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building.” Navan seized Sam’s arm and walked towards the elevator. Stepping inside, he sighed.

“Uffff…uffff…What shall we do now Mr. Navan?” Sam’s forehead was perspirating. “Now the signal’s also gone, we are incapacitated now! We cannot be stuck in the elevator for long!”

“Control your emotion and do what I say. Getting out of elevator will be absolutely a fools endeavour. We have to get out of the shaft.  The moment there’s alert, try to get in a hideout and cover yourself. Here, take my gun and shoot the droids only in extreme situations. The elevator’s gonna stop in floor 257, so don’t panic.”

“Are you gonna kill Mr. Akatomi or what? He safeguarded and the droids will rain bullets to you in seconds!” Sam was flustered.

“It’d be a suicide if we go in there. Also, if they scan me, they’ll coalesce all droids at that floor.” Navan crouched and overrided the power supply of the elevator.

“Ohh dear!” Sam was frantic, with bumbling steps he was scampering within the elevator space. “How are we gonna move out, now that the exits also got blocked?”

Navan stretched his arm and opened the shaft. “Nothing we can do now instead of waiting for Samurai. I have premonitions that he’ll definitely show up today, even if there’s hindrance.”

“Seriously sir, the way you identified Lucy was totally enthralling! Just a moments mistake that day when they forgot to put forces after Fulkan was moved out.” Sam shoved his Tab into his backpack, and instead of putting it on his shoulder again, he dangled it on his arm.

Navan was thinking about protection of Mr. Akatomi, but unexpectedly, the connections, he was foraging all this time, were linked abruptly. With batting eyes, he replied to Sam “Hmm. One should deserve the sins of what they’ve committed.” His palms felt cold and couldn’t moved an inch. With an appalling gesture, he tried to control his emotion. A mirk holocaust smothered him, the smouldering smokes of forgery left him frenzy. After all this time! This has what his fate has intercalated in his life!

“Ya sir, its karma.” Sam’s face was half smeered with the dimmed Elevator light, running on backup. He was unimaginably stiff and staring straight at front.

Navan didn’t waste any more time and took out the other gun he had inside his tuxedo pocket. “Sam, wish I could kill you right now! Drop your backpack and surrender! This was what you up to, gain trust and vanquish them in seconds?” He yelled.

“Its too early, Mr. Navan, you could have waited for more till I demystify myself! I had other plans for this!” Sam with a demented smirk, stared at Navan, still holding his backpack.

“The Indian accent of Karma was too strident for my ears. And everyone except you didn’t called Ms. Lucy by her name. But why, Sam, why? What’s my father has to do with this, and these corporates? Don’t try to do anything stupid or else I have to shoot you!” Navan pointing the gun, took one step closer.

Sam opened his high-powered specs and threw it aside. His facial gestures and expressions were not like goofy and nerdy anymore. A pensive, clingy, full of riddance attitude flecked his face. “Kill me? What will you gain by killing me? Vindication? Salvation? Reparation of your tragic loss?”

“Shut the f**k up, Sam!” Navan bashed him with his elbows which made him toss at one corner inside the elevator. Tilting his body towards Navan he remained there, stooped his head down.

“Mr. Navan, what’s a god to a man, I’m asking you again. You can put bullets in my head in seconds and I won’t stop you from doing that. But tell me Mr. Navan, wasn’t your father a god-figure to you? For your idyllic life who can go to leaps and bounds?”

“Don’t take my father’s name or I’ll throw you outta window right now! Destruction of my dad’s company and Bhavishya Group, attempted blast at Pavia, mercilessly murdering countless police officials, you vicious wretch! So, you’re the Viper’s successor trying to stop the distributions of Dermatoxia vaccine to take revenge on mankind! But why? What’s the ulterior motive you wanna satiate?”

“Hahahaha…Successor? You’re unbearably puerile and myopic Mr. Navan! And quite obvious, cz Dr. Victor Jayden didn’t boasted about his contributions to mankind and in return they made him to stride the path of Viper! Just look at the convergence of life’s extreme moments! One who shot Viper is standing in front of his son, as he thinks he’s taking revenge of his Baba’s death!”

Navan was appalled. “Son? So You’re the son of the fiendish Jade Viper, fulfilling his mission?”

“What’s there to hide? And I don’t blame you for killing him. He had seen his destiny, and accepted death as a true hero. If you, if the country knows about who Dr. Victor Jayden was, one couldn’t be so scurrilous about Viper!!!” Sam tried to kneel, but Navan pounced him again to the corner.

“My fellow troops and my mate were dead because of Viper!” Navan shrieked. “Before the air strike, our troops got themselves killed by Vipers men in his lair, including our lieutenant! Viper got out and I shot at his forehead…Twice!!!”

“Have you seen that Vipers men killed your troops with your own eyes? Travesty of media and press forced you people to believe in such waggish plots! I was present there, that day when your troops was conducting the mission! After I got letters from Baba, at his extreme time I came to meet him but to save him from getting encountered, Dada killed your troops and called the air strike. I had observed all from the bunker!”

“What are you talking about, who’s Dada?” Navan was getting disgruntled every moment. “my friend Adik entered into lair to kill Viper and to rescue the hostages! Instead he got killed by Viper and he called the strike! A couple of moments after that Viper got out from there!”

“ Have you seen that with your own eyes? And you don’t even know his full

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