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Book online «The Triumph of Nancy Reagan Karen Tumulty (motivational novels .TXT) 📖». Author Karen Tumulty

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concern of, 320, 614

Rumsfeld, Donald, as Ford’s chief of staff, 185

Ryan, Fred, 390, 483, 517, 552

as Reagan Foundation chairman, 546

in resignation as chief of staff, 546

and RR’s Alzheimer’s disease, 531, 543–44, 546

and RR’s funeral arrangements, 561, 562

as RR’s post-presidency chief of staff, 502–3, 515–16, 526

Sacramento, Calif., Reagans’ remoteness from social life of, 145–46

Sacramento Bee,154–55, 360

Sadat, Anwar, 290

assassination of, 285

Safire, William, 294, 506

in attack on NR’s White House influence, 496

St. Basil’s Cathedral (Moscow), 462

Salinger, Pierre, 138

Salvatori, Henry, 129, 163, 186

San Francisco, Calif., hippies in, 138

San Francisco Examiner,143–44, 230

Sardiña, Adolfo, 133

Saturday Evening Post, 147

Saturday Night Live (TV show), 358–59

Schary, Dore, 71, 594

on NR’s starring role in The Next Voice You Hear,96–97

Schary, Miriam, 77, 96

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 566

JFK biography by, 408

Schreiber, Taft, 113, 135, 163

Scouten, Rex, 243

Scowcroft, Brent, 467, 487

Screen Actors Guild (SAG):

NR as board member of, 98

RR as president of, 76, 91, 434

RR’s resignation as president of, 107–8

Seaman, Barrett, 488

Sears, John, 187–88, 189, 190

in attempt to sideline Meese, 218–20

Deaver’s conflict with, 210–12

Kitchen Cabinet sidelined by, 208

NR’s relationship with, 186–87, 207, 212, 220, 443

and NR’s reliance on astrology, 207

as RR’s 1976 campaign manager, 186

as RR’s 1980 campaign manager, 206–8, 210–12, 214, 215–17

RR’s firing of, 219–20, 443

RR’s message softened by, 208–9

“Second Hand Rose” (song), 316

Secret Service:

increased security measures implemented by, 345

NR’s relations with, 345

Patti’s refusal of protection by, 369–70

Ron’s refusal of protection by, 357–58, 616–17

Selznick, David O., 95

Senate, US:

Republican control of, 249

Republicans’ 1986 loss of, 465

Watergate hearings of, 488

Serra, Junipero, 143

Serrano, Eddie, 291

Service, Robert, 84

Shaddick, Raymond, 268

Shales, Tom, 246

Shanahan, Ann, 328

Sheridan, Ann, 72

Shevardnadze, Eduard, 450

Shilts, Randy, 417, 418, 429

Shooting of Don McGrew, The (Service), 84

Shriver, Sargent, 168

Shultz, George, 388, 483, 569, 572

China trip of (1983), 1–2

Dobrynin’s dialogue with, 440–41

in Geneva meetings with Shevardnadze, 450

Haig replaced as secretary of state by, 307, 439–40

Iran-contra deal opposed by, 473

as NR’s ally and friend, 261, 304, 307, 434, 440, 444, 467

on NR’s backstage role in Reagan presidency, 3

on NR’s involvement in negotiations with Soviets, 441–42

and NR’s UN speech, 326–27

on RR’s desire to meet with Communist leaders, 2

on RR’s grasp of complex issues, 440

and RR’s meeting with Gromyko, 445–46

Shultz, Helena “Obie,” 442, 457

Sidey, Hugh, 468

Sidwell Friends School, 14–15

Simi Valley, as site for Reagan presidential library, 501–2, 503

Simon, William, 244, 609

Simon & Schuster, 516, 523

Simpson, John, 268

Simpson, Wallis, 39

Sinatra, Barbara, 279, 331, 332

Sinatra, Frank, 250, 257, 279, 308

alleged sexual liaison of NR and, 332

marriage problems of, 332

NR’s friendship with, 331–32

RR’s first presidential gala produced by, 245–46

RR’s second California inaugural gala produced by, 164–65

Sinatra, Tina, on father’s friendship with NR, 332

60 Minutes, 194

Skinner, Kiron K., 569

Smith, Gordon, 149

Smith, Liz, 329, 523

Smith, William French, 185, 526

in war on drugs, 321

Smith College:

