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separate himself from sin and did not come back in heaven, but only a small remnant which believed through My grace, the grace of My coming. Now, I come again to tell the man about sky and heaven, and about the life without sin, and to give the man his life back.


I tell you, dear man, do no longer commit sin; do no longer be weak before the sin. Receive from My spirit; take from My power, take from the Sons of God, as I put them between Me and you. Take and come back into the life without heaven, as there will remain nothing on the earth, nothing except the heaven, man. I tell you as I told Adam: eat from heaven, but do not eat from the earth, and eat with obedience from the earth. Eat what I told you, and start with the death of the sin within you. Oh, do no longer drink anything but only what I told you to drink, as what you drink I do not make to spring out of the ground. I gave Israel water to drink. Oh, do no longer smoke, as this is the hell and the torments of the hell on the earth with the people. Oh, do no longer commit adultery, but cleanse yourself of the lust of the flesh, which becomes hell and fire of hell in a man’s body. Oh, do no longer eat meat, man! Oh, do no longer eat! Enough man! You became the grave of so many creatures with the living soul in them. Enough! Enough man! You will no longer be in My country of wedding if you do not listen to this commandment, as there shall no longer be killing in Romania, because I said: «Man you shall not kill» and I said: «Man do not be lustful» and I also said: «You shall love your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your love, man». And if not even today you do not hear what I told you, and if you receive from man and not from Me for your life, you will soon see Me and you will hear Me when I tell the evil ones: «Go, you who are cursed, into the unquenchable fire from you, at the reward according to the deeds, where is the weeping and the gnashing of teeth, as you did not hear God, and you did not want life, and you lived as dead towards Me».

Behold the time of the judgment; and I call the man out from death to life and I come into the way of the man with you, children of My word, as you are the sons of My Father, the sons of God, through whom I save the creature, as it waits with eager expectation for its salvation, and I tell the man to come and to be saved. Let him come if he wants, as behold, My voice passes through the man and it tells the man: take, man and eat what I told you from the beginning to eat, so that you may not die, as the life dies into the man through food, and the sin is done in man by eating, as the man is flesh, and not spirit. Do no longer eat anything, and do not longer drink anything, but only what I taught you from the beginning. Amen. Then the sin and its lust will no longer come to life in you, and the heaven and its angels will serve you as the one born of God, man. Oh, set yourself to work as in heaven, and go to your returning, as the road is short; it is not long, and in heaven no one marries and no one is given into marriage, and all are like angels. Amen. And it is no longer as in the world, and the heaven will be on the earth, as it is promised to be and to give fruit, but the fruit is the tree of life, out of which the saints will eat and its leaves will be for the healing of the nations, as it is written. Amen.


I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and I am within My coming on the earth, and I come from the Father. Amen. And I have got Romania from My Father, the country of My coming, and I have taken sons out of it, and I call them God’s sons; they, who are waited by all the creature, and the saints and the angels say: «Come, Lord!», for the Spirit says: «Come!» and the bride says like the spirit of the saints and of the angels: «Come, Lord!».


The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit say: Come to Me, man, come, as look, I come to give each one according to his own deed. I come with days of wedding on the earth; I come and I have always come. Come man too, as I share My life to those who receive from it towards eternal life that is to come on the earth soon, soon. And behold, it is coming and it has already come; and it is coming to take the death from the earth and to cast it into the unquenchable fire, where is fire and brimstone.


Behold the time of the judgment, and I call the man from death to life, from hell to heaven, to the eternal wedding life, with My bride of Romanians, as I am well pleased with her. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption. The feast of the Romanian Christianity, the third day, on 28-08-2000



I became Man, but I came from eternity. I came to work out eternity upon the man, so that the man may be swallowed by eternity, and to be saved. This is what the old Simeon said: «My eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, Lord. This is set for the falling and the rising of many, and for a sign which is spoken against»

My body was from everlasting, for after Me, I made the man build by My hand. My body is an unfathomable mystery and I came with it and I appeared on the earth. I became small when I entered into the man to show him how his birth had to be; the one I prophesied about for him at the beginning when I said: «Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth»

My body was from everlasting, like My Spirit, which I breathed upon the man with, to give him a living spirit and an eternal spirit. I have always wanted to have the man and to be comforted with him and to multiply him; to be eternal as I am. But he did not remain within a life of obedience, as I and My Father were in the same Spirit, in the same thought, in the same work. The man pulled himself out from God. He did no longer worked obedience; the man did no longer have God’s thought, and he made his own thought and he hid his thought, but I saw this and I called him out to ask him why he hid, and I asked him this: «Where are you?». And when seeing that I asked him, he was afraid and answered Me: «I was naked and I hid myself». Oh, he who hides hardly gets out to be seen, as hiding brings fear with it; it brings hiding, and he tried to hide again and said: «The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I ate». And if he hid behind his woman, I treated them both according to their work, and I told her: «Why have you done this?», and then she also hid blaming the snake.


Behold, the man hid after he broke off from God, after he did no longer had God’s thought; he made his own thought and hid with it, as the feeling of guilt brings fear upon the man, and the man wants to flee from the judgment. But the man had nowhere to flee, as I am eternal and there is nothing hidden for Me.


I always wanted to have the man and to be comforted with him and to multiply him, so that he may be eternal like Me, and to stay within a life of obedience. Not hiding is living knowingly, that is in obedience, as behold, woe to the man who is hiding his thought in his own self! That one loses his mind in life if he wants to hide from it. I taught the man not to hide, and I taught him to live, not to die. He, who lives, does not hide, and he, who dies, hides. I also come now to teach the man to live; I teach him to be, so that he may have nothing to hide from, as the one who hides no longer is, because he, who dies, hides. I teach the man to have life. I teach him to live in obedience that is knowingly. If the man had wanted to tell Me when he wanted to take from the fruit tree, I would have told him not to take; I would have told him again. I would have not had enough to tell him anything he had asked Me, anything he had let Me know of, and I would have always exhorted him, and I would have shared My thought with him to know from Me and to love Me, and I to love him.

Oh, free will is not good. Behold, it hides the man; the man hides because of it. I have been telling the man for seven thousand years not to eat alone, not to take for him alone, not to hide, but he has lost his mind and he does not know the heaviness of this sin, that is lust, which is conceiving of sin, which is born afterwards. The one, who has free will, does the same, and he, who lives in obedience, is alive; he is under knowledge and is not alone, because I said: «It is not good that the man should be alone». If the man is alone, he hides, and he, who hides is guilty.

The first man should be with Me, not alone, for this is fall. That is why I come today and I say: the man should not slap My hand when I come to him to make him; let him not hide if he wants Me to make him, so that he may be afterwards. Let him come alone and tell Me what he does, so that I may tell him if it is good or not to do it, and let him do nothing unknowingly; let him do nothing in hiding, as the small things become many and finally it is much hiding, and the sin of hiding is born of it; the great fall.


The man should become small to enter in Me, to live with My knowledge, to give Me his life and his spirit, as this it means for the man to come in Me; that I should always have knowledge of him. In order to come into the man I had to become small, and I gave him all My mystery, all My thought, to show the man how his birth of Me and his living in Me have to be, and for him to always meet Me, so that he may not be alone, and when I am to meet him he should open to Me and not hide.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of our Lord’s meeting, on 15-02-2001


The sons of this age marry and are given in

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