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Book online «Misfortune by Amber M. (top 100 novels .TXT) 📖». Author Amber M.

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same things. I stood up and sighed. I grabbed my coat and phone as I left my room to go outside. The cold breeze hit me and I shivered. I threw my coat on and shoved my phone into my pocket.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice yell at me. I turned my head to see Nate standing by his car with Joslyn in the passenger side. I smiled in relief as I walked up to the car.
"Hey." I said back but it came out low and weak.
"You need a ride?" I heard Joslyn ask me.
"Yeah. If you guys don't mind." I said.

They both chuckled and looked at me with a are-you-serious? smile. I tilted my head and looked at Nate.
"That's why were here, dumbie." He said with a chuckle at the end.

My mouth formed an 'O' and I hopped into the back of the car. Nate got in and started to drive. It wasn't uncomfortable or weird ride to the Conrad's house. Nate and Joslyn didn't say a word, which made it a bit awkward but besides that it was okay. The car came to a stop and I opened the door. I closed it behind and rushed off over to the open gate, trying to give them their personal space.
I wondered inside and closed the door. I slid my shoes off and smelled something sweet lingering through the air. The cake

, I thought as I frowned. I heard laughter come from up stairs and I knew 'She' was here. I sighed and breathed in a deep breath.
I walked up the stairs and made my way down the hall toward Zayn's room but something was off. I stopped about a foot away from the door and `listened carefully. A giggle from Natalie and a deep manly voice whispered into Natalie's ear. I was shocked. She was in fact, cheating on Zayn and even though they are getting married. I was going to be sick.

"When are you going to call the wed off, Babe?" The manly guy's voice asked, concerned. He sounded to be in his mid 20's but I can't really tell.
"Soon." She spoke in a weird girly voice that made me even more sick. Just then I heard foot steps coming up the stairs and heading to toward Zayn's room.
"Someone is coming." I heard Natalie whisper.
"Here." The guy said as I heard a shirt hit Natalie.

The footsteps were getting closer and I panicked. The first thing I could think of was to run but where would that get me. I went for the second thing. Hide in the closet. I open the closet door in the hallway and close it behind just in time.

"Natalie." Zayn called out. His voice made my heart skip a beat even when he wasn't saying my name.
"Zayn. Where have you been?" Natalie asked like she actually cared. What a liar?
"Just came back from some ball with my friends." He said. I tried not t o laugh at this. Ball with his friends? Haha. Why would he play in this weather? I smiled at the fact that he was a bad lair as Natalie was. I slightly cracked the closet door and peeked through the crack. Zayn's door wasn't open fully. I quickly open the closet door and step out. I slowly shut it and knock gentle on Zayn's door. The door opens and he looks down at me as he raised a eye brow.
"H..H..HI." I finally got the word out.
"Hey." He said calmly but I knew from the look in his eyes he already knew I was in the closet and that Mr. Manly voice guy was in his. When poor Natalie without knowing nothing for what was going to happen.
"Well..." I started and turned to walk away,"I better go then."
I had started walking but Zayn's intense stare made my back shiver. I turned around and sighed. I mouthed fine as I walked up to him. He smiled at me and it just made my heart race even more. He opened the door and I walked in.
Natalie smiled at me in a I-wish-you-never-came attitude and I smiled back. I walked over to the closet and leaned on it. Natalie's shaky hands clung to her mini skirt and sweat formed on her forehead. I watched as she breathed in and out several times knowing she would freak out if I touched the closet doorknob.

