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Book online «The Salem Trials by Amber Riel (bts books to read TXT) 📖». Author Amber Riel

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wake up call. Which one of you brought this thing?" he asked, keeping eyes on the group of the living.           

Everyone pointed to Mark. He dropped his head in shame. "It's mine."           

"The living don't walk among the dead. The dead walk among the living." Amillet took a deep breath to release her anger. "We are the guardians of this cottage and we have to look out for you or else you're all dead."           

"And none of you can leave. You leave well...."           

"Well what?" Jake asked.           

William looked at Jake and then to himself as if he didn't really have to say anything.           

"I don't get it."           

"I do," Katlin said, kind of moving to where she could see the two ghosts. "We leave we die. Right?"            William and Amillet looked at each other then to Katlin with sadden eyes. They both nodded.           

Amillet thought about something then looked out of the window. "It's time. I need to see Christian."            "He can wait. It's been a long time, Amillet. He'll wait for you. Well, his ghost will. Right now, we have to deal with the living and keeping them protected from the restless spirits."           

"Who's Christian?"           

"I love him so much and I haven't seen him since the day before it happened."           

"I know but you must wait."           

"I'll be back." Amillet walked through the wall. William stuck his head out of the wall. "Amillet, wait 'til we help these people first...."           

"I am but I'm going to look for some help."           

"Okay." William stuck his head back into the room.           

"Dude, you're just going to let her talk about another guy?" Mark asked. "If she were my girlfriend, I'd dump her."           

William laughed at Mark. "Girlfriend? I'm her brother."           


"Awkward," Jake sang.            

"Who's Christian?" Katlin asked again.           

"Amillet's husband. The last time she seen him was the day that we had started this job. That was in 1692."           

"Awe," the three girls sighed.           

"It would be so cute to get them together again, even though we don't really know him and we just met her," Angela said.            

"Oh yes," Mia nodded.           

"I totally agree," Katlin laughed.           

The guys just looked over at the girls as they started to get into some girl talk.           

"Look," William said, "there are a lot of other ghosts. The good spirits can come and go as they please and they can walk through the walls. The evil spirits on the other hand can't come in unless that door is open. So if you want to live leave that door shut at all times."            

"But there's no bathroom in here," Jake blurted out, "how are we going to go if we have some business to attend to?"           

William just looked at Jake. He was a ghost so he didn't have that problem, but he didn't know what to tell the living. "Um.... No idea."           

"What about food?"           

"No idea about that either.... I might be able to work something out though."           

By this time, Bowergaurd had appeared into the room. He noticed the college kids and smiled at them. "Hello."           

They just looked at him.

The First Battle

           Mark just stared at the two ghosts, trying to make since of everything. Maybe it was all just a dream and he'd probably be waking up soon.... Or maybe it wasn't a dream. Him, his girlfriend, and all of his friends where stuck in a cottage.           

"I'm Bowergaurd," the new ghost had introduced himself.           

"I'm Thomas, that's Mark, Jake, Angela, Mia, and Katlin," Thomas replied. William didn't know any of their names until then and Mark had introduced himself and the other two guys to Amillet, but not the girls.           

"It's nice to meet you, Sir Thomas," Bowergaurd said with a smile. "And the rest of you for that matter." He looked over at the cursed board and closed his eyes. It was something he didn't want to see. He knew that it meant the work of the devil was at hand. "Thomas, could you please get rid of that cursed board?"           

"Yes, sir." Thomas nodded. He had respect for his elders, whether they were dead or alive. He walked over to the table and picked up the ouiga board. He made his way over to the door. He had placed his hand on the doorknob when he heard William say something.           

"Try not to let any of the evil spirits in." William didn't want to sound rude or bossy, but he didn't want anything to happen to the living.           

Thomas nodded. He opened the door and walked outside, closing the door behind him. It wasn't too long later that he had walked back into the cottage with empty hands. He made sure that the door was closed.           

"Hm..... What are we going to do now?" William asked, looking at the kids then to Bowergaurd.           

