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302, 518–19

in refusal to release tax returns, 298

and RR’s 1980 presidential campaign, 205

Stone’s friendship with, 205

Trump, Fred, 205

Tucker, Sophie, 77

Turmoil and Triumph (Shultz), 440

Turner, Carlton, as NR’s ally in antidrug crusade, 322–24, 329

Tuttle, Holmes, 163, 237, 509–10

in firing of Battaglia, 157–58

RR’s 1976 presidential bid opposed by, 185

in RR’s gubernatorial campaign, 127, 129

Twenty-Fifth Amendment, 398

Ullmann, Owen, 512

United Nations:

AIDS crisis and, 425

NR’s drug problem speech to, 326–27

United States Information Agency (USIA), 131

Universal Pictures, 108

University School for Girls, 30

Unruh, Jesse, 34

in 1970 gubernatorial loss to RR, 164

RR accused of corruption by, 163–64

US-Soviet relations:

conservative unhappiness with, 456–57

Geneva summit in, 448–51, 453

INF treaty in, 456

mutual disarmament as RR’s goal in, 435–36

1987 Washington summit in, 456–57, 501

1988 Moscow summit in, 460–62, 501

NR’s role in, 448–49

preliminary Geneva talks in, 446–47

Reykjavik summit in, 453–54

RR’s anti-Communist rhetoric as sticking point in, 434, 436, 438–39, 460

RR’s desire for meeting with Soviet leaders in, 2, 197, 295, 436, 440–41

RR’s letter to Brezhnev in, 436–37

RR’s lifting of grain embargo in, 436

RR’s “peace through strength” mantra in, 438

RR’s “tear down this wall” declaration in, 456, 516–17

SDI as sticking point in, 434, 450, 455–56

see alsoCold War

Vanderbilt, Gloria, 419

Vanity Fair, 519

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 345

Vietnam War:

NR’s visits with veterans and POWs of, 168–69

protests against, 138, 151

von Damm, Helene, 153, 177, 252

as ambassador to Austria, 308–9

NR’s dislike of, 307–9

Von Drehle, David, 563

Waffen SS, 391

Walesa, Lech, 517

Walker, Robert, NR’s relationship with, 95–96, 97

Walking Tall (TV series), 280

Wallace, Chris, 240, 297, 396, 484

Regan’s rudeness to NR reported by, 484–85

Wallace, George, 236

in 1968 presidential race, 174

Wallace, Henry A., 49

Wallace, Inez, 67, 73

Wallace, Mike, 240

Edie’s friendship with, 44–45

Wallison, Peter, 474, 486, 534

as White House counsel, 297–98

Wall Street Journal, 241, 342, 382, 488, 568

Walters, Barbara, 540

Warner, John, 226

Warner Brothers Pictures, 108

RR’s contract with, 86

war on drugs, 321, 330

War on Poverty, 167–68

Warren, Earl, 138

Washington, D.C.:

1987 summit in, 456–57, 501

social scene in, 239–40

Washington Evening Star,10–11

Washington National Cathedral, 561, 563, 576

Washington Post, 230, 239, 246, 262–63, 283, 295, 325, 327, 331, 334, 336, 376, 381, 424, 456, 474, 478, 486, 496, 520, 524, 525, 563

Washington Times, 363, 506

Wasserman, Lew, 77

as last Hollywood mogul, 108

as RR’s agent, 89, 90, 108

Wasserman, Lynne, 77–78

Watergate scandal, 170, 182, 183, 186

Watkins Commission, 425–26, 428, 429

Watkins, James, 426

Watt, James, 444

public relations blunders of, 304–5

WAVES, at Smith, 58

Wayne, John, 164

WBBM, 44

Weinberg, Mark, 291, 358, 359, 416–17, 430, 537

Weinberger, Caspar, 434, 438, 444, 466, 483

Iran-contra deal opposed by, 473

on NR’s influence on Soviet policy, 433

as RR’s California finance director, 149

Weinrott, Lester, 24, 25, 44

Weir, Robin, 414

Wescott, Jean:

as NR’s college roommate, 55

on NR’s high school years, 30–31

West Hollywood, Calif., RR’s parents’ home in, 87

Wexford (Arlington estate), as Reagans’ home during 1980 campaign, 226, 227

Weyrich, Paul, 456

What Does Joan Say? (Quigley), 520–21

What I Saw at the Revolution (Noonan), 521

White, James Platt:

