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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Twenty Six

The next morning Cat had a parade of visitors. Jack and Dawn came first after Eric had left but returned an hour later where he set up his laptop in the corner so he could keep an eye on her, she was more awake now, but he was making sure she didn’t overtax herself. After Jack and Dawn left to go have lunch, Allison arrived with Jo, they spent an hour together, it must of cost Jo but she didn’t say anything about Claudia, but Cat knew once Jo got her alone, Jo would expect her to tell her everything. Cat found out Tilly was filling in for her at the office and Allison was very pleased. Cat smiled glad Allison had someone helping her. Once they left the police arrived to take her statement and told her they would get it typed up for her to sign. Before they left Cat asked “Is there any chance she will be released? Or get bail.” The female police officer answered “We can’t be 100% sure of course but I would say no, Claudia has been assessed as a danger to herself and the community. The only place she would go is to get medical treatment.” That was a nice way to say mental hospital Cat was sure. Claudia was mentally unstable. “Thank you.” Cat said as they turned to leave.  Eric moved towards her. Sitting on the side of the bed, picking up her hand “it wasn’t your fault, it wasn’t mine.” Taking a deep breath Eric asked “How much do you remember?” Cat hadn’t run it all through her head yet, part of the reason was fear they had lost her babies, the other part was had they been to blame for Claudia’s meltdown “I remember going to work with you and finding you had given me a watchdog, Peters.” Eric nodded. “Allison and I met with Tilly, then I was going to go get some lunch for us both, Peters wasn’t at his post?” Cat recited. Eric supplied the answer “Peters just went to the bathroom, he was gone 2 minutes.” “Well, that’s where I needed to go as well, I thought I’d go to the toilet then pick Peters up before going to get lunch. I had just stepped out of the toilet stall when she hit me with the metal bin from the bathroom.” Cat lifted her bandaged hand to touch her forehead “I know the bins are not that heavy but she hit me hard and I fell against the side of the stall, hitting the back of my head and falling down, she started yelling and mumbling to herself, she pulled out a knife and threatened to cut the baby out, then because of the blood she thought I had a miscarriage, so she was going to kill me, that’s when things go hazy, I knew I was losing consciousness. I remember bits and pieces.” Cat tried to put together the rest. “When Peters realised you had left the office, he asked Mum, she told him you had gone to get lunch but she was sure you wouldn’t leave without him. He rang down to reception and got Tilly, she didn’t see you leave, so he called me. Once I got to your office floor, Peters had reasoned you would have only gone to the ladies bathroom, because he had already checked the storage room. We could hear Claudia from outside, but we didn’t want to rush in just in case. Peters opened the door a crack, saw you on the floor and Claudia take a step towards you with that knife, Peters rushed in then, he hit the door against the wall trying to distract her long enough to make sure she didn’t turn on you with that knife. Peters contained Claudia while I got to you.” Cat could still see it pained Eric about finding her like that. “The blood from your hand, front and  back of your head was everywhere, I panicked, I wanted to pick you up and take you straight to the hospital. Peters told me not to move you.” Leaning his head against hers “I thought I was to late, I thought I was going to lose you.” Cat rubbed her good hand around his neck and into his hair “Eric, is it our fault though?” Sitting back Eric took her hand from his neck and kissed her palm. “No.” Eric braced himself about to spill all. “When we broke up, I went on dates, it was window dressing I didn’t sleep with anyone, but I found women got the wrong idea, call it brused ego, but I didn’t want you thinking I was pining for you, and baby I was. I missed you, you know the saying not knowing what you have until it’s gone. Well, I knew what I had but wasn’t willing to let myself acknowledge it, on another level I knew and started to pull away. So when having window dressing didn’t work, because I didn’t want to lead anyone on anymore, I asked Claudia to be my date in name only, I let her know from the start, it wasn’t anymore than two people being each other’s partner for events. No friends with benefits. What I didn’t know was Claudia was obsessed with me. Had been for years the police tell me. The police psychologist I spoke to said regardless of how she unravelled, she would have started to come undone mentally if we had gotten married or even lived together. Claudia had it in her head that I was meant to be with her, in the end I would choose her. I just didn’t see it Cat.” Eric hung his head in shame. “Eric if the psychologist said there was nothing you could do then believe them.” Cat couldn’t believe Eric hadn’t slept with anyone since her. He had been faithful. “You didn’t even get tempted to sleep with anyone?” Looking up into her eyes “No Cat, no one, how could I when all I think about is a sexy little red headed witch. My dick didn’t even twitch for another woman.” Cat laughed “Wow that was romantic.” Eric grinned “You want romantic? Baby I love you, I have always loved you.” Leaning forward he kissed her. The End 

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