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marriage, as I told the Sadducees who do not believe in the resurrection and who believe in this age. But I spoke them about the living ones, who become worthy of this age that is to come, and who do not marry and are not given in marriage, but all are like the angels and are God’s sons, being the sons of the resurrection. I taught you how the son of the resurrection is, how the son of God is. And if I taught you, you should be the sons of the resurrection, like the angels, and to be the body of the angels, as I give you many angels for everything that I had to work on the earth with you. Amen.


Oh, heavenly sons, the angels hear that I tell you to be the body of the angels, and the angels are preparing towards you, so that you may be like them, and to belong to God as they do. I want to make many angels of the sons of this age too, and to build them again in the mystery of the age to come, and to be a new building, a people without death, as the sons of God are, as it is written into My word of that time: «They, who will be worthy to get that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry and nor are given into marriage, as they can no longer die, for they will be like angels, and are the sons of God, the sons of the resurrection». And then I also said that the dead rise to life and that God is not of the dead but of the living, and that Abraham and Isaac live in God. Behold, it is that age. It was and it is, since the dead rise.


When My angel appeared to Moses in the flame of fire, which was coming out of the burning bush without consuming it, Moses marveled that this burning bush was not consuming and said: «I go and see it». And if Moses came near, My angel called him out on his name. And Moses answered: «Here I am, Lord!», and the voice of the burning bush said to Moses: «I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob».


Sons, sons, that age is and they live in it, as God is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for all that are alive, live in God. Amen. You should live in God every moment, so that you may not die and to be the sons of the resurrection, the sons of God. This is what you should be, and let a seed of resurrection spring up out of you, and let it be taken by the wind, by the wind of the Holy Spirit, Which blows from Me and from you upon the earth; moreover, let it then rain upon the seed, and the seed may become a new body, and let many multitudes of the sons of this age become sons of resurrection, as soon, soon, it will not be any marriage or given in marriage, as what it is now on the earth is called fornication, not marriage or given in marriage.


Oh, there is no longer marriage and giving into marriage; there is no more time. This is a great mystery, as the apostle says, but this mystery is no longer on the earth. The apostle Paul said to those of that time, that because of sexual immoralities each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own husband. He said this because he knew of the man’s sexual immorality, and he told the man to keep away from sexual immorality as this breaks down the man in his inner being; it opposes to God’s dwelling in man; it breaks down God’s throne from the man. All sins cost the man, but the sexual immorality totally separates God from the man, as it is written: «If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him». Behold this age, and behold that age. That age will soon have the feast of the resurrection, as the sons of the resurrection are there; they are the sons of God and are like the angels. Amen. The same with you; you should be children of the resurrection and this is how you should remain forever; and you should live like angels and to be the body of the angels, children of Jerusalem, for we are to build, sons, Jerusalem, which is and which grows to be. Let the angels rejoice over your bodies, that are raised by sacrifice and by My resurrection, and may your spirits give forth only resurrection for you and for they who will long to be with you. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the second day after Passover, on 16-04-2001



I called you to Me to give you from My wound. Eat and drink of My wound, as I am hurt by the yearning of the wounded man; wounded for as long as two thousand years. My wound has not been closed yet. It has become a bosom from which blood flows and not milk. Blood flows from the life of My body, so that the sinners may eat and drink; the sinners who leave their sins behind them and come to eat of My wound for My life in them. But the man, who gives life to the sin in his own body, believes that he can turn My body into one of his member, one with his body, which sins longing after sin, and longing after love, and harmful to him and Me, and the Scripture says: «Taking the members of Christ, shall I make them members of sexual immorality».


I was in My body on the earth and the Jew and the scribe would come and test Me because of their sexual immoralities and they wanted to laugh at Me because of their immorality. But I did not know how to get rid of them without being caught by a word that would violate the law of the man. My apostle, Paul, would have been burnt at a stake by those who posed as believers of the church without killing the immorality and its body. Paul would have been burnt at a stake if he did not let them under the law of the sin; however, he used to tell them: «Don't deprive one another, unless it is by consent for fasting and prayer, and because of self-control each one should have his own wife». This word was for those who committed fornication, not for the saints who were crucifying their bodies, their lusts and their desires from it.


Oh, sons from the manger of My word! I feel pity for you when I see that the man comes to you and asks from you and from Me justice for the immorality in his body. I was the same. I was grieved among the people and prepared for sacrifice, to show the man, fond of his own self, what his justice is. It is the sacrifice of those who sacrifice themselves by crucifying of their bodies and by rising in their spirit for My body, which was given to be a member of the man who drinks of My wound, of My body, wounded by yearning after the man, wounded for two thousand years, as My wound has not been closed yet and it has been as long as two thousand years.


I have looked at you man, how you want to rejoice over My wound, how you make your happiness of My wound, of My pain, of My life that I laid it down on the cross crying for your salvation from the sin. Oh, I want to raise you from the sin. Listen to My crying after you. Oh, how can you rejoice while sweetening yourself with the sin within you; with the fruit of My death?  The sweetness of your sin brought God’s death, and you say that it is the fruit of life, but it is the fruit of My death. You go to those who sell Me and you rejoice over the fact that you receive Me in you for your forgiveness. I am the slaughtered Lamb, and no one forgives Me anymore to save Me from the pains that come from the man; to save Me from the sins of the man. The man commits many sins and he gives them over to Me after he commits them. He goes to a confessor to take them from him and to put them on Me, and I am supposed to forgive him of them, and then he commits other sins, and this way the man does no longer release Me from the burden that is on Me, from My cross, as My cross is the sinful man.


I cry with a godly weeping; I have been crying over for forty years by this word, and now I opened the Scriptures from the end and I read them on the last page and say: «He, who is filthy, let him be filthy still. And he, who is holy, let him be holy still, as My reward is with Me and I come to give each one according to his deed».  Amen. And for those who sanctified themselves and still sanctify, I say: «Blessed are they who wash their robes, that they may have dominion over the tree of life», over Me, the wounded One, so that I may give to the holy one from My wound and to be comforted by it sharing it with the one who loves Me with the same love as Mine. Amen.


I would like that the man may be healed of the spirit of his sins. The man loves his own self, and for his own self he sacrifices Me. A great many of people made seats for themselves and sat on them into My name over the people. Behold, those who love Me for themselves, and not for Me, make ranks, influence, feasting and power for themselves into My name, making the people to buy from them the forgiveness that comes from Me, and not the healing; for if the people would be healed of the lust and of the desire of the sins, who would walk buy the forgiveness and the mercy again and again, from those who sell them into My name; My forgiveness that has been for as long as two thousand years?

I mourn with a godly weeping and say: «Let he, who is defiled by sin, be defiled still, and who is holy, let him be holy still». Amen. My great wound hurts Me as much as two thousand years. And you, My little bride, you, My people bride, call Me, as this is written about you: «The Spirit and the bride say: “Come!” And let the one who hears, also say: “Come!” And those that are thirsty come and take as a gift from the water of life» Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day, from 08-06-2001.





The selection from the Word of God about the true Church since 2002 until today will be published immediately after the ending of translation, r.n.



You can also see the following thematic selections:


The apocalyptic trumpets;

Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan;

The apocalyptic fire;

What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?;

Enoch and Elijah;

Resurrection of the dead;

As in the days of Noah;

The false prophet and the ecumenism;

The Judgment;

The dead hear My voice;

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