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of drone-humanoids. With built in advanced AI and user interactive, these KO3 can replace future troops for invasion and infiltration. With no intervention of police and military made the law enforcements of Tokyo a bit convoluted about undertaking the rules by OKAMI themselves.In conformity with Tokyo Police, COD this time planned for espionage instead of providing protections as its diffused howsoever. Nutaku chalked out the details beforehand, to Navan, Armun and Sam at Tokyo in a classified location.

“Nice to work with you sirs. But in Japan, after Dermatoxia, things have changed completely. With ionized shields at the borders to implying drones for physical works, we’ve come a long way. The objective is to stop Samurai, not to raise alert in our city. We’ve observed the footages of Adage but here you’ll be a criminal too Mr. Navan if you expose yourself at OKAMI. Same goes for you Mr. Armun and Mr. Sam. The death of Mr. Fulkan Kane was obnoxious and so militaries and security departments of entire Japan is focusing on Tuesday’s event to execute leaving no scratch to Mr.Akatomi.”

“Yes we are hoping for the same too Ms. Nutaku. There are three entrances at North West and East zones. Consists of 260 storeys, the event will be held at the terrarium hall at floor 6. By the way Have you checked out the guest list, Sam? Is there any chance to tweak?”

“That would be impossible and anytime the KO3 can identify the hacking devices within 500 KMs. Best we can do is to directly gain access to the server room on floor 114 and shut down the self-interactive process. With the user interactive enabled automatically, they cannot operate without any order implemented in their functioning. You need a disguise to blend completely in the event after demobilizing the droids and socialize with the guests at hall. Remember not to get identified.” Nutaku explained.

“But any choppers and Airplanes are inaccessible in proximity to OKAMI, otherwise it will emanate EMP blasts! Mr. Akatomi, innumerably requested this on his tweeter handles!” Sam was clingy.

“It’s insurmountable to reach at floor 114 without any air support. Hovercarriers also can’t levitate more than 50 feet from the ground as of now. If only one could gain access, then itll be possible for others too.” Navan blurted in a wistful manner.

“Anyone over here have any gliding experiences or skydiving? I can send my men too but it’ll be risky for Police compliances and can put serious damage in reputation.” Nutaku eyed to three of them.

“Gliding? What you are thinking about, ma’am?” Sam furrowed his eyebrows. “And Im not getting why its important to turn the drone mode to user interactive? Wouldn’t it be easy for the Samurai to gain unassailable access inside without messing with the droids?”

“We have researched deeply about the actions of Samurai by the intels received as well as by ourselves and its difficult to conclude what will be his plans. If one could disrupt choppers, and explode 2 buildings so easily, he could change the command mode of droids too and unleash havoc at OKAMI.  And if the EMP attacks will emanates out of the forcefield itll disrupt only the proximity electronics not the droids or power connection inside.”

“I see!” Navan replied. “So, you are planning for Jetpack entourage of us?”

“Jetpacks also cannot enter the force field of the EMP, if its not operated in analogue mode. Wingsuits are the last option to put faith on. In a window of 10 mins, get in the server room, put this chipset in the mainframe, eluding from drone cams inside. They can be inactivated for about 3 mins, so within that you need to break the 4-inch fibre glass shells to enter into the room. And Mr. Navan, we came to know that half part of your exoskeleton is machine, so if camouflaged your carnal part, it’d be beneficial for sneaking in too.”

“And what about me?” Armun was paranoid. “What will I do, supervise them, or guard the droids?”

“Mr Armun, your task is to surround all entries and exits with our Task Force as soon as the droids get inactive. Secure the perimeter completely. Mr. Sam, as soon as Mr. Navan install the chipset in mainframe, you need to enter from the northeast emergency exit and reach to hall, completely unidentified. Then you must activate mini cams which will scan and recognise the guests and officials inside the hall. The media coverage won’t be live on Tuesday as Mr. Akatomi didn’t allowed any press cams and recorders. Smartphones signals will also get jammed automatically as soon as you enter the field. These carbon fibre mini cams runs on motion gesture and requires no frequency to operate.” She placed three hexagon shaped drone cams on table.

“Thanks, ma’am, for your cooperation. And yes, this time, the Viper’s successor will be stopped.” Navan was persistent in his approach. “This time, its personal!” he mumbled.

“Pleasure’s all mine. I shall send the details to chief Hudson and he’ll contact us shortly. By the way, for your protections, I have ordered this special shock resistant and heat absorbent suits with advanced anti-penetration integrity upto 11%.” Nutaku directed her force to pack those up.

“Surely that’s no Idium, otherwise the face off would have been nice.” Armun chuckled.

“Seriously, sir, how Villains always gets the best!” Sam toned.

The Final Showdown!

Location: OKAMI Industries

Time: 10:45 am

Good Morning Tokyo!

Its Tuesday and Tokyo city will experience the Grand relaunch of AD5 vaccine, temporarily hindered as of the damages and perils suffered by Adage headquarters.  But unlike other events, the live video will not be telecasted or streamed in your TV and smartphones, instead viewers can experience it after the event concludes. Mr.Akatomi showed condolences about Mr. Fulkan Kane’s tragic death and have gone leaps and bound for protection of this event as well as his company. Mr. Daryll Finch have also assured to lessen the price a bit. It’s just a moment hang up with bated breaths!”

“Mr. Navan! Deploy your parachute when you’re at 5000

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