of you?" Thomas asked.          

Amillet looked over at William. "They do have a right to know. We didn't know what would happen to us, even though Bowergaurd warned us.... Well, I didn't know.... You were just trying to stop me."          

William nodded. "Well, it was a normal night.... Except I was just depressed because I had lost the love of my life early that morning and I couldn't do anything to save her because we were here too far away from the town to get to her in time...." He looked at Lisa. "I'm so sorry.... I didn't know they had planned to do that to you. It was a horrible thing."          

"I forgive you," Lisa replied with a smile. "I know you would have done something if you could of."          

"Blah, blah, blah, I love you, you love me...." Angela smacked Jake.          

"Let them talk.... Sorry about him, he's incentive. Please continue," Angela said.          

"Sorry for going off topic," William replied. "Anyways, it was about the time for the spirits to start waking up. Bowergaurd had come into the cottage and chatted with us when he warned us about how we couldn't leave the cemetery because something bad would happen. I didn't want to know what he meant, but I didn't want to find out then...."          

"I had planned to meet with my husband," Amillet said, cutting off William, "at the same place, same time. I didn't listen to Bowergaurd's warning; I just wanted to see Christian so bad.... I had to go a whole night and day without seeing him and all I wanted to do was run into his arms and hug him.... William tried to stop me...." She moved over to the window next to the door and looked outside. The whole night played back in her head. "It wasn't dark, but the sky was changing. It was the pink and purple sky when it was changing from afternoon to evening.... As soon as I ran pasted the gate the sky quickly changed into the cloudy, spooky, thunder storm like it is now.... I was about to the tree on the right side of the gate...."          

"Your right or the right from the gate where my car is parked?" Mark asked.          

"Why do our boyfriends have to be the two idiots?" Katlin whispered to Angela.           

"I don't know, but Mia's lucky that Thomas is much smarter than those two put together," Angela replied. "Except when he's hanging out with Mark and Jake."          

"I agree."          

"My right," Amillet said, still looking out of the window. "William wasn't far behind me.... That's when I felt a sharp pain in my left leg.... I couldn't run anymore. I looked over at William and he was lying on the ground in more pain than me...."          

"I heard Amillet scream and as I looked over at Amillet lightening had struck her three times. Once on her left foot, once on her right hand, and once on the top of her head. It was the strangest thing.... Then I watched as she took her last breath.... The same thing had happened too then I finally took my last breath.... Then I wake up to hear my sister yelling at people.... I come in here and there you six are.... Around the same age we were when we died.... Believe it or not.... This is a serious matter and it means life or death.... Even if we stop the other spirits from killing you six.... We can't stop that storm and you'll be lucky to get out of here alive."          

"I think that they should all be come the new guardians of the living," Bowergaurd stated. "I don't know why I didn't think about it before.... Oh never mind.... It has to deal with the evil spirits trying to steal the weapons from them."          

"Wait; tell us what you were going to say...." Thomas wanted to know what the old man had to say.          

"Sorry, kid, but I don't know how well it'll work."

Proving Points

          Bowergaurd stood next to the door, thinking. He kept looking around as if he had a bad feeling about something. He looked over at Lisa. "Lisa, get outside."          

"But they told us not to leave yet.... Not until they come to get us," Lisa replied.          

"I know, but I have a bad feeling that they're going to need one of us real soon."          

"What do you mean?"          

Bowergaurd closed his eyes. "I have a bad feeling that Bethaney's having a family ruin with her two sisters."          

"Not until they come for us. I can't leave now. I'm going to wait with you two."






          Amillet, William, Quinn, and Logen stood in the middle of the cemetery. All of the ghost had awakened.  Some of them were on their side and others were against them. It was hard for them to tell who they could trust and who they couldn't trust.   

They looked around the graveyard. Fog was starting to from.

"The living doesn’t stand a chance here," Amillet told the three guys shaking her head.  "They're going to die and we wouldn't be able to stop it...."          

"Amillet," Quinn replied, "don't speak like that. That gives the evil spirits a better chance at breaking into the cottage and killing the living.... From the six in the cottage to people on the other side of the world. I know we can win."          

"That's not it." Amillet looked into the sky. "We can win this war but when the six in the cottage step out of that gate.... Then the storm will kill them and that's not...."          

They heard someone laughing behind them. They turned to face Bethaney.          

"You will not win this."          

"Actually, me and my two sisters are going to win no matter what. We know about the six kids in that cottage. The living are among us. Revenge for what they did to us will be sweet."          

"They didn't do anything to you," William replied.          

"What do you mean they didn't do anything to us? They're alive aren't they while we're dead...."          

"It's a different time period," Amillet told Bethaney.          

"Ah that doesn't mean anything.... They're going to get what they deserve thanks to their ancestors.... You know who's great-great-great-so on and so forth grandchild that boy is in there and you know the one I'm talking about, Amillet.... I mean after all he does remind you of your son doesn't he."          

"What?" Amillet thought about who she had seen when she looked at Thomas and thought about her son.          

"You know what I'm talking about. I mean after all you his grandmother of course I'm not going to try to figure out how many greats it takes to get to grandmother but you get the picture."          

Amillet looked back at the cottage. She didn't know whether or not she should believe the wicked witch or not.          

"Quit trying to explain to the guardian and just destroy her, Bethaney," a voice had said from out of nowhere.          

Bethaney balled up her fist, mad.  "I'm trying to make a point, Courtney."          

"Well you're taking forever."  Courtney had appeared out of nowhere. Her and Bethaney started arguing with one another while

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