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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Three

Back at her rented townhouse Cat went straight for her bedroom, she changed the sheets on the bed they had shared last night, so there wasn’t any scent of Eric. Then she picked up a shoebox and put the few things in he kept here which really wasn’t much. After she was done Cat sat down on the coverlet to wait for the locksmith. Eric damn him! if only she had known from the beginning she was going to feel so empty, she would never have gotten involved....  Nine months ago Cat had started to look for a new job. Jobs at this time hadn’t been easy to come by, even with her great Secretarial skills she was just one of many and you had to have something extraordinary to set yourself apart,  like speaking multiple languages. For every job available there would be a staggering number of applicants. She had only been in her current position for six months but had made the decision to leave when her boss couldn’t keep his hands to himself... oh she could have put him up for sexual harassment charges and gone to HR but she was well aware how that would go and both outcomes worried her... one, she would be out a job because she had no witnesses and it was her word against his! or two, if HR did believe her and it was taken further it could end up in the papers and she had no wish to be known as a trouble maker... it could end her career. So she had given her sleazebag boss notice that she was leaving, during this time she had made sure he never caught her alone again. Cat still felt sick about the times he had. Luckily Cat had found out from a friend about an upcoming position so that she wouldn’t have to go without work, if she was lucky enough to secure the role. Even better the friend was willing to recommend her for the roll, of course not guaranteeing her the position but it would help towards getting an interview at least. Cat still didn’t like her chances of securing the job with so many people applying with better qualifications than she herself had, she only had 3 days until her notice period was up and she wouldn’t have a job at all. One thing she was sure of .... she would not be asking her current low life sleazebag of a boss for any extra work until she could find a job, the thought made her shudder with revulsion because then she would owe him and she could just imagine his idea of a thank you. Since moving to the city her bills had increased to a level that she couldn’t be without work for long, yes she had savings but with rent and utility bills plus food shopping it wouldn’t be long before she was broke. Security was important to Cat, having come from a foster home and never having much money growing up, money in the bank was like a safety blanket to her and she would feel very uncomfortable touching her savings. So after receiving a call from Logan holdings inc, HR department for a job interview with Mrs Logan the next day she jumped at the chance, even taking a personal day to make the interview. Mrs Logan or Allison as she liked to be called turned out to be a very nice elegant lady in her late fifty’s, who took to Cat straight away, enough for a probation period at least. Which started first thing Monday morning. Cat finished work for her current low life married sleazebag on Friday but before she left she said a few choice words to her boss, telling him exactly what she thought of him and also expressing how she hope his wife was enjoying the same freedom he believe he had which in her opinion was only fair. She left him with his mouth hanging open as she slammed his office door closed.... yelling through the door at him “I won’t be needing a letter of recommendation from you, because I don’t think I want everyone to know I work for a low life like you to begin with” Cat picked up her handbag and a small box of personal stuff from her desk and walked out with her head held high and a huge grin on her face. She was free and it was like a big weight had been lifted off her shoulders. The weekend was bliss not having the same dread looming over her, thinking about having to return to work that coming Monday. Working for a woman was so much better not to say that a woman could not be predatory but Mrs Logan was an older woman with children and she had been married to a man so Cat really didn’t thinks she was Mrs Logan’s type. On Monday morning Cat arrived at her new job early and found as the day progressed she didn’t have any trouble with the tasks given to her. Allison was more than happy with her standard of work, granted it was only just before lunch Cat gave a silent giggle.. Oh! she felt so much happier not having to worry about being asked to stay late or being left only with her boss. When lunch hour did arrive the friend who had told her about the position who happened to be a secretary on the same floor asked her to lunch to celebrate getting the job. “Julie! lets not celebrate just yet I’m still on probation and I don’t want to go out to lunch on my first day what would Allison think?” Allison walked out from her office at that moment saying “ don’t be silly Katherine. We have worked hard this morning and you arrived early. Go enjoy a nice lunch no need to clock watch.” Allison liked to use Cat full name even after she had told her Cat was ok Cat jumped up smiling “Are you sure?” “Yes, please go it’s no problem,.” Cat grab her handbag from her desk drawer, asking Allison on the way out “ can I bring anything back for you?” “No dear, thank you. I’m about to head out myself and not sure if I’ll be back until 2pm so don’t rush back from your lunch.”  