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Book online «The Viper's Successor Somsiddha Saha (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author Somsiddha Saha

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name and dare to call him your friend? Victor Aadik, my Dada, sacrificed his life to safeguard our Baba! Yes, I’m the brother of Victor Aadik, your best friend from army campaign! Told you no, I’ve seen god with my own eyes! They were no less than almighty to me, with utmost caress, nurture and cohesiveness.” Sam started laughing recklessly slanting at corner. “To spew terror and abomination upon mankind you think I’m doing this? These 6 corporate houses duped and wangled my Baba’s aspiration. Being a scientist, he had achieved a cure of that 2020 virus, but your Adage industries, thwarts him from that errand. By nature, he didn’t became an infidel, it’s the people, forced him to digress from his generosity!”

Navan felt like he couldn’t speak properly. His hands froze because of this abrupt truth, a gust of chill wave flows down his body. Without blinking, he stared at Sam with his abacked gesture. Sam took undue advantage of this moment and in a seconds uncertainty, he thrusts his left hand into the backpack; taking out a black metal with yellow cracks on it, Sam thumps it on his chest.

“Sam, Sam don’t, or I will have to shoot you!” Navan with his shuddering eyes saw the metal permeates Sam’s entire body and taking the shape of an armour. With shin guards, breastplates, bracelets and holsters, the metal ended up creating a Samurai Kabuto concealing Sam’s face.

“This Idium thing is so cool no? My Baba got his hands on this and he knew that it’ll be used for profitable ventures; not for serving the interest of researching. Breaking its genome, he made this metal a vessel. Compressed or rigid, anything can be sculpted, stored in its programming just by putting a bit of electric shock in it.” Sam aka Samurai showed a ripped wire of the elevator buttons, in his hand.

“BANG! BANG!” Navan without any hesitation started shooting at Sam. As expected, the bullets dodged and flung the impenetrable armour. Looking at him awhile, Sam said in an unexpected cold voice, “You’re wasting your bullets Mr. Navan. Save it to protect yourself from the droids!” Sam thwacked the metal doors three to four time, until it created a dent and made a void for passing through. “And, don’t expect that I’ll kill you, despite my Baba’s death is in your hands. Told you, you’re special for some reason.”

The floor was swarmed with droids, with their surveillance they were in action pervading the entire floor. By the very time Sam got out of the chasm of door, they pointed their laser miniguns to him.

“Identify yourself please…kneel on the ground!” at least 15 droids coalesced and warned with their robotic voice. Sam with his fists closed, stood still, flecked with laser pointers all over him. Judging the situation, he took out something from his holster. Activating it, it got turned into an ionized, gleaming Katana which he used to slash and skew police officers and forces that day on Foresthill bridge.

“Mr Navan, this is not a lightsabre…Hahahaha! Credit goes to Lucy, of course, a folding ionized Katana, this is!” Saying this, he rolled and jumped towards the droids and started slashing them one by one. The gun fires were diminutive to him, so the droids could not withstand his smooth kills.

Navan rushed and tried to stop him by incapacitating, as he knew mere bullets wont work on his puissant armour. But Sam with a dash of his elbow tossed him at a distance. “Just make this stop, Sam! You wont succeed this time, like you’ve killed thousands, you’ve killed Sidius and Lucy too!”

“Killed Lucy? You know after Aadik died, she was in a holocaust and was suffering from monomania? Nobody except me was there to succour her? I was desperate after Baba got killed and I made up my mind to murder the responsible for the same. But who would have known that he was no one but the son of CEO, Mr. Donnovan Gilman? Who carries a speciality no one knows? Eventually I realised, killing you won’t suffice my vindication, rather fulfilling what Viper started should do. Lucy took you out of house creating a diversion, and gave you a new reformed transformation, but deep down she didn’t want to live on this earthly world as her affection for Dada was immense and kept herself alienated. And Sidius you’re talking about? He tried to molest Lucy twice at her lab, do you have any idea About that?” Sam was respirating heavily.

Exposed to such ample and harsh truth, Navan was delusional. He took a jumpstart to sock and lam the Samurai, but Sam was enraged in having riddance; he just like an ignorant throws Navan out of his fight with Ko3 droids. “One bullet and you’ll get yourself killed. Don’t just come over here. I don’t want you to die Mr. Navan.” By the time Mr.Akatomi’s bodyguard and more droids stepped on floor 257, and started shooting both at Navan and Samurai. Navan took cover behind a metal partition as he was out of revolver bullets too and couldn’t withstand. But Samurai sprang towards them and imbrued the polished floors and walls with blood splatters. The bodyguards carried Uzi, recovering one from a mutilated arm, Navan started shooting at Ko3 droids.

“Sam, stop this! You will gain nothing by killing them! They are just following orders and taking responsibility!” He squealed at Sam.

“I pity those, who are esteemed slaves!” The wave of bodyguards and Ko3 droids were vanquished. Sam, from his blood bathed Kabuto, uttered in distress “Lucatrion was my last target but because of abrupt decision taken by OKAMI, I had no other way to destroy it first. Despite failing to plunder Cleocorp and EN TRASTE, the dissidents won’t survive!” Sam rushed towards hidden metal panic room. “Come out you scum!” He shouted.

Navan knew bullets wont put an impact. He dashed and biffed Sam again with his leg.

“AHA! Potential usage of your gifts! You are one of the fascinating transhuman of

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