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Book online «The Salem Trials by Amber Riel (bts books to read TXT) 📖». Author Amber Riel

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the two guardians, Quinn, and Logen just stared at them, confused.          

"ENOUGH!" Erika exclaimed as she moved her way in between her two sisters. "You two are worse than children."          

"Well she started it," Bethaney stated.           

"Because she was just talking instead of doing what we had planned."          

"I swear if I could kill the both of you then I would."






          Thomas walked over to the window and couldn't see anything but fog. "Man it's so foggy out there.... I want to know what's happening."          

Jake raised his hand.          

"What, Jake?" Mia asked.          

"I'm hungry.... Who wants pizza? I'm buying."          

"I do," Mark replied.          

Katlin shook her head as Angela smacked her forehead.          

"Do they not pay attention to anything?" Katlin asked.          

"No.... we could die today, but all they're worried about is food."          

"Oh and don't forget the bathroom."          

"Um.... I don't think that we can get any...." Mia started to say as Jake pulled out his cell phone.           

Then Jake thought about something. "Wait.... I can't cause my phone died.... Man." He sighed. "Sorry, guys but we're not going to have anything to eat.... Wait I can order some Chinese."          

Angela kind of bowed her head in embarrassment. "Of course, out of the two idiots, I'm dating the moron."          

Katlin patted Angela's back. "It's okay. I'll pray for ya."          


The Spirits Awaken

          It was time and all of the dead where roaming the cemetery. They noticed different kinds of lights shimmering in the rain and went to see what was going on. All kinds of spirits from men, woman, and children gathered around the three dead witches and the ghostly guardians, plus the two who were working with the guardians.          

"The spirits are all awake now," Quinn said, pointing out the obvious. "They want to see this fight."          

"Hmm.... But why?" Logen asked, looking around at the gathering spirits. He found it to be odd that they would all gather for any fight.          

"So who am I going to fight first?" Bethaney asked, somewhat sarcastic.          

"Well, Amillet," William asked, "do you think that we should let Quinn or Logen fight first? That way we can save our energy."           

Amillet looked over at the three witches. "It depends.... If the other two fight then three of us will have to fight and I don't want to go back to get help just yet."          

"I agree." William turned his attention to the three witches. "How many are to fight in this round?"          

"Only one," Bethaney replied.          

"But I want to fight you, cutie," Courtney answered, appearing right in front of William's face.          

William kind of backed away, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Ok-ay."          

Amillet kind of turned her head away so she could laugh to herself. She quickly went back to business.  "Logen, you can fight Bethaney.... But be careful.... I fought her earlier today and she will drain your energy if you're not careful."          

"Cool.... I get to go first." Logen took a few steps toward the wicked, old witch. "Ready to fight."          

"Of course."          

It wasn't long before their swords were clinging against each other as they blocked and attacked one another.




"Boy, time flies," Lisa said, watching out of the window.           

"See anything?" Craven asked.          

"It's hard to tell, but I think that the fight has started."          

"Ooo a fight can we watch?" Jake asked as him and Mark made their way to the window.          

"You can, but it's hard to see what's going on."          

"Man too bad we don't have a TV," Mark said.          

"TV? What's a TV?" Lisa asked, confused.          

"It's a box with a screen and you can flip through channels."          

"A box with a what and you can flip through what?"          

Mark and Jake looked at Lisa. They could see that she was confused and that Bowergaurd and Craven were confused as well.          

"Well, it's hard to explain to people who aren't from our time period."          

Lisa just stared at them still pretty confused.          

"Sorry about our boyfriends," Angela had stated.          

"Yea they haven't got it into their heads yet that you three are from the 1600s," Katlin agreed.           

Thomas made his way over to the toy box and bent down. He wanted to find out what kind of weapons were hiding inside.          

"I wouldn't open that box unless needed to if I were you." Bowergaurd stood behind Thomas.           Thomas looked at the ghost. "What's in there exactly?"          


"I know that, but what kind of weapons?"          

"Weapons that can kill the living and destroy the dead. Really, only the guardians are able to use the weapons, but in cases like this then others who aren't the guardians are to use the weapons. The weapons usually only kill the living if the carrier isn't a guardian, but like I said, it's different in cases like this." Bowergaurd looked down at Thomas. "There's something about you, kid. I think it was met for you to be here.... I don't know why though, but in time everything will come out."


The Trap

Thomas shook his head. He couldn’t deal with waiting any more. “We need to do something…. Something besides waiting around here.”

