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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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with one finger pointing to the security camera behind him and moving that pointing finger toward his face. Being protected by a metal helmet, the monitor- which was ripped from it's frame bolted into a corner-flew straight into the Klatooinian's unprotected face.
Darth Bruticus simply stood there, vibrostaff lowered and lightly laughed with a smirk. He allowed the remaining Klatooinian to stand and attack him. The corridor was just wide enough to sufficiently wield the vibrostaves and Bruticus amused himself by blocking each blow by his attacker effortlessly. Laughing in the same manner again, he struck and struck at the Klatooinian faster and more proficiently so as to make it more and more difficult for him to defend himself. This moment the Sith Lord took to amuse himself and intimidate his opponent and to see how much fear his attacker would accumulate also for his own curiousity and to use the dark side for the sake of it. Accompanying Darth Bruticus' final blows were his acts of harsh intimidation as he commenced killing his final opponent with repeated hacks at his armour with the staff's vibroblade and shouts at the Klatooinian regarding his pathetic weakness against him before ripping the breastplate upward and running the vibrostaff through the heart, lifting his entire body, relishing the kill and dropping the vibrostaff to watch the body fall.
The only other thing which the Sith Lord heard were various individual voices, mostly spoken in Basic and about a third in Huttese. They came from the room beyond the doorway half-way along the west wall of the corridor, just behind the very spot he appeared. The Sith Lord detected no threat, only fear and uncertainty. The deaths of his assailants were likely the reason for the emotions of uncertainty incorporated into their fear. With a gesture of his right had upward, the locked security door rose speedily.
Upon entering he saw about 25 slave girls. They very type seen around Hutt establishments. Most of those women were either Human or Twi'Lek and wore the Hutt-design gold and brown metal bikinis (either similar in design or variants thereof) with the (usually) royal purple sarong attached to the front and back of the lower bikini half. The sight pleased the Sith Lord's eyes. He always loved the Hutt-style slave girl look. Despite almost all Hutt cartels being gangster clans, scums and villains, the appeal of the Hutt slave girl look reached throughout the galaxy.
One of them, speaking Basic in a native Tattooinian accent felt brave enough to ask:- "Can you help us?" The fear was still evident in her face as she reached out with her left.
Darth Bruticus approached until he was a few feet away from the closest of the slave girls holding his palms up briefly saying:- "I'll not harm you-any of you. I don't know where I am and I wish to leave as much as you all

do. I can get you all out easily but only if you could assure me that I could get transports away from this place." Hoping that asking for transports along with the deal to free them will get him out of wherever it was he found himself in.
"Don't you know? (Said the slave girl who asked if he could help) You're in Jabba The Hutt's palace." This raised his eyebrows, in the era Darth Bruticus came from, Jabba The Hutt had died almost a year before and the fact that the slave girl referred to the establishment as Jabba's Palace as if he was still alive did nothing but surprise him.
"What is your name?" Bruticus asked the slave girl who first spoke to him.
Wasting no time with more questions aside from the necessary ones, the Sith Lord quickly asked:- "Well, Ari'eshna, where are the transports? We need to run."
"Outside the door past the guards outside but none of us know the sec code."
"I need

no sec code! I'll get you out the same way I came in." Then dashed back into the corridor and with another upward gesture of a hand the exit opened upward and he ran out followed by the slave girls carrying anything they could to cover themselves with to protect themselves from the heat of Tattooine's twin suns.
"That way." Ari'eshna pointed to an unlocked hangar 40 feet to the right of the exit. Bruticus saw four beings working within the hangar, two Weequay, a Gamorrean guard and a Nikto. With the force, Lord Bruticus summoned the DL-18 blaster to his hand from the closer Weequays' holster and fired. The force aiding his accuracy.
"Hurry, hurry!" He urged the slave girls with his left arm waving four times at the desert skiffs, ready for any other of Jabba's guards which might turn up.
Finally, all 28 slave girls had filled two of the skiffs and Lord Bruticus leaped on the closest and both skiff's repulsorlifts activated only to be shut down after a computerized voice shouted "Power down." Blaster rifle pointed at the slave girl at the helm of the second skiff. "Disembark, you know what I can to all of you in a second." They did so, Bruticus hidden.
"You too scum, come out of there."
The Sith Lord jumped to the ground to confront the man clad from head to toe in green Mandalorian armour. What a baffling sight it was to Lord Bruticus to see Boba Fett still alive-so he thought. Then he realized, he had traveled back through time between 1 and about 15 years before his time. Jabba being recently dead and it being impossible to tell Boba Fett's age underneath his distinctive helmet. The great bounty hunter looking so severe and threatening with his blaster rifle pointing at the dark lord.
"All slaves belong to the great Jabba. Rest assured I'll see to it you get fed to the Hutt's rancor for his entertainment, he'll certainly not be pleased with your attempted theft of his property."
Lord Bruticus dropped the DL-18 blaster and walked toward Boba Fett with his fists hanging by his sides with a defiantly threatening stare.
"You daaaare

speak to me like that bounty hunter?"
His approach didn't faze the armoured Fett.
"Don't move, I'm sure the Hutt wouldn't mind if I turn you in to the rancor dead instead."
The Sith Lord still approached, charging up his anger.

decide this outcome and I'm taking the slave girls with me-where they can be properly

appreciated in ways no

Hutt could!!"

