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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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was of them. The Jedi Master not knowing what to make of the unfamiliar environment because he sensed the dark side of The Force being so strong with in the chamber.
The first of the figures stood up quickly from his throne. He was humanoid, hooded, with greyish skin, very wrinkly like a 5,000-year-old man and yellow eyes. The second clad in black armour, a stylized skull-like helmet concealed his features. Qui-Gon deduced that the measured, artificial breathing of the two-metre tall figure, as well as the control panel upon the breastplate of the dark armour, also served as a respirator.
"It's impossible. And yet he's here, he had been slain decades ago." Said the armoured figure to the humanoid in front of his throne. The voice being electronically distorted.
The next thing the Jedi master saw was the armoured figure ignite his lightsabre. Red-just like the Sith Lords of old.
"Deal with that Jedi Lord Vader."
Qui-Gon drew his lighsabre, his green blade locking with the red blade of his opponent a split-second after igniting it.
"How did you get here?' The one called Darth Vaders' electronic voice buzzed.
"I don't even know what is happening." Was the defiant response as soon as he used his sabre to push the tall figure away. The armoured Sith lowered the point of his sabre with both hands gripping it.
A few strikes more and Qui-Gon jumped back two feet to evade a slash across his stomach and then the red blade slashed back with an upward diagonal swipe of his assailant's lightsabre moved Qui-Gon's blade out to his left and received a severe kick to the chest with Vader's right.
The Jedi Master endured the fall upon his higher back and then leaped up back into stance with rapid slashes to keep Darth Vader on the defensive until he finally created an opening past his guard and slashed across the control panel upon Vader's breastplate. The sparks shorting it out and this respirator partly malfunctioned.
The humanoid force-ran with his lightsabre ignited on the way and prevented Qui-Gon from approaching the half-incapacitated Darth Vader. A series of alternating, diagonal downward strikes forced Qui-Gon away from Vader and closer to the stairway to the throne. Qui-Gon somersaulted his way to the top of the stairs. The dark figure approaching him with his red blade pointed throughout his pacing up the stairs. Not letting Qui-Gon have the advantage of the higher elevation, the humanoid made it appear he was about to strike, but instead dashed to his right side to step into the central area of the floor in front of the throne.
Qui-Gon quickly followed, sabres locking, then slashing. The loud sounds of sparks being so constant as the lightsabre blades collided with each other.
Upon opportunity, the humanoid pointed his left hand and unleashed his sith lightning, Qui-Gon had no time to block the strike at first, the pain running throughout his body. He strengthened his will to move his lightsabre in front of him and finally managed to use the blade to resist the lightning.
Qui-Gon and the humanoid dark-sider exchanged three strikes and the Jedi Master force-pushed but it didn't have the desired effect due to the Sith Lord partly resisting it. It knocked him slightly off balance and Qui-Gon took advantage of that with a strike at the upper arm, the Sith blocking the blow and his right side pressed against his throne. Qui-Gon was strong in The Force, but so was that Sith Lord he was fighting. They used their strength to try to push at each other as their sabres remained in a lock. The humanoid's teeth gritting, Qui-Gon's concentration intensifying, not letting this phenomenally strong Sith Lord take advantage. The yellow eyes of his wrinkly-face opponent burning with the raw hated fueling the dark side of The Force for maximum defense.
The Sith Lord thought at first that the Great Jedi Master commenced some type of rare Jedi trick he hadn't seen before only to see the intensely bright light obscure Qui-Gon from view and disappear. The pressing of green lightsabre blade vanishing along with him.

Qui Gon fell three feet to the ground, his hands breaking his fall. The Jedi Master next found himself in the familiar scene he had vanished from. He looked behind him to see the river he viewed before the surreal moments he had experienced. Everything was exactly as it was before. That is, except for the presence of the tall, elegant being he wished to contact. Master Qui-Gon decided it best to get back to the outpost and report the phenomena so that others would hopefully not fall victim to it.

"Part #5 -The Two Jedi Grand Masters."

Sean P Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival.

John Damocles Smith as Master Damocles.

-4 Before the battle of Yavin. (Alternative Star Wars timeline.)

