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Book online «Misfortune by Amber M. (top 100 novels .TXT) 📖». Author Amber M.

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Chapter Two

After a long lecture from Ladonna she finally demised us. I was sleepy and it was Ladonna's fault. She took four hours just for a stupid lecture I couldn't even pay attention to. I yawned as I stood up. I stretched and made my way to the front door. I was about to turn the knob when Stacey said my name. I turned around and she was right in front of me.

"Hmmm?" I said still sleepy.
"Why was Zayn in your room?" She asked, Jealous. My inner wolf was now laughing, which caused me to wake up completely.
"Why do you want to know?" I asked her. She started to think and then opened her mouth to get ready to speak but Ladonna irrupted.
"Why are you still here? Go." She asked, annoyed. I sighed and walked out the door. The first time I make small talk with Stacey and her mom irrupts.

'ELORA! Imma tireed...' My wolf whined.
'Oh now your tired.' I snapped.
'But-' I cut her off.
'But nothing. Let's go to bed.' I said as I opened my bedroom door and locked it behind. I fell on my bed face first and fell fast asleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I was woke up by my alarm clock beeping in my ear. I hit the snooze button but it just got louder. I hit it harder but it didn't turn off so the next thing I knew I slung it across the room. It shattered in twenty different pieces. I groaned and then there was a loud knock at the door. I didn't respond.

"ELORA! OPEN THE DOOR!" A stern voice shouted from the other side of the door. I stood up and walked to the door. I unlocked it and it flung open to revealed my three best friends. Aurora, Rylee, and Conner.

Aurora with her long black hair and hazel eyes.
Rylee with her dirty blond hair and green eyes.
Conner with his dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"What?" I asked with my eyes closed and my voice sounding annoyed.
"C'mon, Elora. Get dressed." Rylee said as she pulled on my top a lil to tell me now.
"Why?" I ask as I rubbed my head.
"Because we're going to have some fun on Conner's birthday." Aurora told me. My eyes open and I smiled.
"I forgot my own best friend's birthday." I told them. They nodded. I mouthed,'sorry' to Conner. He hugged me and whispered,"Let's just have fun." Aurora and Rylee push me inside and shut the door on Conner's face.
"Guys? What are you doing? Aurora? Rylee-" They cut me off by sticking a piece of duct tape over my mouth. They stuck me in a chair and Rylee held me down.

"Mmmmm.....mmmmmm....mmmmmmm!" I tried to say but the duct tape made it sound that way. What I just said if ya want to know was,'You guys are so dead when you let me go.' Aurora walked out of my closet with a outfit in her hand.
'No, they wouldn't. Would they?' I asked Tundra.
'Yes. Sadly, they would.' Tundra said with a sigh.
Aurora ripped my favorite T-shirt off and tugged a white shirt that said,Drop It like it's hot with one of those white angry birds on it. Then she pulled off my pants and somehow got black skinny jeans on me. She pushed on my converse and brushed my messy hair. I fell like a doll that can't do anything. Rylee let me go and I jumped into a ninja form.

"C'mon, Elora. Stop playing around." Aurora said.
"You dressed me like I was one of those dolls." I snapped.
"We're sorry but you just would of put on a plain T-shirt and jeans. We had to make today awesome not plain." Rylee said.
"I know. It's Conner's eighteenth birthday." I sighed and ran to the door. I flung it open and jumped onto Conner. We fell to the ground and started laughing.

"Maybe you could find your mate today." I said it so fast he looked confused until he processed it all.
"Just maybe. I dunno." He said. I know I have like a year to turn eighteen, find my mate but I sure know it's not Conner, and I'm glad it's not. He is my best friend and only that. Aurora helped Conner and I up.

"So what are ya waiting for?!" I shouted as I ran to Conner's car. Man do I love it! It's black color made me want it even more. Don't let me mention the inside. I would just keep going on and on about this car. I hugged it until Conner unlocked the doors. I jumped into the passenger side and rubbed the dash board.

"Are you filling up my car?" Conner smirked at me as he got in and closed the door behind him.
"YEAH! I Love this car!" I shouted. Everyone laughed at me. Conner turned the key and the engine roared. He started toward I think the mall. Not sure. I don't really go to the mall often. One reason why.....Ladonna.

Chapter Three

Conner pulled into a huge parking lot and parked near the mall entrance. He cut the engine and put his keys in his pocket. He looked at me, Aurora, and then Rylee.

"You guys ready?" He asked. Aurora and Rylee scream in excitement.
"I'm guessing that's a yes. Don't ask them again." I told Conner. He laughed and then nodded. We all got out and closed the doors behind us. Aurora and Rylee run off into the mall.
"Aren't they too excited?" I asked Conner.
"Yeah." he said.

After a long day of shopping, screaming at Aurora and Rylee to stop screaming, and guys trying to flirt with me (but gladly Conner helped me out) we sat down on the bench outside of the mall.

"You. Guys. scream. to. much." I said between breaths.
"Yeah." They both said.
"And we're doing it on your birthday to." Rylee pointed it out.
"Ugh....please don't." I said. My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at it. I groaned and clicked answer call.

"Hello?" I said, annoyed.
"Hello?! hello! Get your butt here and clean the house!" Ladonna yelled making my cell phone sound fuzzy. I had to keep the phone about four inches away from my ear so where she didn't bust my ear drum.
"Ok-" I said but she hanged up on me. I growled and shoved my phone in my pocket.
"I gotta go home." I said as I stood up.
"We know." they said.
"Sorry, Conner." I told him as I gave him a hug.
"It's okay. I had fun." He said. I started walking down the street and looked back at them one more time. I smiled because Aurora had made Conner carry all her bags. Little did he know his gifts are in all those heavy bags. I turned back around and started singing a random song that popped in my head, which happen to be I'm not the one by 3oh!3.

"You're way too young to be broken. You're way too young to fall apart. You're way too young to play these games, But you better start, But you better start." I sang and took in a breath.
"This is when it starts, from the beating of your heart till the streetlamps talk to you. jumping off of the edge,oversleeping your head,everything's turning dark to you." I sang but stopped and sang in my head because some guy was staring at me.

I went to pick up the parts,
The doctor's hiding the charts,
He won't let me see this side of you.

It's on the tip of my tongue,
You know you're way too young
To have someone lie to you.

I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.
I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.
You'd better find somebody else and get a hold of yourself.
I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.

You're way too young to be broken.
You're way too young to fall apart.
You're way too young to play these games,
But you'd better start,
But you'd better start.

It was the second I lit
Your first cigarette,
I forget who you used to be.

And I bit my lip
The second you sipped
The poison that was mixed for me.

I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.
I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.
You'd better find somebody else and get a hold of yourself.
I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you.

I started singing again after I passed the guy.
"Drink the poison lightly,'Cause there are deeper and darker things than you. I know 'cause I've been there too. I know it might seem frightening to have the world fall apart right under your shoes. Trust me, You'll make it through. I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you. I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you. You'd better find somebody else and get a hold of yourself. I'm not the one, I'm not the one who wants to hurt you. I'm not the one, I'm not-" A clap stopped me from singing. I stopped from walking and turned around to face those stupid golden brown eyes once again.

Chapter Four

"Are you stalking me?" I asked him, ending it with a smirk.
"Nah..actually your loud mouth got me interested on who was singing but it ended up being you." He said with his

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