The intensity in Boba Fett's computerized voice almost buzzed at his anger from his demands not being met.
"I said don't move!!" And fired a single aimed blast at the dark lord's chest.
The blaster bolt got stopped by the palm of the dark lord's crooked right.
Still unfazed, Boba Fett fired multiple shots at the obviously dangerous threat with each laser bolt being blocked by the palms of Lord Bruticus' hands.
When the dark lord got too close he suddenly activated his flame thrower to force his adversary away and Bruticus somersaulted backward and to Boba's right.
Fett activated his jet pack and flew back in an upward, diagonal direction another 40 feet and launched the mini missiles from his knee pads at the same time he continued to repeatedly fire his blaster rifle to force Lord Bruticus closer to the hangar wall. Explosions hit the floor and blasting the sand covering it in all directions as Lord Bruticus struggled to avoid injury from the blasts.
Despite the hazards of the mighty bounty hunter's weapons, the Sith Lord was by no means helpless. He felt the knee missiles-one after the other-with the force and diverted them to the nearest skiff and with this right, quickly threw the skiff with the force in front of the bounty hunter.
The skiff dropped, the bounty hunter still there, launching the last of his knee mini missiles along with a mini missile from each wrist launcher.
Darth Bruticus held out his hands a split second after all the missiles fired and felt the wrist rockets with the force and brought them together, the close explosive shock wave forcing the bounty hunter to lose control of his jet pack and fell 20 feet to the ground.
With a quick force-run, the Sith Lord dashed toward Boba Fett just as he attempted to stand back into stance only for Bruticus to rip the jet-pack off from the bounty hunter's armour and receive a feeling of strangulation by a crushing gesture of the Sith Lord's left.

you really think you could stop me with all your fancy weapons?" then telekinetically lifted the mighty bounty hunter with a gesture of his right. "You may be one of the most powerful humans to ever have lived, but you will always

be weak next to the power of the dark side of The Force."
Lord Bruticus let go of his force-choke and allowed Boba Fett to fall upon the hot Tattooine sand and blasted this defeated opponent with his sith lightning.

the power of the daaark siiide." Watching with delight at the struggles of pain knowing that he had defeated one of the most terrifying bounty hunters in the history of the galaxy. Enjoying the way he channeled the hatred fueling his dark power and using it on such a significant figure.
The dark lord heard the slave girls activating the repulsorlifts of the desert skiffs and ceased casting his Sith lighning to channel in more anger and hatred for a more intense attack and blasted Boba Fett again.

the power of the dark side of The Force. Feeell

the poooweeer." His delight at seeing the armoured figure suffer getting stronger.
"Ultimate pooow-weeer!!"

As soon as the two desert skiffs neared the dark lord, he force-jumped, somersaulting backward, looking upon the limp, defeated figure of the terrifying bounty hunter as soon as he landed.
"Ha haa" Lord Bruticus cheered quickly as the view of Boba Fett became more distant. Only then he sensed through The Force Jabba's guards preparing to intercept.
The dark lord felt himself being held, as if in a start of an embrace which never went farther.
It was Ari'eshna, the speed of the skiffs blowing her long brown braid toward Lord Bruticus' chest.
It seemed she was still unsure of whether to fear her rescuer or not, but the way she thanked him for freeing her of her life in slavery in Jabba's Palace was obviously genuine.
She admired Bruticus for his efforts at rescue and his amazing abilities-which she didn't understand-but she had never seen such a man with such power. This made him all the more intriguing. He held her to make her feel more comfortable around him.
Taking a quick glance at the skiff he stood upon, and the other flying starboard and the direction they came, the Sith Lord saw that they were well out of range of Jabba's followers and would not likely recapture the slave girls even without him to defend them.
10 minutes into the flight, Bruticus and Ari'eshna were in conversation about his apprentice Darth Shivilow and his need to track her down. He didn't mention the fact that he had come from the future and hoped that the Shivilow he knew was also somehow transported into the era the Sith Lord found himself in. The same brilliant flash which brought him back in time happened again and he found himself upon a dark brown rocky surface, tall escarpments around the area and a thick forest at what seemed to be the north east. Three moons and a minour moon orbiting the largest lit the night sky brightly.
Enraged at the sudden loss of the 28 Hutt slave girls he roared out his disgust of this misfortune, he cast his sith lightning into the air to vent his stress.
"Bruticus." Ari'eshna's voice made him suddenly turn. The surprise made him act as if the loss never happened.
He looked around for anyone else and found there were only

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