The Rebel fleet advanced toward the remote planet ahead of them. The blue, white and green world suddenly visible after coming out of hyperspace. Seaco Buroc with his modified B-Wing fighter and Delpa Gival with his orange Jedi Interceptor in the lead. Outdated X-Wings and Y-Wings-all maintained with spare parts-spread out behind them and the capital ships even farther behind. A massive secret base belonging to part of the Confederate remnant awaited to be attacked. Should they succeed, much of the supplies The Empire would receive in this sector would be eliminated. The size of the Rebel fleet being three times in number than usual.
Initial orders from the flagship directed the fighters toward latitude 60 degrees north of the planet, their direction of flight in an elegant curve from their right and upward toward their target area, the cruisers following. The massive continent with the enemy base covered a third of the northern hemisphere, a fifth of the equator and stretched down thickly from the south-eastern region. Everyone's eyes upon it, readying themselves for the mission ahead. One of the biggest in eight years.
Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc gave the signal for the fighters to follow himself and Delpa Gival into the atmosphere. The capital ships spreading out to form a blockade against any escaping Confederate ship. Cruisers moved to positions below the cloud levels to help their X-Wings and Y-Wings deal with enemy fighter craft.
Drop ships plummeted to their prearranged areas. Seaco Buroc and Delpa Gival banked sharply farther west, leading the Rebel fighter craft toward the base and force the Confederate vehicles to concentrate upon them, enabling cover for their drop ships to deploy their land-based vehicles.
Geonosian fighters headed their way, already in formation. Spider droids and dwarf spider droids had already been deployed indicating that the Rebels had been detected as soon as they came out of hyperspace. Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival contacted the cruisers within the atmosphere to come closer to the confederate base as soon as he saw Intergalactic Banking Clan Hailfire droids just before they commenced firing at the Rebel fighters.
"All dropships have completed deploying land based vehicles. All fighters and cruisers proceed with phase II." The flagship broadcasted.
Numerous Rebel juggernauts and speeders bravely advanced against the CIS vehicles as Corporate Alliance tank droids became visible upon scanners. Before long the speedy Geonosian fighters, although initially large in number, eventually became reduced by 50% thanks to the aid of the cruisers.
Delpa Gival's Orange Jedi Interceptor sped toward the space between two of the three Geonosian fighters ahead of him. He smoothly veered slightly to his left, shot down the closest one, then curved his flight path to the right and eliminated the one previously in the middle and with a slight adjustment of his direction of flight, he tipped the front of his fighter upward taking the third one out a second later. With those three out of the way, Seaco Buroc sensed through The Force that there were no other fighters within their general area, this enabled him to dive at a steeper angle and aim at a Spider Droid. B-Wings were designed for attacking capital ships, so blasting the huge walker with it's powerful cannons was not problem. Being much too close to the surface, Master Buroc ascended after executing the sharpest turn his fighter could, it's maximum speed bringing it toward the group of enemy fighters taking out the cannons of the nearest Rebel cruiser. Delpa Gival's Jedi Interceptor already flying closely underneath the hull, tailing four Geonosian fighters all too vulnerable to his attacks. Master Buroc fired at the fighter suddenly changing it's direction toward Master Gival. His B-Wing's lasers hitting even from his still-great distance.
With fewer than 100 Geonosian fighters in opposition against the numerous X- an Y-Wings and Cruisers, the Rebels would soon begin phase III of their attack plan.
Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc broadcasted to the other pilots. "All fighters, after we eliminate their air force we commence attack against their land vehicles. Whenever possible try to eliminate those hailfire droids. Shoot them from behind if you can."
The vermillion and light red sky saw fewer explosions of fighters either friend or foe. Rebel juggernauts and speeders struggled less as soon as the cruisers were free to fire their first wave of missiles at enemy walkers and tanks. The surface obscured by clouds of rocks and dust. The only thing aiding the rebel pilots in finding their targets being their scanners as they reinforced the Rebel vehicles upon the ground. The cruisers saved their missiles for phase IV of their attack plan-the confederate supply base itself.
With most of the CIS opposition gone, the cruisers were finally ordered to approach the higher elevation of the surface toward the base, firing their remaining missiles while their fighters remained closely behind. The rebels hit hard so much so that almost none of their defensive turrets remained to endanger the fighters, speeders and Juggernauts. Even the hidden ones.
"Well done everyone, our plan is an astounding success thanks to your well-coordinated efforts. Now, all troop transports enter the base and destroy the factories." The admiral praised the brave Rebels.
Delpa Gival and Seaco Buroc landed their fighters behind the juggernauts and lead their ground troopers to infiltrate the exposed underground areas of the Confederate base-Phase V.
Their intelligence was almost accurate, there indeed were massive underground factories manufacturing vehicles and equipment for The Empire-three of them. The Rebel's only opposition being Geonosian warriors and Trade Federation battle droids.
The Geonosian heads of the base had eventually been found but refused to deactivate their battle droids and order their troops to stand down. Instead, they themselves responded with shots by their exotic blasters and eventually died by the blue blade of Delpa Gival's lightsabre as rebel troops provided him cover.
Meanwhile, near the deepest levels of one of the factories, Seaco Buroc's division set-up their explosives. Since there were two more of those gigantic facilities than their intelligence reports had known about, they had only enough explosives to destroy one complex and half as much required for another, so they planned to destroy the other two by using the manufactured Imperial explosives found within a stockpile.
Master Buroc took out his comlink and instructed Master Gival to evacuate his troops by the time his division had completed their task to set-up the charges, thus completing phase V-the final stage of their attack plan.
The explosives did their work.
The Empire within this entire sector would have to seek alternative sources for new supplies.
"Score one for The Rebellion." The Admiral broadcasted to the entire fleet. Seaco Buroc and Delpa Gival slapping their hands together into a strong grip high in the air with the feeling of victory as they walked among their troops raising their fists or blasters, cheering. Some of the troopers congratulating the Grand Jedi Masters on a job well done leading them and some of
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