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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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them giving their thanks.
The celebrations were broken up by orders coming from the flagship to evacuate the planet before any reinforcements arrive. Surely they did. 20 Imperial Star Destroyers dropped out of hyperspace as Rebels rushed to their vehicles. Their battle with The Imperial fleet would have been a struggle if it wasn't for the thick flash of light taking the entire Rebel squadron elsewhere, where exactly, no-one knew. But one thing was for certain, as confusing as their surreal situation was, they knew that they had somehow appeared in another base-an Imperial one. This time the Rebels faced the stronger Imperial Stormtroopers-not Trade Federation Battle Droids.
The sudden need to adapt to being inside a battle zone so suddenly caused many of the Rebel soldiers to feel enormous stress from the vulnerability of not knowing from what angles they may get shot at, many made it inside their vehicles and returned fire.
The two Grand Jedi Masters could not find their fighters so they did their best to preserve the numbers of their comrades in arms. A Scout Walker 25 feet away from Seaco Buroc turned to it's left and fired, the glowing white blade of Master Buroc's lightsabre diverted the blasts from the front cannons 120 degrees to his right, hitting the side of an imperial assault tank of some sort. Delpa Gival concentrated upon covering Seaco by eliminating troops, his blue blade reducing their numbers as quickly as a squadron with the same number of troops, indicative of his force skills as a Grand Jedi Master.
Seaco somersaulted upward and landed atop the port-side cannon. He force-jumped again and used the white blade of his lightsabre to open the hatch on the top and force-pushed the drivers inside to stop them from firing at his troops and then eliminated them before slashing the control panels.
Two Juggernauts fired at the doors of the section where the Scout Walkers and tanks came out and the smaller speeders fired continuously to eliminate any troops within. As soon as Seaco and Delpa saw it was clear, Seaco ordered his troops to follow him inside. On their way in, he told Delpa Gival that he sensed the presence of someone strong in the force.
"Let's hope it's a Jedi prisoner, we could use more help against The Empire." He had sensed it as well.
Turing left into a long, grey corridor-as typical of any Imperial architecture-Seaco force-pushed at the group of Stormtroopers and Delpa threw his lightsabre at them while they were down and then both charged at the rest. They took the main bend right and followed it until they reached a turbolift. Delpa gestured with his hands to open the door using The Force and then they jumped down one level.
The first level below the surface was surprisingly empty, the two Jedi Grand Masters followed the strong force presence toward the corridor branching to their left. All the vaulted doors looked the same but they distinguished which one to open by following their well-tuned instincts.
Delpa opened the door with force-gestures of his hands. As he did so, both Grand Jedi Masters sensed that the being within had sensed them as well.
The two saw a familiar face, their faces being just as familiar to the Jedi within.
"Master Damocles! What are you doing here?' Said Seaco. The two entering what used to be living quarters for ten Stormtroopers. The rebel soldiers on their guard for whatever may come their way.
"I don't know what happened, I was fighting off an Imperial attack on Vargot and suddenly I found myself on a Trade Federation space station and then here. I don't know which system I am in. I just can't explain it."
The Grand Jedi Masters realized the same thing had not been confined only to them. They then noticed that Damocles was repairing a Confederate Destroyer Droid. Quite out of place to even see one in an Imperial base.
"Vargot? What were you doing there fighting The Empire when our fleet bombarded the supply base?" Asked Delpa. The last time he had seen Master Damocles was at the secret Jedi base their Rebel fleet had come from.
"What supply base?"
"Never mind, who authorized you to go to Vargot?" Delpa asked.
"Master Skywalker sent me there."
The two grew even more confused.
"Who's Master Skywalker?" Asked Seaco.
"You don't know? What's going on?" How was it that Masters Gival and Buroc didn't know? All three of them knew who Luke Skywalker was.
"Master Damocles, is there something you're not telling me?" Said Seaco, the conversation became even stranger to bear. "Your orders were to remain at Phantom Base until we return. So why have you left for Vargot and who is Master Skywalker. This is getting very confusing."
Delpa Gival added:- "Since you say you were sent there you obviously didn't appear there instantaneously."
Indeed Seaco was right. "Master Damocles' next answer raised even more eyebrows.
"Phantom base? We've abandoned that place years ago and if you don't know who Master Skywalker is then something must have happened to your memory because we all know him."
"Years ago?" Both replied. Then Delpa Gival thought of a theory.
"Master Damocles, before you found yourself here, did you see a flash of bright light everywhere?"
"Yes Master Gival."
A pause, Seaco and other Rebel soldiers within the room looked at Delpa.
