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Book online «The Salem Trials by Amber Riel (bts books to read TXT) 📖». Author Amber Riel

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here for some reason. It’s fate.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll find out.”




Bethaney stood, laughing at Logen. “Another lost soul.”

Erika flipped through the spell book. She listened as her sister spoke.

“You’re not bad looking at all, boy.”

Logen eyed Bethaney.

“Stop talking and give him the mark already,” Courtney said, bored out of her mind.

“Let me have my fun. It’s been a long time since I’ve met a cute, heroic swordsmen.” Bethaney chuckled.

“He is cute but this is boring.”

Bethaney touched Logen’s hair line and kind of brushed it back. “Beautiful locks of hair to go with that handsome face of yours.”

Logen jerked his head back. “Just kill me…. I know you have a spell to kill the dead so just get it over with because I am tired of listening to you…. You ugly old witch.”

Bethaney moved her hand, disguised with Logen’s words. “Well then. I was being nice to you but whatever now. Besides, we’re not going to kill you, my little pet.”

“Why not?”

“Because my sisters and I have a better plan…. We’re going to use you against those dumb guardians.”

“What do you mean?”

“What do think I mean?”

“I will not fight them.”

“I know that’s why we’re going to give you the mark of the dead.” Bethaney started chuckling again and this time her two sisters had joined in.

Logen stared at them, helplessly.




Amillet walked back into the cottage. “It’s almost time.”

Bowergaurd and William nodded.

“What are we going to do with the kids?” Lisa asked.

“I don’t know,” Amillet replied.

“Let us fight,” Thomas said.

“No, we can’t---“

“Let us…. It’s our fault for this whole mess…. We need to do something about it…. Mark, Jake, and I will fight…. The girls can stay here.”



Marked with the Mark of Death

“Bowergaurd, stay here with them. It’s time,” Amillet told everyone.

Bowergaurd nodded as he watched the other ghost leave.

Thomas stood at the window, wishing he could be out there fighting too.

“It’s for the best,” Bowergaurd spoke, softly.

“For the best?” Thomas turned his attention toward the ghost. “It’s our fault for this whole mess.”

“Some of it, yes…. But most of it has been going on for centuries…. This isn’t your fight so back down.”

“Back down?” Thomas shook his head. “No…. It’s not right.”





Logen traveled through the rain. Dark flames of light shone around his ghostly body. He had a black mark above his head. His eyes had turned to black sockets of nothingness. He carried a black flaming sword in his right hand, searching for the others.





Craven and William noticed a figure walking in the distance. As the figure drew closer, Craven recognized him. “LOGEN!” he shouted as he rushed over to him.

Logen stared into the dark cemetery. He hadn’t noticed Craven or William in the area. He just kept moving.

“Logen, it’s me. Your Uncle.”

Logen ignored Craven as he walked past him.


“It’s too late, Craven,” William told them. “The witches changed him.”

Logen suddenly stopped as if William’s words meant something. He turned to face Craven and William. He held up his sword and readied it in his hand.

“We have to fight him.”

“I can’t, he’s family.”

“Then I will.” William held out his hand as a golden ghostly sword appeared in his hand.

Logen swung his sword and William blocked the attack.

“If it’s a fight you want then it’s a fight you’ll get.”

Logen swung again and William blocked the attack.

“Is that the best you’ve got?”

Logen swung for a third time and William went to block but it was too late. Logen had hit William’s shoulder, cutting through him like paper.

William looked at his shoulder then to Logen. “That’s it,” he said as the wound healed itself. He brought his sword up into the air and sliced into Logen’s head. He moved the sword away and watched as Logen’s head glued back together.





Amillet, Lisa, and Quinn heard the sword fighting from a distance. They turned toward the sound. “Sounds like William and Craven found a target,” Quinn said.

“I wish we could find out who it is,” Amillet said.

“It’s probably Logen because the witches use tricks when fighting and all I hear is swords,” Lisa replied.

Amillet nodded.

Evil laughing came from behind them. “Seeing the three of you all confused makes me laugh…. Hahaha,” the witch’s voice came from behind them.

The three of them turned to face Bethaney who was holding a sword.

“What? Cat got your tongue?”

“What did you do to Logen?” Amillet asked, knowing the answer.

“I think you already know.”

“Where are your sisters?”

“Around here somewhere…. We all decided to split up.”


“Because I was getting annoyed with them…. That’s why.”

Amillet glanced around consciously, knowing it could be some kind of trick.

“Don’t believe me?”

“What do you think?”

“Well, believe it.” Bethaney’s sword appeared in her hand. “I want to fight you again, guardian.”

“Fine.” Amillet held out her hand as her sword appeared.

“Be careful, Amillet,” Lisa said.

“Yea, remember what happened to Logen,” Quinn agreed.

