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Book online «The Viper's Successor Somsiddha Saha (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author Somsiddha Saha

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“Mr. Christopher Klaud, CEO of Lucatrion, EN TRASTE’s founder Helmut Yeager and Cleocorp’s Aaron Dali all were notified about attacks and Z Plus security is guarding them and their families 24/7. The headquarters were also closed temporarily, and operations are being incorporated from classified locations. Our COD detectives at Greece, Italy and Switzerland finding diminutive results even after constant scrutinizing of crime vendetta. Viper protocol is not in a very smooth position but despite the odds, the Red Alert operation is successful. All the remnants of 27 henchmen were encountered in past 72 hours by our COD forces. Still, I have to be answerable to the operational directives for the Viper Protocol, which will be difficult to corroborate with Fulkan’s murder and destruction of Adage, being our operatives present there beforehand.” Hudson explained everyone, then turned to Sam, “Any reports about Jilly Mckenzie?”

“That’s none other than Ms. Lucy Ferdoria.” Navan blasted the information in front of everyone. “Sam, you also couldn’t find out. Or you have suppressed deliberately?”

“What are you saying Navan? Lucy? Why would Lucy, being a scientist, perform such sleeper cell activity? Are you out of your mind?” Hudson was stern.

“B..but there’s no existence of that character, I have synced our Eagle Eye with facial recognitions of every single residents of this world. The process was a bit cumbersome though, but still we flunked to get her real identity.”

“If only you apply your common sense, Sam. Mr. Hudson, I have a habit of memorizing every facial feature I observe in my lifetime. The moment I saw Jilly Mckenzie’s eyes, I was to the extent confident about it was Ms. Lucy. But I was on dearth of proof, so I searched for her physical appearance. She is not on vacation; she has sacrificed herself destructing Adage. Footages of Lab was also unavailable for me, thus I resorted on the programming of my ‘BALA’ and found out there’s additional storage space created for imbibing motion reactions from the real world, and in every 10 years it gets compressed, just like cloud storages used before. So that means if I’m alive for infinite years, this process of storing and saving information’s are inherent, instead they are in COD’s classified programming language only. Taking a life risk, I took out the neural chip with the help of one of our scientists and with spatial tech, the imageries were solidified. Check this out.” Navan casted the video footage on hologram projector revealing Ms. Lucy’s 99.98% facial resemblance with Jilly Mckenzie’s face. Surely, she had used some facial camouflages, but it was impossible not to get identified via face biomapping, enabling only one person’s face to scan.

“Holy, mother of God!” Hudson exclamated. “At last Ms.Lucy is to be found out out one of Samurai’s? Wait a sec, lemme, collect the footages from our Lab.” He rushed out of the room, and a couple of minutes later, came back with all footages in affinity of Lucy’s existence in laboratory.

“It’s redundant to find out any activities, but rather have a look at whom she contacted all this time, being in her own cubicle.” Armun focused on the matter. Shortlisting all her contact footages, they started analysing each of them, one by one. Most of her contacts was with her mom and colleagues of COD.

Some moments passed, and Navan yelled, “Stop right there! Yes, over here, improve the sound quality!” The footage paused the exact moment where Navan was told to depict his physical kinesthetics as a simulation exercise, and Lucy at a distance was engaged in a phone with someone else, as Navan got enlightened by her statement “ Nobody can stop you from your retaliation now!”

Sam, with his buldgy eyeballs looked at Navan and said “What she meant by that? You’re a weapon of Samurai? Youre gonna kill us all? That’s why Lucy brought you here?” He was pale.

“Ohh, please Sam! It’s us who’ve started the rescue operation of soldiers who were deemed to be alive that day at Cambodia. Fortunately, Navan was the only one. But Navan, it’s a point to ponder that how you still made out of blasts of sprockets? And whats the meaning of all this ‘retaliation’ thing? Now its all clear that why Lucy was unavailable just at the moment of our mission at Adage. Somebody had appeased Ms. Lucy to use you as a defensive shield against his immoral activities, which is to be confuted, the Samurai?” Hudson interrogated Navan.

“Only time can unearth the meticulous identity of the miscreant, Im too vacuous to put any comments on this. And Mr. Hudson, you had seen me during my army days and this time too, its demeaning to think about this marine standing in front of you, Navan Gilman, son of Donnovan Gilman has entered into duplicity. We still don’t know who’s out there and what’s his objective, still we have this unflinching mettle to vanquish the evil for the protection of mankind. If you find me committing such nuisance, I give you full authorization to shoot at my forehead.” The mordant dialogues of Navan made everyone transfixed.

Operational Synergy

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Time: Unknown

Undisputedly, Samurai will unfurl himself once again at OKAMI, to be alleged by the last conversation with Navan but, ‘his last mission’ was still undecipherable to COD officials. They have got a strident taste of Samurai’s apparition at places letting Navan know what his next target is. So not derailing from the track, this time OKAMI is in grave danger and needed to square off too. The D-Day is after 3 days thus contact with Tokyo Metropolitan Police has been made. Covert strategies for COD have been implemented bolstered by Nutaku Himi, Administrative General of Tokyo metropolitan Police Department, working undercover for COD too. CEO, Mr. Akatomi didn’t put trust on Police department, and as for security measures, technodrones have operated to identify guests from guest lists, apprehend the unidentified and sense imminent threat. These technodrones, named KO3 by the OKAMI ventures, can be called the compressed version

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