homosexuality of, 61

illness and death of, 61–62

NR’s brief engagement to, 60–61

White, Ryan, 424–25

White House:

beauty salon at, 261–62

Jackie Kennedy’s redecoration of, 253–54

NR on dreariness of, 242–43

NR’s renovation of, 253–55, 261–62, 282

Whitmore, James, 96, 97

Wick, Charles Z., 131, 250, 257–58, 279, 481, 485

Reagans’ friendship with, 131, 237

as USIA head, 131

Wick, Douglas, 431

in Elizabeth Glaser’s meeting with Reagans, 428–29

in last visit with NR, 575

on NR as shrewd judge of people, 131

NR at wedding of, 413

on NR’s emotional reticence, 19–20

Reagans’ friendship with, 426–28

stem-cell research advocacy of, 557–58

Wick, Mary Jane, 131, 250, 258, 279, 347

Reagans’ friendship with, 131, 237

Wick, Tessa, 558, 559

Wiesel, Elie, 392

RR’s Bitburg visit opposed by, 391

Wiessner, Charlotte, 277

Wilder, Billy, 90

Wilkie, Jane, 331

Will, George F., 41, 115, 240, 484

in attack on G.H.W. Bush, 310–11

on J. Baker’s relationship with NR, 234

NR’s close friendship with, 232–33, 310

in RR’s 1980 campaign, 232

Williams, Hosea, 228

Willkie, Wendell, 41

Wills, Garry, 383

Wilson, Betty, 132, 250, 536

Wilson, Brian, 181

Wilson, Edith, 4, 496

Wilson, Pete, 360, 570–71

Wilson, William, 132, 250, 311, 536

Wilson, Woodrow, 4

Winchell, Walter, 73

Winston, Harry, 247

Wirthlin, Richard, 223, 227

Iran-contra opinion polls of, 491, 493

1980 campaign polls of, 214

1984 campaign polls of, 376, 381

and NR’s campaign against Sears, 218–19

NR’s consultations with, 298

Women’s Faculty Club, 45

Woodruff, Judy, 53, 64

Works Progress Administration, 290

World War II:

Edie’s charity work in, 45, 50–51

home front in, 58

Loyal’s army service in, 43–44, 50

onset of, 55–56

RR in, 89–90

US entry into, 54

Wright, Harold Bell, 84

Wright, Jim, 342

Wyman, Ernest, 88

Wyman, Jane, 557

childhood of, 87–88

children’s distance from, 121–22

custody of Maureen and Michael awarded to, 94

film career of, 87, 90

mutual dislike of NR and, 99

NR compared to, 94

RR’s divorce from, 78, 93–94, 100

RR’s political career supported by, 136–37

RR’s thank you note to, 248–49

Wyman, Jane, Reagan’s marriage to:

death of infant Christine in, 92

disparate film careers in, 89, 90

Maureen’s birth in, 89, 92

Michael’s adoption in, 92

protracted dissolution of, 92–93

RR’s political interests as issue in, 90–91, 93

wedding of, 88

Yearling, The (film), 90

Young, Kathleen, 18–19

Young America’s Foundation, Reagan ranch bought by, 552–53

Zieman, Yuri, 461

Zipkin, Jerry, 61–62, 317, 563

NR’s friendship with, 133, 413

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Copyright © 2021 by Karen Tumulty

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Interior design by Kyle Kabel

Jacket design by Jackie Seow

Jacket photographs © John Engstead/MPTV Images

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Tumulty, Karen, 1955– author.

Title: The Triumph of Nancy Reagan / Karen Tumulty.

Description: New York : Simon & Schuster, [2021] | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Summary: “The definitive biography of the fiercely vigilant and politically astute First Lady who shaped one of the most consequential presidencies of the 20th century: Nancy Reagan”—Provided by publisher.

Identifiers: LCCN 2020031177 | ISBN 9781501165191 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781501165214 (ebook)

Subjects: LCSH: Reagan, Nancy, 1921-2016. | Reagan, Nancy, 1921-2016—Family. | Presidents’ spouses—United States—Biography. | Reagan, Ronald. | Regan family. | United States—Politics and government—1981-1989. | Washington (D.C.)—Biography. |

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