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Book online «Misfortune by Amber M. (top 100 novels .TXT) 📖». Author Amber M.

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'I know!' I yelled but I think I yelled it out loud.
"You know what?" Zayn asked while he brushed the snow off of him. He didn't even get mad!
"Nothing." I blurted out.
"So your dumb?" He asked with a smirk.
"NO, You dumbo. I was talking to Tundra." I snapped.
"Who?" He asked.
"Tundra." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.
"Do you talk to imaginary people in your head?" He asked with another stupid smirk.
"No." I snapped.
"Really? Elora? Tell me. Do you?" He pushed the question further.
"No. It's just" I said but couldn't find a right excuse to say to get me outta this mess.
"Elora!" I heard Ladonna shout. I put my fingers on my temples and tapped repeatedly. She yelled my name again.
"Oh I'mma Comin!" I yelled and stood up. I brushed the snow off of me and ran to Ladonna.
"Yes?" I asked her like I was innocent.
"Come. We are buying gifts for the Conrad family." She said. She started walking and talking to her daughters.
"Did you know they had a daughter?" Lola joined in as she put her book back in her purse.
"Really?" Sally said with a surprised look.
"Yeah. Us girls. Meaning not Elora should buy her a gift." Stacey suggested. I rolled my eyes when she said my name. They had all agreed to it and ran off into some girly store.
"Elora?" Ladonna stopped walking and looked at me.
"Yes?" I asked as I tried not to seem annoyed.
"Since you look like a boy, talk like a boy, and act like a boy.....go buy Zayn a present." She said. I rolled my eyes but then they became wide. A present for Zayn. No.
"Fine..." I blurted out.
"Good. When you do meet us at the Conrad family mansion." She said and walked off.
"Good. When you do meet us at the Conrad family mansion." I said in a weird voice as I mocked her. I sprinted into a guy store.

"Helloo???" A guy at the front desk asked, making it sound like a regular hello. He glared at me for a second and then raised an eyebrow.
"Hey. Anyway can you help me?" I asked.
"With what?" He asked coming over to me.
"I have to get a stupid present for this guy-" I said but the guy cut me off.
"Oh.....A crush I see." He said.
"Ya-wait No! My stupid step mother made me buy it for him." I said.
"Okay. What's he like?" He asked me.
"Ummm......he's annoying, popular, ignorant-" I said but he cut me off again.
"Tell me somethings good about him." He said. I put my finger on my chin and tilted my head a little. What is good about him?
"He can be nice and he is sometimes sensitive." I said.
"Sounds like him." He says.
"What?" I asked him.
"To tell you the truth I was his best friend but even though I was one grade higher than him." He said.
"Oh....Then can you help me?!" I asked him.
"Yeah. Sure. His favorite sport is football. Maybe you should get him a football." He said.
"No. That would be to...regular and my step mother doesn't like regular." I said.
"Well just look around and find anything that suits what your mom would approve." He said to me and walked back to the desk. I needed to hurry. I walked to a display case in the back. It was a football but with someone's name signed on it.

"Ain't it a beauty?" A guy asked me.
"Y-ya. Umm....How much does it cost?" I asked.
"It's not for sale." He said.
"If it was." I said.
"Then it would be a lot." He told me.
"Well can I buy it or not?" I asked.

I walked to the main gate of Conrad's family mansion. My eyes bolted everywhere. It was HUGE. I pushed a red button and it buzzed. I lifted my finger and Mr. Conrad appeared on the screen beside the button.

"Hello, Mr. Conrad." I said.
"Hello, Dear." He replied. The screen went black and the gate opened. I walked up to the door and was about to knock on the door but it opened. I had punched someone in the face. My mouth dropped and I turned around to see........
Hope ya guys like the chapter. Sorry it was short. :)

-Amber M.
Chapter Six

My eyes are wide and my mouth is open. I took in the scene and finally snapped out of it. I closed my eyes and mouth. I open my eyes and helped her up.

"I'm so sorry, Joslyn." I said.
"It's okay." She said as she regain her balance. She grabbed my arm and pulled me in. She closed the door and let my arm go. Nate walked in and kissed her. I cleared my throat and he looked at me.

"Elora...hi." He said with a apologetic smile.