Cat grinned “ok thanks” and left with a smiling Julie. Once they were seated at an outside table in the local cafe closest to their office building and lunch was ordered Julie asked “ So how is the new job, Kitty” Julie used Cat’s pet name her foster father had given her and Julie seemed to like using it even though she had long since grow out of such a childish name. Cat laughed it was a genuinely beautiful sound making men turn to look at her,  not that she noticed Cat had never been into attracting a man’s attention on purpose it always seemed to make her uncomfortable. “Oh... it’s only been a few hours but I can tell you I love working for Mrs Logan” Julie herself had not applied for the job even though it would have been a step up. Because her family had planned to move back home to Cowra in the near future to be with Julie’s mother, who had no family close by and hadn’t been well lately. Julie worries about her mum all the time and her living alone outside of town. Julie’s family are long time friends of Cat’s foster parents. So they both came from the same town in New South Wales.  Julie smiled and got a mischievous glint in her eye that she always got before saying something outrageous “ It’s got its perks I’m sure.” Julie laughed. Cat was sure she was missing something, maybe an inside joke that she wasn’t aware of yet “Sorry?....” raising her left eyebrow in question. “Come on Kitty, I know you haven’t had much to do with men but Mr Logan is one yummy piece of man and you get to enjoy that view him every time he sees his mother. God, now he has what I call a body to die for.... I wish David had a body like that.” “Julie...” Cat laughed at Julie when she started fanning herself with her hand. Julie and David had been married for four years, they had been high school sweethearts and married straight after high school. They had all been in the same year together. David had a great body from want she knew, not like she had ever seen him naked only ever in swim trunks, he had been very popular at school as well, school president, played the guitar in the school rock band and captain of the football team, very athletic joining in with anything the lest bit sporty and every girl wanted him with his sun bleached hair and tanned and toned body but he had only ever had eyes for Julie. David might have put on a good show but in actual fact had been very shy around the girl he really wanted.... Julie, who was a take the bull by the horns, take charge person nobody stood in front of Julie’s way, she had a great personality could hold a room full of people interested in whatever she was saying no matter the topic, she just had a persona that made people gravitate towards her. Julie had told her once it made up for her lack of looks, Julie believed she was plain, but David didn’t think so and Cat herself had never thought so.. with a curvy build and blonde hair and intelligent brown eyes standing at only 5.2. David had never cared about what others had said he had wanted Julie that much he had come to Cat for help,  because Julie was her friend and Cat having never shown any interest in him herself, she had help them come together. “I love David with all my heart and would never cheat on the big guy, but that doesn’t mean I have turned blind and can’t appreciate the appeal of a hot man when I see one. What am I to do walk around with my eyes closed.” She said laughing. She had a point and Julie would never cheat on David. “Sorry to disappoint you Julie, I haven’t met Mr Logan yet, I only started this morning.” She reminded Julie. “Well true, wait until you do..” she started fanning herself again “ no wonder he has every woman he wants.” For the rest of lunch she heard everything, there was to hear about Eric Logan and his string of girlfriends, lovers and mistresses Something she had no intention of becoming to any man no matter what they looked like or how charming they might very well be, she had heard it all and she wasn’t interested. Katherine was happy on her own, she had great friends fewer in number now she lived in the city away from home and the love of her foster parents Jack and Dawn Nelson who she tried to see at least once a month with a trip home. Back at the office Cat had just sat down behind her desk when a tall dark breathtakingly gorgeous man came storming through the door, a face like thunder. “Where the hell is she?”he demanded from her.

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