Amillet nodded as she prepared herself for battle.


Spirits Feel Pain

William sent his sword wielding into Logen’s heart. Logen let out a ghostly scream than vanished.

“Did you destroy him?” Craven asked, worried.

“No, this sword isn’t made for that. He’ll be back but for right now I guess he needs to train.” William turned to face Craven. “Don’t worry; I don’t plan on destroying your nephew. We need to destroy that book the witches have though. It’ll break the spell and Logen would be back to normal.”

Craven sighed in relief. “Are we ever going to get those kids out of here safely?”

William shrugged. “I don’t know. We’ll have to see how things go.”

Craven nodded.





Amillet swung her sword into Bethaney’s blade. Bethaney laughed. “You’ll have to do better than that, guardian. Hehehehe.”

Quinn noticed the ghostly veins where appearing from the ground. “AMILLET! THE VEINS!”

Amillet jumped into the air and watched the veins move closer and closer. She slashed into the veins as they reached for her legs.

Quinn and Lisa prepared themselves and started cutting through the veins with their ghostly swords.

Bethaney stood by and watched as they fought.





Thomas was tired of waiting to see what was going to happen. He moved over to the old wooden toy box and went to open it.

“Wait for the---“ Bowergaurd began.

“No…. I’m done waiting,” Thomas replied as he opened the box.

Tons of swords of all kinds filled the box. There was a slim, silver, samurai sword. There were a couple of long silvery swords knights carried. One sword caught Thomas’s attention. It had a long, round, sharp blade and the handle looked to be made of pure gold.

Thomas went to reach for it. He was in awe by the beauty of the sword.

“Remember there’s no guarantee that it will work for you…. You have to be a guardian for it to really do you any good,” Bowergaurd told the young man.

Thomas ignored him and picked up the sword. Brass armor built itself around Thomas as he held the sword.

Everyone watched in amazement as the armor formed.

Thomas was too busy checking out the sword as the brass armor shielded his arms, legs, head, front and back. A gold light shone off of the armor.

“I don’t believe it,” Bowergaurd whispered to himself, in amazement.

“Thomas?” Mia asked, shocked.

Thomas looked around at everyone. “What?” he asked, confused.

“Child, you’ve been chosen to guard this cottage from evil…. You’re a guardian,” Bowergaurd said.

Thomas looked down and noticed the ghostly armor around his body. He looked back at Bowergaurd. “Will this protect me?”

Bowergaurd nodded.

“Okay. Then I’m going to help the ghost. Jake and Mark, stay here with the girls and help Bowergaurd. I’ll be back.” Thomas went to the door and Mia grabbed his left arm, tears filled her eyes.

“Please be careful.” She wanted to cry at the thought of her boyfriend fighting ghost, knowing that he might not survive.

“I’ll be fine.” He kissed her forehead.





Amillet landed on the ground and helped Quinn and Lisa fight off the ghostly plants. William and Craven had arrived. They both pulled out there swords and started fighting as well.

“Thanks for the help,” Amillet said as she backed up into William.

“No problem,” William replied. “I was fighting Logen but he vanished.”

“Well, that’s good cause we could us the help.”

Bethaney moved one of her hands and a vine followed her motion and worked up Amillet’s leg wrapping around as it made it’s way up her body and wrapped around her neck.

“AAAHHH!” Amillet let out a ghostly scream.

“HANG ON, AMILLET!” William shouted as he cut the vein to release his sister.

The Guardian

More ghostly veins arrived out of the ground as the ghost kept fighting. Bethaney stood up, making hand motions which controlled the veins.

Eventually, the ghostly heroes and heroines were trapped by Bethaney’s plants.

“Try to get out of this,” Bethaney said, laughing evilly.

“You can’t keep us trapped forever, Bethaney,” Amillet spoke, fighting off the veins.

“Really? Well, it sure looks like I’m winning.” The witch let out an eerie laugh that filled the air. “I have the upper hand.”

“Not anymore,” Thomas said as he jumped into action.

Bethaney turned her attention toward the mortal. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of his armor. “No.”

Thomas took his ghostly sword and cut through the ghostly veins, destroying them.

Bethaney backed away from the young adult.

Amillet looked at Thomas, confused. “You’re one of us?”

Thomas nodded.

“Alright.” William jumped out of the ghostly cage of broken veins. “Thank you, Thomas.” He turned his attention toward Bethaney. He eyed her. “You’re going down.”

“I’ll take it from here.” Thomas swung the sword as if he had been trained by a knight.

Bethaney tried her best to fight the living teenager off but failed.

When Thomas’s blade hit Bethaney’s sword, Bethaney’s sword dissolved into nothing.

Bethaney backed away. She knew that the sword could destroy the dead. It was created to kill and destroy any spirits that fought against it.

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