Bowergaurd placed a couple of fingers around his mouth, thinking. "I don't know. I don't know how to deal with the living it's been so long since the last time I've been around the living. The last time was the first time I met you and your sister. What year is it to the living now?"           

"Twenty-eleven," Mia answered.           

"Wow. That long?" William thought back to the last time him and his sister where alive. He remembered everything from that day. He closed his eyes to forget the next part that was coming next.





           Amillet was wondering around the cemetery. She needed to find help because a war was coming between good and evil and she needed to find as much help as she could. So far none of the other spirits had awoken yet, which was kind of a good thing. Then she heard a shrill laugh from behind her.           

"So the spirits of the cottage have finally awakened." The voice was scratchy, rough, and high. It had been a woman's voice. Amillet turned around to face a dirty, ghostly, old, poor, messy black haired woman.            The woman wore a torn up, old, black dress. She had burnt marks in her dress and on herself and her hair had an ashy look to it. She was one of the women accused of witch craft and had been burnt to the stake. The living did do the right thing by burning the woman because unlike the others who were accused, she actually did do witch craft. The living thought that she would save herself from the fire, but she didn't she let it burn her to death. She knew she was going to have to burn in Hell anyways for her evil deeds, but also knew that she would get her revenge on the living for what they had done to her.           

Amillet eyed the woman. She knew the witch was trouble and didn't plan on letting her win.           

"Why can the good spirits go into that cottage, but us evil spirits are stuck out here?" the woman asked. She knew the answer but liked to see if Amillet would actually reply.           

"Why are you up? You should be sleeping right now."

The woman sighed. "Of course, you have to answer my question with another question. Amillet, you worthless soul doomed to the life of a guardian. Why did you choose such a life? Away from your husband and your little baby boy."           

Amillet closed her eyes. The flashback of when she last seen Christian played in her head. They had left the baby with Christian's mother that night.           

"Such a horrible life to have.... Don't you agree?" the woman asked.           

Amillet kept her eyes closed. She knew what the woman was trying to do and she wasn't going to fall for the trap.           

"Don't you just hate the living for taking you away from your husband and your little baby boy?"           

"Shut up, Bethaney."           

"The anger's growing inside of you. I can feel it. Let it...."           

Someone had smacked Bethaney with a cane from behind. Amillet looked up and noticed another woman with golden blonde hair which was placed in a bun. The woman was about Amillet's age. She dropped herself in between Bethaney and Amillet. Like Bethaney, her dress and her skin had burnt marks from when she was placed on the cross to burn to death for witch craft. Her blonde hair had ash mixed in and the bun was about ready to fall out. She looked up at Amillet and smiled.           

Amillet returned the smile. She remembered the woman from a long time ago and remembered when she heard her screaming. "William's going to be happy to see you again, Lisa."           

"I can't wait to see him as well. How are you two doing by the way?"           

"Um.... Do I really have to answer that I mean after all we are dead?"           

Lisa kind of laughed. "True."





           William was kind of starting to grow impatient, waiting for his sister's return.            

"Calm down, William. Amillet will be here soon. Besides you don't have to worry much about her."

           Mia had made her way over to Bowergaurd and William. "How long before we can go back home? To our dorms?" she asked.           

William and Bowergaurd didn't know how to answer that question. "Look, I would love to say as soon as possible," William replied, looking away, "but you six doomed yourselves when you entered the cemetery. The three guys really doomed you all when they decided to play with the devil's toy. It may seem like some kind of sick game, but it's not. It's a war for life. We're going to do the best we can to protect all of you. Okay?"           

Mia nodded, then she walked over to Thomas and hugged him. She was so afraid of dying. She didn't want to die now.

Searching for Help

           Bethaney pushed herself up after the unexpected attack from Lisa. She noticed that Amillet and Lisa were too busy talking to even care if she were still there or not. She smiled, knowing that it could be her chance to attack Amillet. She whispered something to herself, holding out a hand. A ghostly sword formed in her hand and she decided to go ahead and attack.           

Amillet didn't have to pay any attention to know that the witch was about to attack her. She held out her left hand and a ghost sword appeared, blocking the attack. "So that's how you want to

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