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Book online «Misfortune by Amber M. (top 100 novels .TXT) 📖». Author Amber M.

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I just wanted it to be fake but it surely was all real. The bad part is......I also found out something else. It was way worse than finding out you have a crush on the boy you hate and also the boy who has a girl friend.

He was not just a crush.
Not just a person I hate.
Not just a person I liked but also disliked.
He was something more.
He was.....My mate.

'AGWAH! I hate it, Tundra. Why does it have to be him?' I say just a bit angry.
'Well, you can't pick what you want all the time. It just happens. Live with it. He's your mate. Your his mate. Just accept it because rejection sucks.' Tundra told me.
I sighed as I sat up in my bed and slid my feet over to let them touch the floor. Natalie is way prettier than me. She has that long beautiful hair and sparkling eyes. She is Zayn's everything. I hate to admit it but she should be Zayn's mate.
'SHUT UP! Do you hear yourself, Elora?! She should be his mate! Are you freaking kidding me?! Stop being a depressed whiner and get over it. They won't be together forever!' Tundra yelled and I sighed. She was right. I stood up and shoved my vans on. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door. I had to find Zayn and tell him how I feel.

^ ^ ^
I went every where to find Zayn but he was no where to be found. I hated that I couldn't find him. Then it hit me. He was probably at Natalie's house. I stopped completely and sighed. Let him be happy for the mean while.

'And let yourself be depressed and hurt?' Tundra asked.
'Yep.' I said as I continued to walk back home.
'Elora! Seriously? He's your mate. He'll be happy with you a whole lot better.' Tundra convinced me.
'Tundra, just drop it. Zayn has his own mind. He'll probably figure out some time soon. Let him be the one to come run for me. Not me running to him.' I said.
'But-' Tundra started and I cut her off.
'Drop it.' I demanded.
'Okay....' Tundra said as a sigh of fail could be heard in her voice.

I was in town now and walking around for no reason. I had no reason now. I was looking for Zayn but that didn't go good. I shoved my cold hands into my jacket and huffed. I'd sit back for a couple months and watch Zayn be happy with Natalie. If I can't stand it then I'll do something....anything to get my mind off of him.

Not to mention that my step sisters likes him, I thought. I stared at ground covered in snow as I continued to walk. I lost track of walking and I had ended up at Zayn's house. 'Now that's something you don't see everyday.' I told myself.
'Yeah....' Tundra replied.
'....Tundra! You....' I yelled but Mrs. Conrad appeared beside me and saw me covered with snow. She gasped and opened the gates. Then ran to me and started wiping the snow off of me.

"Uh...Thanks, Mrs. Conrad." I thanked her as she grabbed my wrist.
"No, It's my pleasure." She said and smiled at me. I shrugged the weird feeling in the atmosphere as she pulled me off into the mansion. She let go of my wrist as she slipped her high heels off and put on house slippers. I slid my converse off and slipped on house slippers also. She smiled as she pulled me into the kitchen and started clapping like crazy when she saw a huge wedding like cake.

(A/N: A lil cliff hanger there. :D I'm going a head to write a little of Chapter nine. Hoped you liked this chapter. :) Thanks for reading.)
Chapter Nine

Soon to be newly weds: Zayn Conrad and Natalie Conrad.

Mrs. Conrad's words started to slur.

My eyes wondered up and down the cake. It was quite a cake. The brown roses were the first thing that caught my eye and how the lines on the cake made your eyes wonder everywhere. Mrs. Conrad smiled and handed me an envelope. I looked at it for a couple seconds and looked up at a smiling Mrs.Conrad.

"What's..this?" I said like nothing was wrong but everything was wrong. I wanted to run away and cry to past the time of hurting.
"The invitation, dear. I wanted you have the first invitation to my son's wedding." She smiled with so much cheer. Although I wanted to frown, pout, yell, and cry at the very moment I endured it. I endured the pain.
"..Thanks....I'm hap...happy you did." I said, trying not to cry.
"Your welcome." She said as her smile grew at the sound of the word 'happy'. I had to get out of there. There and now. Before I did something I wish I wouldn't do like cry my heart out, yell at Mrs. Conrad, smash the cake, rip up the invitation, or do all the above. I took the right choice and cleared my throat.
"Well, Mrs.Conrad. I better get home to do my chores." I said. I began to walk out of the kitchen but Mrs. Conrad stopped me and smiled.
"I'll drive you home." She said.
"No! Uh....I'm going walk. I'll be fine." I said.

