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feet above the ground. This compressible backpack contains all your essentials for the mission. Your tracking visor helmet will automatically access the altitude and floor no 114 from outside. You need to jump, now!” Nutaku yelled standing at the edge of army airplane with Navan, suited for espionage. Its Tuesday morning and in 45 minutes the event will start at OKAMI, uncertainty still prevails about Samurai’s ghastly appearance. Sam reached in proximity to OKAMI and disguised as pedestrians. Armun and the Force are waiting for the drones to get tweaked by user interactive, waiting approximate 1 mile away from OKAMI headquarters.

“Hope for the best!” Nutkau showed thumbs up to Navan. Without wasting any more time, Navan took a leap from airplane and activated his wingsuit flaps. He felt despite the weight of his lower body part; it averts the stumble whilst in mid-air. How could Lucy emerge as a villain in lieu of her flawless professional approach towards robotics and Biotechnology? But its no time for floundering in the past. He checked the altitude in his visor helmet and glided towards the way the navigator points.

The edifice of OKAMI is becoming prominent covered with a translucent obstruction of clouds, When the altitude touched 5000 feet on visor screen, Navan pulled the parachute string and completely sneaked levitating on air as the material is made up of pure reflecting strings that makes the glider completely unidentified. Hovering through, he came closer to the skyscraper.

“Mr. Navan, you’re about to enter the force field. Your connections with me and your teammates will be disrupted now. Sneak the droids to get into server room first and deactivate first then the connection will be reinstated.” Nutaku guided Navan via Nano communicators and in a couple of minutes the connections including the navigation on visor went offline. Beforehand he identified floor 114 and landed on the fibre glass shields activating his ‘scroll mode’ of BALA, which allowed him to stick vertically on the glass. Disposing his visor and wingsuit compressed and shoved in his backpack, Navan started cutting those fibre glasses. Sneaking into the floor, he rushed towards the server room, located 72 steps away. Before that, security cams were taken care of . Averting the droids at the doorways by creating a disguise alarm, he finally gained access in the server room. His limbs automatically activated the noise cancellation options, so slithering tiptoes he moved forward. Inside the server room there were two droids continuously inspecting, so to avoid them, Navan dodged the doorway and reached the main operating system.

“Alright then, here we go.” Navan inserted the chipset in the mainframe and switched the command mode of droids to user interactive.  A churring sound indicated the red blinking lights of the KO3 droids turned into green and proximity alert got disrupted.

“Sam, do you copy? Armun what’s your position?” Navan found his communicator online again as the disruption of alert temporarily deactivates the jamming force field.

“Good to have you back online sir, I’m about to reach the main hall in minutes.” Sam, disguised as guest, headed towards backdoor entry.

“Covering the exits in stealth mode, as per our plan!” Armun directed the forces. The task forces snooped and hemmed the gateways and exits in stealth mode. Navan up at 114th floor, decked on his tuxedo for the backpack and putted on directional indicator glasses. Slicked his ruffled hair at back he walked towards the elevator moving vehemently in front of KO3 droids.

“Sam show me the way to hallway. Have you reached?” Navan was a bit anxious about the inside activities of the event. Guests have coalesced over the terrarium hall with a built-in waterfall and butterfly garden the ambience permeating was pleasing and full of fragrances. Navan was inside the elevator waiting to reach the floor. “Don’t panic. Just blend in.”

“Mr. Navan I cannot locate Mr. Akatomi on the dais. I’m continuing the search.” Sam was perturbed about Mr. Akatomi’s absence at the hall. Navan reached there via elevator. taking up a peg of drink in his hand, he kept a couple of distance from the dais.

“Sam, scan the other floor and perimeters and gimme updates. Any other heat signature can you observe apart from guards?” Navan murmured in soft voice.

“I’ve to take some cover to operate, Mr. Navan otherwise I’ll get exposed.” Sam moved at a distance, probably to fetch connection surreptitiously. Armun and his team positioned at a distance out of force fields from exit points, keeping an eye on the guests still entering at OKAMI.

Yoi tsuitachi, ladies and gentlemen, to the grand occasion of AD5 launch, once again, paving the footsteps of Mr. Fulkan Kane. We had bemoaned for such a ghastly murder, the carrier of Adage industries after Mr. Donnovan Gilman, but the glint of light he bestows upon us by the breakthrough of AD5 vaccine, is unquestionable. Let us unite to ward of this distasteful Dermatoxia. Let us have a moments silence to show reparation to Mr.Fulkan Kane.

A holographic non-static imagery appeared on the dias, of Mr.Akatomi and addressed the guests and marketing managers. The crowd was a bit startled, to see such an execution of safety protocol by OKAMI. The moment of condolence wiped out the gossips and cross talks amidst the guests.

“Sir, it appears that the entire system’s rebooting! It was inadvertent for us, you need to stave off the droids coz they’ll be railing in seconds…Mr. Navan…. Mr…” Nutaku’s voice churred and turned down. Navan, wasting no time hurtled towards Sam keeping his face drooped down, after the moment of silence is over.

“Sir, you won’t believe what I just found! Oh god!” Sam again with his agitated enunciation showed the screen to Navan, “Mr. Akatomi is ensconced in a rampart made of pure steel at the 258th floor. surrounded by KO3 and machine gunners. We could probably first…”

“Get going Sam, don’t stand here. Bank left and take the elevator, I’m accompanying you. Droids have been activated and any moment they can scan the hall and other parts of the

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