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floor. The last thing I did was open my eyes but I wasn't even falling anymore. I was facing golden brown eyes and a cute face. I mentally slapped myself. He let me down and I started running as Stacey chased me out the door.

I hate to admit it I wasn't scared of Stacey but when she's angry or mad she can kill. That's why I'm running from her.

'I'm too young to die!' Tundra yelled.
'Oh shut up!' I yelled at her as I climbed the gate. I jumped over and ran again. I was out of breath when I made it home. I had walked into my room and locked the door behind. I dropped down on my bed and fell asleep from all the running it made me tired.
Chapter Seven

Before I could even move my whole body I flew off my bed and I landed on my face. Wtf! I didn't even no what was happening since I was in a good wonderful deep sleep. I pushed myself up and rubbed my whole face. I opened my eyes and Stacey was in front of me with her fangs showing. I rolled my eyes and looked at my bed. It was flopped over and messed up.

Great. Another mess to clean, I thought. I looked back at Stacey and scowled.

"What'd you want?" I snapped at her.
"Today. is. School." She said every word at a time.
"Oh. so. is. it. necessary. to. talk. like. this." I said words at a time. She hissed and stomped out of my room. I closed the door but it ended up swinging back open and hit me in the face. I put my hand on my face and let out a slight groan. I got dragged to my closet. I removed my hand and my friends were standing around me. I looked at Aurora and Rylee.

We agreed on what I should wear the first day back at school. Short shorts, a black long sleeve shirt that says ,'I bite' on it, leather jacket, and my vans.

(A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. A storm knocked all the power in WV.)

We had got to school and Conner had parked his car. We all stumbled out like children and made our ways into the crowd halls. I ran into several people as I made my way to my locker. I opened it up and coughed. My locker was filled with dust and man it only has been like two weeks since I opened my locker.
I finally got all the books I needed for class. I closed my locker and Nate was leaning on the locker beside me. He looked at me with those stupid puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Stop it." I demanded.
"Stop what?" he smirked.
"You know what I mean." I said as I walked off toward class but Nate followed me. I stopped walking and turned around.

"What'd you want?" I asked.
"I'm soooo sorry, Elora. Please, forgive me. I'm your favorite friend." He said with his puppy dog eyes.
"Stop that." I snapped at him.
"C'mon. Forgive me. I was going to tell you." He told me with his serious face.
"Fine...I forgive you for now but you mess up one more time. It'll last for months." I said and walked into class.

When school was over I sighed. I had to go to the movie theaters with Zayn freaking Conrad. I stomped all the way to Conner's car. I repeatedly pulled on the door handle even knowing it was locked still. After ten minutes of pulling on the door handle Conner, Aurora, and Rylee walked over to me.

"What are you doing?" Conner asked.
"Dying." I said.
"you look alive to me." Aurora said.
"Dying inside and outside." I said.
"Why are you 'dying'?" Rylee asked me as Conner unlocked the doors.
"I have to go baby sit Zayn at the movie theaters." I pouted as I got in the passenger side and closed my door. Rylee and Aurora hoped in the back. Conner got into the driver side and started up the car.
"Oh.....I see. You have a date with Zayn." Rylee teased. I groaned and put my head on the window and stared out of it. Just thinking about it being a date was even worse.

Conner dropped me off at my house and I waved good bye to him. I walked inside and walk over to my closet. I pull out a red double breasted coat, my ripped skinny jeans, a white long sleeve shirt, and red n black vans. I buttoned my coat up and grabbed my red braided baggy beanie. I put it on my head and grabbed my cell phone and pushed it in my pocket.

I walked outside and sighed. I forgot that I had no car and no one to to take me to the movie theaters.

'There's only one way.' Tundra said.
'What way?' I asked Tundra.
'Wolf way.' Tundra said.
'No.' I told her.
'yes! It's the only way!' She yelled at me.
'Fine.' I said.

I walked over behind a tree and stripped my clothes off. I put them in a bag and I transformed into a golden brown wolf. I grabbed the bag with my mouth and ran through the woods. I finally made it to the movie theaters and transformed back to normal. I put my clothes back on and left the bag laying on the ground.
I walked over to a waiting Zayn. He looked cute but annoyed. He looked at me with a confused look.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.
"Your sister." I told him.
"Where is my sister?" He asked.
"She ditched you for Nate." I said.
"Oh...I see. I guess she isn't cool enough to hang with me." He said and then grabbed my arm. He pulled me inside the movie theaters and took me to a random movie. Zayn and his sister probably picked it out. He sat down and I sat down beside him.

After the movie was off we had went outside. The snow gently fell down from the sky. I love snow. I smiled and took in the cold air. I closed my eyes and sat there relaxed. Just then a snow ball hit me in the head. My eyes shot open and I turned to a smirking Zayn.

"You." I muttered.
"Me?" He asked, clueless.

He turned around and started walking away. I picked up snow and made a ball. I threw it at him and it hit his head. He stopped and turned to me. He laughed and smirked.

"Nice but-" He began and picked up a bucket,"I can do better." He filled the bucket with snow and my eyes widen.
"You wouldn't." I said.
"Oh, Yeah. I would." he said and then ran at me. I started running from him and he chased me with the bucket.
"I can run all day!" I yelled at him.
"Me to." He told me.
"Ugh! My legs are so numb!" I yelled.
" could stop." He suggested.
"No! You'll dump the bucket of snow on me." I said.
"No, I won't. I swear." He said. I stopped running and put my hands on my knees. My legs are so freaking cold. Just then something cold went down my shirt and on my head.

"AW REALLY!" I screamed.

I jumped up and down trying to get the snow out of my shirt. Zayn laughed at me until he was laughing to hard. I finally got all the snow out of my shirt. I walked toward Zayn but I slid on ice and ended up falling down on top of Zayn. Our faces was only four inches apart and it felt weird but my wolf didn't seem annoyed by it. Someone cleared their throat and I got back up.
I helped Zayn up and the girl who had cleared her throat smiled. She jumped on Zayn and wrapped her legs around his waist. They kissed each other and then Zayn had a surprised look. Was I the only one confused here?

"Natalie, What are you doing here?" Zayn asked her.
"I came to visit. Since you know I'm your girlfriend." She said and smiled wide at him. The word girlfriend sunk into my head and my chest started to hurt.
"Aw...You didn't have to." Zayn said.
"But I did." She said. She jumped down from Zayn and walked over to me.
"I'm Natalie parks. I'm Zayn's girlfriend." She said as she reached her hand out. I shook it and smiled.
"I'm Elora Novak. Not Zayn's friend. Just baby sitting him at the movie theaters cause his sister ditched him for my friend." I said with a huge smile as I gave a few glances at Zayn. Natalie chuckled and turned to look at Zayn.
"She's funny." She said.
"I was being serious but anyway I gotta go kill someone." I said.
"Oh. Nice meeting you, Elora." Natalie said as I turned and walked off.
"Yeah. It sure is!" I yelled as I made my way down the street. I wasn't mad that Zayn didn't mention Natalie before, Right? I wasn't falling in love. No, not at all. It was all the cold rushing to my head. I really convinced myself out of this one but hopefully I really don't like....him.

Chapter Eight

(A/N: Finally, I got back on. WOHO! I had a bit of a Writers' block but It's over and I'm in the process of finishing this book and making a lot more. Probably better. I'll try not to rush in it like my old books. Thanks for reading.)

I already hated the fact that I knew I had a crush on Za-Mr.Conrad's son. I hated it.

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