Craven and Bowergaurd looked at each other. Craven turned his attention to Thomas. “What are you thinking, kid?”

“I’m thinking…. We need to fight.” Thomas walked over to the chest and went to open it.

“No,” Bowergaurd objected.

“Tommy, listen to him,” Mia spoke.

Thomas turned toward them. “Look, they’re fighting to protect us…. And I believe that we should at least help….”

“It’s dangerous for you,” Lisa replied.

Thomas shook his head. “It’s our fault that we’re here…. It’s our fault that you guys have to fight to keep us alive…. I want to do something to help.”

“You can help by staying out of the way,” Bowergaurd replied.





Logen swung his sword at Bethaney as she dodged his attack.

Erika did some kind of hand motion and a big black book appeared in her hands. She opened it and started reading a spell, mumbling it.

Amillet and William caught onto the sisters’ plan.

“LOGEN! IT’S A TRAP!” William called to him.

Just as soon as William spoke, ghostly vines worked their way out of the ground and locked around Logen’s limbs. Logen dropped his sword which had vanished in mid-air.

By this time, Amillet, William, and Quinn were ready to attack.

Bethaney laughed, evilly. “You’re such a cute, charming, young man, but foolish.” She turned her attention to the others. “None of you can stop us…. Dead or alive…. We will prevail….” She continued to laugh.

A ghostly wolf attacked the witch, biting her arm.

“Get off of me, you stupid mutt.” Bethaney threw her arm back, sending the wolf flying.

“Let him go,” Amillet said.

“No,” Erika replied. “Let this be a warning to all of you…. No one can stop us….” She walked over to Amillet and William. “No one…. Not even you two…. The guardians…. Ha…. Without the help of black magic, you will never stop us.”

“We don’t need magic,” William replied.

“Oh but that’s where you’re mistaken.” Erika vanished, along with her two younger sisters and they’re followers, taking Logen as a prisoner.

Quinn shook his head. “This is bad, you two. How are we going to stop them?”

Amillet closed her eyes. “I don’t know.” She opened them and looked at her cousin and brother. “I don’t know…. And now they have Logen as a prisoner.”

“Prisoner?” William asked. “I have a bad feeling that they’re going to do something to use him against us.”

“Like what?”

“Mark him with the death mark…. You know the evil one….”

Amillet’s eyes grew wide as she realized what he had meant.

William nodded.

Quinn looked at them, confused. “What is that?”

“Something that only the evil can place on dead spirits,” William said.

“We might have to fight him,” Amillet replied. “We lost an ally.”

Quinn stood, processing what they had told them.





Thomas went to open the chest but a cold dead hand stopped him.

“At least wait,” Bowergaurd’s voice came from behind him.

“How long?” Thomas asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m sure that the time will come…. Just be patient.”


Amillet, William, and Quinn arrived back into the little cottage. Each of them had a disappointed look on their faces.

“Where’s Logen?” Craven asked.

“They took him,” William replied.


“The witches…. The three witches…. They took him….”

“No,” Craven said, shocked. He shook his head. “No…. No…. It’s not true….” He stuck his head out of a wall, searching for his nephew. “He’s coming back…. He’s coming back….”

Quinn placed a hand on Craven’s shoulder. “No, he’s not coming.”

“This…. This isn’t right…. We need to go get him….”

Amillet dropped her head and closed her eyes.

“Sorry, Craven,” William replied.

Fun & Games

Craven sat out on the porch, thinking and upset.

Amillet stepped outside to see if he was going to be alright. The living believe that the ghost had emotions and feelings. They had figured that the dead lost all human capabilities after they had died. “How you doing out here, Craven?”


Amillet looked at the ground.

“Why did they have to take Logen?”

“I don’t know.”

“He was a good kid. Now they’ll turn him into a puppet. They’ll have control over him.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.”





Thomas stood, staring out of the window. “There’s no way to leave. We’re going to die here. Why can’t we just let death take us now?”

William walked over to Thomas. “Because live is worth fighting for no matter how dangerous it might be. Besides, think of your friends…. Your girlfriend. Don’t give up the fight just yet. Believe me, the time will come for you, whether it seems like it or not.”

“Easy for you to say…. You’re already gone.”

“It’s because of my death I know what I’m talking about.”

Thomas looked at William.

“Besides, my sister wouldn’t want to loose you just yet. I think somehow it was meant for you to come here. All of you are

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