She nodded and said her goodbye. I rushed walked to the door and pushed the house slippers off of my feet. I slid my converse on and opened the door. I closed the door slightly and a tear feel down my cheek. I wiped it quickly and started walking to the gate. It opened and I sprint off down the side walk to make sure Zayn and Natalie happen to come home.
Tears ran down my face as I slowed down and started walking slowly. The wind was calm and the snow fell gently. It was cold but I wasn't worried. Memories of Zayn hit me and I breathed in the cold air. It was of the first time he came to our house and he was in my room. I had wasted my dinner because he scared me. When he caught me from falling in the snow and asked me some weird questions.
Can't forget the day he threw a snowball at my head and then I ran from him. He ended up dumping a whole bucket of snow on me. I started to cry harder from the memories. I dropped to my knees and covered my face with my palms.

Thank god no one was out this late

,`I thought as the tears still feel down my cheeks and hit the cold side walk covered with snow. My warm tears melted the snow. I shivered when the wind started to blow and the snow picked up. I stood up and wiped the falling tears from my face. I sniffed and started to walk again. Just then I saw Zayn's car go past me but I only caught a glimpse. My eyes are wide and my mouthed formed an 'O'.

He was smiling. The only thing that made my heart skip and then it started to hurt when I remembered that he was getting married. Not to mention I still had the invitation in my hand the whole time.

^ ^ ^

I waved my hand and turned on my other side. I snuggled with my pillow as the person sighed and I could tell they were rolling their eyes at me. They walked around the bed and pulled on my pillow. I swatted at the person and they groaned.
"Elora!" The person shouted at me as they still pulled on my pillow.
"Go....away..." I pouted.
"Get up!" They whined. My eyes opened and I focused on who it was. My eyes narrowed as I saw my three best friends. Aurora, Rylee, and Conner. I groaned and pulled the covers over me.

"Did she really just go there?" I heard Rylee say.
"Mhmmm." Aurora answered back. Some one grabbed my both of my legs and pulled. I flew out of bed and landed on my butt. I rubbed my head and pouted.
"You guys could have been gentle." Conner told them. I looked up at them with an annoyed look.
"I agree. You could have." I said as I stood up.
"Okay. We should have. Yotta, Yotta. We get it. We hear some rumors about a certain guy." Rylee said. I looked at her confused and then the memory from yesterday came to me.
"What guy?" I asked.
"Z-A-Y-N." Aurora sang while she pointed her finger back and forth. My face became hot and felt dizzy a little.
"W-wah....What about him?" I finally got out.
"We heard his girl friend came to visit and out of no where he proposed to her." Conner said with a I-could-care-less smile. My heart had became broken once again but I held my feelings.
"Oh, Yeah. Mrs. Conrad gave me an invitation." I said as I stood up and pulled out a crumpled envelope. Rylee grabbed it out of my hand and gasped at it.
"El! You have to go to the reception." Rylee said.
"I can't-I just can't go." I choked out.
"Why?" Aurora asked.
"I-" I started but Conner cut me off.
"Let me talk to Elora alone." He told Aurora and Rylee. They nodded and left my room, shutting the door behind them.
"You found him?" Conner asked as he sat beside me on my bed. I processed his words and started to tear up a bit.
"Yes." I said as tears ran down my face. Conner started to pat my back and he laid my head on his shoulder. I had so much I had to say but couldn't. I just cried into my best friend's chest as he continued to pat my back and told me repeatedly the same words.

It's okay.

* ^*^ *
Conner, Rylee, and Aurora left about an hour ago. Aurora and Rylee had left confused as they kept asking Conner questions. He just kept telling them the

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