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NR and, 515–16

Bel Air home of, 509–10, 513

book deals of, 516

Century City office of, 503, 515–16

knighthood of, 516

low approval ratings of, 522

lucrative Japanese speaking tour of, 517–18

1992 Republican Convention speech of, 538–39

Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to, 541

Rancho del Cielo stays of, 516, 517

travel by, 516

in visit to Berlin Wall remnants, 516–17

Reagan, Ronald, presidency of:

abortion issues downplayed by, 301–2

Abshire’s call for administration overhaul in, 482–83

AIDS crisis and, 412, 414, 418–23, 425–26, 428, 429, 432

anti-narcotics bill signed by, 463

astrology controversy in, 353–54

Bitburg cemetery visit of, 390–91

Camp David weekends in, 289–92

conflict between principles and political reality in, 297–98, 300, 303

congressional standing ovation in, 283

cuts in arts subsidies under, 356

cuts to social programs under, 321, 328–29

diaries of, 570–72

economic policy of, 263–64, 283

expanded defense budget in, 379

first inaugural celebrations in, 245–46

first inauguration in, 247

historians’ rating of, 566

immigration bill in, 463

Iran-contra scandal in, seeIran-contra scandal

Iran policy of, 399, 471–72

job approval rating of, 501, 516

Kitchen Cabinet supporters as concern in, 252–53

military buildup by, 435

Nicaragua contras supported by, 434

1981 tax cut in, 300

1982 tax hike in, 300–301

in 1984 China trip, 295–96

1985 European trip of, 390–95

NR’s glamorous lifestyle as concern in, 249–50

official family portrait of, 248

overscheduled first European trip in, 293–94

possible effect of RR’s Alzheimer’s in, seeReagan, Ronald, Alzheimer’s disease of