"So Elora you was saying?" Zayn asked me
"Oh yeah. That I left my favorite green blouse here. Uh...I think it's in your closet." I tapped my chin repeatedly. I grabbed the closet doorknob and Natalie jumped.
"I think I saw that favorite green blouse of yours in the washer down stairs." She spoke out lying through her teeth.
"Huh? That's odd. Zayn's mom said she had put it in Zayn's closet and that she told him not to touch it." I said still holding onto the doorknob tightly. I could hear the guy's heart beat faster as if he was in some kind of trouble, which he was.
"Oh. I was sure it was." She said. I started to twist the knob and she gulped. I slowly opened the door and........
SORRY. Cliffhanger!!! XD Seems to be a lot of those but I'm doing the next chapter so Don't panic. [: I will never keep you guys hanging like that :)))) Anyway hoped you liked this chapter. ;) AND THANKS for hearting my books. It means a lot. A WHOLE lot. Kay. READ.
-Amber M.

Chapter Ten


I opened the door and the guy's gone. I heard him breathing(obviously). But where is he now? I couldn't believe it but I did for a little while. He was right there. Hiding. I smiled at him and then made a freaked out face.
"What the?!" I shouted and jumped back. Zayn rushed over to me and looked in the closet. He saw the guy and scowled. The guy stood up and walked out of the closet with his hands up.
"Who the hell is he?!" Zayn snapped. He wasn't acting no more. He was truly mad and that made me jealous.
"He...a...He's uh....My boyfriend." Natalie's voice cracked and she seemed very nervous. Zayn's breathing picked up and his heart raced. He was about to do something he never wanted to do. I laid my hand on his shoulder and sparks shot up my arm. My cheeks became warm and I knew I had just done something I had wished not to do but I did. Zayn calmed down and I could feel his confusion.
"Zayn-" Natalie began but he cut her off.
"Just go." He whispered as he looked down at the floor. She just nodded and left quickly with her other guy.

Left alone in a room with Zayn.

Zayn's eyes were still glued to the floor and he never moved an inch. I, on the other hand had been awkwardly trying not to move. He finally looked up at me. His eyes stared into mine, his breathing as normal as ever, and he wasn't confused no more. He came closer and wrapped his arms around me. Sparks shot through me once again and I felt whole.
My hairs on my neck tingled from Zayn breathing on me. I shivered and inhaled Zayn's scent. He smelt of strawberries and a faint scent of his cologne. I melted even more in his arms as Zayn buries his face into my neck, making me chuckle.

"Why?" I heard Zayn whisper with a hint of sadness in his tone.
"Why what?" I asked.
"Hide this. Us. We're mates, Elora." Zayn snapped. He had released his arms and stepped back a couple steps. I wanted to tell him everything.

That I didn't know until yesterday.
That I wanted to but he was getting married.
That I loved him...
I loved him? Not even knowing him and it was wrong. He was my mate and I had hidden that away from him (Well, only a day but still you get the point).

"I never wanted to. I only knew for a day and I couldn't even find you. I come here thinking, Hey, Maybe if I just tell him straight out, he'll understand and we can live happy ever after

. I come to find out you were getting married to Natalie. I was heart broke, Zayn." I said as I tried to fight back tears that just hoped to be set free.
Zayn's eyes darken and he sighs. He shoves his hands into his pockets and looks at me.
"I'm sorry, Elora." He said with sadness filling him. His wolf wanted to be in my arms again as much as my wolf wanted to be in Zayn's. I inhaled air and looked Zayn in the eyes.
"What now?" I asked. The question that had many answers. I wanted to know what happens next.
"I'll have to tell my mother. She'll cancel the wedding and send messages to everyone stating that the wedding is off." He said with a smile. A real one at that. I was still jealous that he had wanted to get married to a girl that wasn't even his mate. Zayn's eye brow raised and smirk showed on his face. "Are you-" But before he could finish his sentence Josyln opened the door, smiling like god gave her everything. "Hey, You." She said looking toward Zayn.
"You need to accept that-" She got cut off by Nate.
"Leave the love birds alone, Baby." He said as he dragged her away. Zayn and I chuckled and then smiled at each other.

Chapter Eleven

My wolf was beyond happy and I was the one who was miserable. I had to clean the whole mansion again. The only excuse that was giving was that some old friends had moved back into town and that a dinner was going to happen tonight.

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