awarding of honorary degree to NR rejected by, 327–28, 539

culture of, 53

Factory Follies at, 58–59

impact of World War II on, 58

NR at, 53, 54, 55–56, 59, 60

WAVES at, 58

Solidarity movement, 517

Southern California, University of, 181

Soviet Union, 436

Afghanistan invaded by, 435, 436

plight of Jews in, 461

RR’s distrust of, 435

US relations with, seeUS-Soviet relations

Spadafori, Gina, 163

Speakes, Larry, 397, 401, 465, 479

and assassination attempt, 270, 274–75

memoir of, 508

on Michael’s opportunistic schemes, 361

and stereotyping of gays, 413–14

Spencer, Stuart, 19, 171, 507

and choice of J. Baker as chief of staff, 233–34, 235

in Ford’s 1976 reelection campaign, 184–85, 186, 188, 191–92, 193, 199

in gubernatorial campaign, 137

in meeting with Wyman, 136–37

on NR as shrewd judge of people, 135

as NR’s ally in defeating North’s Senate ambitions, 52–58

and NR’s campaign to oust Regan, 475

on NR’s complaints about gubernatorial campaign, 140

on NR’s friendship with Buckley, 130

on NR’s political acuity, 135, 141

NR’s relationship with, 192, 222–23, 512

on NR’s role in RR’s political life, 134–35

on NR’s support of Weinberger, 149

on NR’s willingness to be the “bad guy,” 135

on Reagans’ unique closeness, 4, 135

Roberts’s political consulting partnership with, 133–34

RR’s 1968 presidential run opposed by, 173

in RR’s 1980 campaign, 222–23, 227

in RR’s 1984 reelection campaign, 376, 377

RR’s Alzheimer’s disease and, 542

on RR’s emotional remoteness, 133

and RR’s “evil empire” speech, 439

Sears advised on 1990 campaign by, 208

in Tower’s meeting with RR, 491–92

White House troika arrangement opposed by, 235–36

Spielberg, Steven, 291

Stack, Robert, 523

NR dated by, 95

Stanford University, 502

Stanley Holden Dance Center, 200

Stanwyck, Barbara, 110

State of the Union (film), 218

Steffes, George, 146

Steinem, Gloria, 495

Ms. essay on NR by, 251

Steinhoff, Johannes, 393

stem-cell research:

Fox’s advocacy of, 560

G.W. Bush’s restrictions on, 559–60

NR’s advocacy of, 557–60

Stewart, James, 48, 114, 129, 164

Stinchfield, Frank, 34

Stockman, David, 232

as RR’s budget director, 263–64

Stone, Roger, 204–5

Straight Inc., 324

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 434, 450, 455–56

Strauss, Robert, 481

Regan firing urged by, 476–77

Streep, Meryl, 259

Sullivan, Denise, 277

Sunderland, Nan, 24, 48

Supreme Court, US:

Brown decision of, 328

Roe v. Wade decision of, 151, 301

“Survival Sunday” antinuclear rally, 370

Sweet, Robert, 423

Tampico, Ill., Reagan family’s stays in, 80, 83

Tarasenko, Sergei, 455

Tate, Sheila, 264, 274, 334

and astrology controversy, 353

NR’s Gridiron Club spoof orchestrated by, 315–18

as NR’s White House press secretary, 243

Taxi Driver (film), 273

Taylor, Elizabeth, 69, 226, 421, 424

Taylor, Orville, 37, 65

Taylor, Robert, 131

Taylor, Ursula, 131, 573


NR’s brief career in, 67–68

RR’s career in, seeReagan, Ronald, film and television career of

Wasserman and, 108

Thatcher, Margaret, 293, 294, 350–51, 503, 516

Gorbachev praised by, 447

RR’s first meeting with, 204

RR’s friendship with, 259, 447, 531, 532, 610

RR’s Reagan Library tribute to, 541

videotaped eulogy for RR by, 562

That Printer of Udell’s (Wright), 84

Thau, Benjamin, 97

NR’s film career promoted by, 69–70

NR’s rumored sexual relationship with, 70–71


Edie’s career in, 9–10, 12–13, 15, 22

NR’s brief career in, 63–65

This Is the Army (film), 136

This Week with David Brinkley (TV show), 484

Thomas, Helen, 242, 243, 294, 319, 334

Thompson, Nancy, 247

Thorne, Narcissa, 46

Thousand Days, A (Schlesinger), 408

Thurmond, Strom, 174

Time, 180, 193, 195, 221, 444, 455, 468, 488, 504, 510, 512, 569–70

Tinker, Grant, 519

To Love a Child (N. Reagan and Wilkie), 331

Tomshany, Dave, 140

Tonight show, 262, 373

Tower, John, 467, 487

RR’s private meeting with, 491–92

Tower Commission, 467

report of, 482, 485, 487, 497

RR’s contradictory testimony to, 482, 534

Town Meeting of the World (TV program), 173

Tracy, Louise, 47

Tracy, Spencer, 12, 22, 77, 218

alcoholism of, 47–48, 68

Edie’s friendship with, 68

NR’s film career promoted by, 68, 69, 71

NR’s friendship with, 65

as regular guest at Davis home, 46–47

Travolta, John, 314

Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (film), 48

Trewhitt, Henry, 383

Trinity, The (Russian icon), 461

Trivette, Paula, 404

Tru Luv (canoe), 202

Truman, Harry, 98

as FDR’s 1944 running mate, 49–50

Trump, Donald,

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