presidential library of, seeReagan Library

Rancho del Cielo stays of, 292–93

reliance on astrology in, 341–42, 345

RR’s delegation of authority in, 296

and RR’s disinterest in details, 296, 389, 440, 533, 534

and RR’s occasional use of sleeping pills, 320–21

second inauguration in, 366, 385–86

Soviet relations with, seeUS-Soviet relations

tax return release as issue in, 297–98

tax system overhaul in, 463

“tear down this wall” declaration in, 46, 516–17

in war on drugs, 321, 330

White House troika in, 235, 300, 387

Reagan, Ronald, presidential reelection campaign of, 375–86

advertising in, 378–80

age issue in, 382–83

formal announcement of, 375

“Morning in America” ad in, 378–79

NR’s fury at first debate debacle in, 381–82

NR’s initial opposition to, 375

Reagans love story as theme of, 380–81

Rollins as campaign manager in, 376, 377–80, 384

RR’s poor performance in first debate of, 381–82, 384

second debate in, 383

Reagan, Ronald Prescott “Ron,” 19, 131, 148, 307

in affair with older woman, 176–77

American Express ad of, 358

and assassination attempt, 275–76

ballet career of, 199–200, 275, 356, 357

birth of, 116

Doria’s relationship and marriage with, 200–201, 241–42

Dutch praised by, 409–10

as favorite child, 119, 176

in fight with parents over Secret Service protection, 357–58, 616–17

in GE commercials, 117

journalism career of, 358

in last visit with NR, 575

on Loyal’s adoption of NR, 37

on Michael’s relationship with NR, 555

money problems of, 201

on NR’s childhood, 14

on NR’s fights with children during RR’s absences, 119–20

on NR’s financial anxieties, 553

at NR’s funeral, 577–78

and NR’s growing awareness of AIDS crisis, 415

on NR’s role in RR’s gubernatorial campaign, 130

on NR’s role in RR’s life, 112

parents’ relationship with, 176, 201

and parents’ wills, 554

on Patti’s claims about NR, 119

and Patti’s novel, 372

as Playboy contributor, 358

in public criticism of Reagan administration’s inaction on AIDS, 421

and RR’s 1980 election, 236

on RR’s Alzheimer’s disease, 535, 542–43, 544

on RR’s lack of close friendships, 133

on RR’s remoteness, 117

in Sacramento, 163

on sale of ranch, 552

as Saturday Night Live host, 358–59

strain of RR’s long absences on, 117–18

at Yale, 199–200

Reagan Diaries, The (Brinkley, ed.), 572

Reagan Foundation, 502, 570

in conflict with Young America’s Foundation, 552–53

conservative board members purged from, 524–26

Ryan as chairman of, 546

Reagan Library, 501–3, 517, 541, 556, 559

dedication of, 524

NR’s devotion to, 566

NR’s funeral and burial at, 576–77

Pickens’s fund-raising for, 566–67

RR’s burial at, 563–64

RR’s writings held by, 569

Redbook, Michael’s attack on parents in, 362–63

Redford, Robert, 378

Red Scare, 75, 205

see alsoCommunists, Communism

Reed, Clarke, 193

Reed, Rex, 246

Reed, Thomas C., 141, 219

1968 RR presidential bid urged by, 171–72, 175

on NR’s role in gubernatorial campaign, 129–30

on RR’s 1976 presidential bid, 184, 185, 186

Regan, Ann, 485

Regan, Donald T., 302, 341, 348, 358

Abshire’s strategy memo to, 483

background of, 388–89

excluded from Abshire’s meetings with RR, 483

firing of Buchanan resisted by, 479

and Geneva summit, 449–50

imperious and self-serving style of, 469–70

Iran-contra deal opposed by, 473

Iran-contra press conference urged by, 484–85

J. Baker replaced as White House chief of staff by, 351, 385, 388–89, 396

memoir of, 352, 353, 508

negative press about, 475

NR’s blaming Iran-contra on, 352, 469

NR’s campaign for ouster of, 4, 304, 352, 474–77, 484–86, 488, 497

NR’s conflict with, 388, 396, 399, 470–71, 481–82, 609

NR’s power underestimated by, 471

on NR’s reliance on astrology, 351–52

Reagans’ quarrels over, 474

resignation of, 487–89, 491

RR’s camaraderie with, 470, 477

sexism of, 470

Tower report’s criticism of, 487

Rennert, Leo, 360

Report to the People (TV series), 152

Republican National Committee (RNC), Maureen as special consultant to, 360–61

Republican National Convention:

of 1968, 174

of 1976, 193–97

of 1980, 224–25

of 1984, 380–81

of 1992, 538

of 1996, 546–47

Republican Party:

1964 losses of, 127

1982 losses of, 376

1984 election victories of, 529

Resnick, Patricia, 413

Reston, James, 183, 496

Revell, Dennis, 248, 278, 545, 551, 557

in last visit with NR, 576

Maureen’s wedding to, 282–83

Revell, Rita, 545

Revlon, NR on board of, 519

Reykjavik, Iceland, US-Soviet summit in, 453–56

Reynolds, Frank, 273

Reynolds, Nancy Clark, 187, 189, 484–85

on NR’s insecurity, 161–62

on NR’s political instincts, 161

and Reagans’ introduction to Washington social scene, 239, 240

on RR’s Alzheimer’s disease, 535–36

Ridgway, Matthew, 393

Righter, Carroll, 111, 143

astrology column of, 111, 143, 343

astrology-themed parties of, 343

NR’s consultations with, 344

Risky Business (film), 359

Rivers, Joan, 373, 516

Robb, Charles S., in 1994 senate campaign, 527–29

Robbins, Anne “Nanee,” 18, 37

Robbins, Kenneth:

death of, 18, 19

Edie’s divorce from, 17

financial difficulties of, 18–19

and Loyal’s adoption of NR, 37

marriage of Edie and, 10–11

NR’s relationship with, 17–18

Robbins, Patsy, 18

Roberts, William, 133–34, 136, 171, 188

Robinson, Jill Schary, 77

Rockefeller, Nelson, 134, 149

as Ford’s vice president, 184

in 1968 presidential race, 174

Rockne, Knute, 503

Roe v. Wade, 151, 301

Rogers, William, 475–76

Rollins, Ed, 360, 395

in departure from RR White House, 396

on NR’s dislike of Regan, 471

NR’s relationship with, 377

as RR’s 1984 campaign manager, 376, 377–80, 384

Romney, George, 171

Ronald Reagan, USS, 555

Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, 567

Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, 567

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Foundation, seeReagan Foundation

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 567, 568

Ronnie and Jesse (Cannon), 34

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 4, 258

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 4, 41, 49, 50, 164, 290, 565, 567–68

Roosevelt, Selwa “Lucky,” 260, 349

memoir of, 521

NR’s relationship with, 309

on NR’s rivalry with Raisa Gorbachev, 458–59

Roosevelt, Theodore, Morris’s biography of, 407

Rosebush, James, 264, 317, 329, 333

Rose, Charlie, 528

Rosenberg, Stephen, 398

Ruge, Daniel A., 35

and assassination attempt, 276–77

mutual dislike of NR and, 277–78

NR’s drug dependency as

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