I rolled my eyes and walked off from them. I can't believe Nate didn't tell me she was a Conrad. I huffed and cursed under my breath as I made my way to the huge living room. I flopped down on the huge couch with my arm crossed. (Practically everything in this house is huge.) I heard voices coming my way and I groaned.
I stood up and uncrossed my arms from my chest. Ladonna, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad, Nate, Joslyn, Sally, Lola, and last but not least Stacey. Stacey had walked in with Zayn's arm around her. It made me kinda mad. I growled and sat in a chair over by the corner of the room. There's five reasons why I sat in this chair. One reason is to ignore whatever they're talking about, Second reason is to ignore the triplets, Third reason is I'm still mad at Nate, Fourth reason is Ladonna would of gave me a lecture about sitting around the Mr. and Mrs. Conrad, and the fifth reason is because of Zayn.
I yawned and blinked a couple times to keep myself awake but it didn't work. My eyes began closing and darkness was surrounding me. I was about to go to sleep when someone shouted,"Get out of my house!" My eyes shoot open to see Ladonna and Ms. Conrad face to face. Ms. Conrad growling and Ladonna hissing like a cat.
I sat up and rubbed my head. I closed my eyes for about ten seconds and then it hit me. the sound of the glass table being shattered.

'AW! They ruined my beauty sleep!' Tundra yelled in a cranky tone.
'Me to!' I whined. I woke up completely and took in the scene. Ms. Conrad and Ladonna was fighting. Why? I dunno....

I stretched and looked around the room. It kinda was a funny scene. Ladonna hissing like a cat, Mr. Conrad gasping like a girl, Lola reading a book while her mother is on the floor in front of her, Sally putting make up on while holding a mini mirror, Stacey flirting with Zayn, and me trying to hold back laughter. didn't work. I busted out laughing and everyone stopped and looked at me. I finally took a deep breath in and let it out.

"What?" I asked them.

Mr. Conrad had kicked Ladonna and the triplets out. I had be requested to stay and that means I HAD to stay. I banged my head off the wall from the guest room over and over until someone put a pillow on the wall. I groaned and turned around. Zayn was about two inches from my face. I scowled at him and sighed. He closed his eyes and leaned in closer to me every second. I gulped and my heart raced. He stopped beside my ear and I could tell he was smirking.

"Joslyn wants to see you." he whispered and then stood straight again. I growled at him and stomped off toward Joslyn's room. I heard him chuckle at me. I stopped at double doors and knocked on them. I got inpatient and bored, so I pushed the doors. I looked around and my mouth dropped. It was beautiful. I turned to my right and almost gagged. Joslyn and Nate was making out. I flopped down on her bed and sigh loud so they can hear me.

"Whatcha want?" I asked Joslyn. She apart from Nate and wiped her mouth. Ew.
"Well I was going to go the theaters with my bro tomorrow but I can't, so this is where you come in, Can you go for me?" She asked. I shook my head and jumped up.

"No." I said.
"Please?" She begged.
"No way." I said.
"Pleaseeee???" She begged.
"Nope." I said popping the p as I turned my head to the side.
"Come on, Elora. Just once. I promise." She begged even further.
"Fine." I said finally giving up.
"Thanks!" She shouted and turned back to Nate. I rolled my eyes and walked out of her room.

I walked down the stairs and it does take a while. I mean there's about Two thousand stairs. I stop and look over the railing. I see Zayn and Stacey. I thought of something evil to do. I smiled and took out the bottle of cold water I had bought when I was out.
I untwisted the cap and threw it on the stairs. It bounced off a stair and started down all of them. I shrugged and tilted the bottle. I did a few tiny drops first. It hit Stacey on the head and I saw her about to look up just in time as I ducked. I giggled and I stand back up.
I aimed for the greatest place to get both Stacey and Zayn. I don't know even know why she's still here. I thought she had got kicked out with the others. I found the greatest spot and poured the whole bottle of water. I dropped the bottle to. The water had splashed all over their heads and some parts of there clothes.
I couldn't help but laugh. Stacey looked up and saw me laughing. She hissed and started running in vampire speed up the stairs. I stopped laughing and the only thing I thought of was to jump. I swung my legs over the railing and I started falling.

'Your an idiot!' Tundra had shouted at me.
"I know! Don't rub it in!' I yelled back. I closed my eyes and wondered what if would fell like to hit a hard

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