"My next question may not make sense, but, what's the date?"
Damocles replied. The confusion dissolved.
Delpa Gival's shoulders relaxed. His implausible theory being correct.
"Master Damocles, the date you gave me is eight years from ours." A pause of realization from all. "That light, or whatever it was, it teleported us from one place to another and one time from another. It must be some sort of temporal anomaly." Said Master Gival.
"I've heard of that happening before, those cases are very isolated but they have been documented. In each case, abnormal amounts of tachyons have been recorded." A Rebel technician informed his leaders.
The three Jedi took a closer look at each other. Master Damocles did indeed seem older-that would make him about the same age as they were now to minus one year, and Grand Jedi Masters Seaco Buroc and Delpa Gival appeared younger as well. It all made sense. All except what the cause of the phenomenon was.
Master Damocles replaced the top plate of the Destroyer Droid's head and activated it with his remote control.
"So... where did you get a hold of one of those?" Master Buroc being curious.
"As I said before, after I disappeared from Vargot, I appeared in a Trade Federation space station and then here." Then spoke to the Destroyer droid. "Come with us."
"Did you eliminate all the troopers down in this level?" Asked Delpa Gival.
"Yes. A half-an-hour ago. I used this room as a secure place and trap for others who'd come this way while I repaired this droid."
"You must have come here just before we did. It was hard at first but when we started fighting off the Imperials, we eliminated then quite quickly." Said Seaco Buroc. "Now come with us Damocles, we got to regroup and leave this place."
"Not yet, we have to shut down the shields in the lowest level and I sense the presence of the dark side down there. Now that you're here, we'd better go in together and deal with it, and I'm using this droid to help us out. Reinforcements are coming from the other base."
The three Jedi wasted no time, they had no problem eliminating the little opposition which was left. The Rebel troopers were ordered to remain outside.
The three entered the massive vault protecting the shield generator power plant. The key codes required to unlock it not being an obstacle because of the force gestures from Seaco's hands. Damocles ordered his Destroyer Droid to deploy it's guns and shield.
The darkened room was quieter than the usual power plant. The humming of energy sounded more like it had been muted by 30 feet of water. The octagonal-shaped chamber walled with computer panels and consoles. The dark side was always hard to sense but the three knew that a single presence was there. As soon as the three stepped out of the ante-chamber they reflexively started deflecting blaster shots by in-built security turrets.
The the dark-side user came out from behind a smaller chamber at the far side of the power plant. It was a tall, figure, clad from head to toe in black. The helmet and robes being identical in design to that of The Emperor's Royal Guard except for the inversion of colours, black on the robes and red at the helmet's lens. The figure held in his hands a staff about five feet long and ignited a metre-long red lightsabre blade.
"A shadow guard! There aren't any left during my era." Said the surprised Master Damocles.
"None? When do they disappear?" Master Buroc said, intently deflecting the blaster fire from the various turrets.
"About two years after your time." Then approached the Shadow Guard after asking his Destroyer Droid to take out the turrets.
The Force guided Master Gival's instincts to protect the droid so that it's shield wouldn't wear off as quickly from more blaster bolts.
The dark, emerald green blade of Master Damocles' lightsabre locked with the Shadow Guard's light lance. The cover provided by the other two Jedi Masters leaving him free to engage the dark side user. Modern Jedi lightsabre techniques usually involved movements to deflect blaster bolts. Damocles-a Master swordsman specialized in lightsabre-to-lightsabre combat as well. An advantage providing the Shadow Guard with a challenge which gave him a feeling of excitement, adrenaline flowing. Every strike of his light lance reflecting his enjoyment of fighting such a strong opponent. The sound of his long weapon moving through the air the same as the vibration of a conventional lightsabre, only with a lower, more hollow pitch.
The Shadow Guard evidently possessed at least a few techniques Sith Lords use, he occasionally cast sith lightning at Master Damocles. Despite some combinations of fast strikes and the length of the Shadow Guard's light lance, he managed to counter the Jedi Master's movements quite well. He let his excitement fuel his dark side powers, relishing the fact that he would destroy this unusually skilled Jedi Master.
Seaco and Delpa still found it difficult to deflect the blaster bolts despite the Destroyer droid taking them out, the shield had just worn out and there were still so many to concentrate upon to enable Master Damocles to battle the Shadow Guard freely. The dark emerald green blade constantly striking the sith red blade, sparks sounding, countering each other's movements becoming quicker and more intense, each determined not to let their guard open when Master Damocles moved past the length of the Shadow Guard's light lance and chopped through the right shoulder and as deep as the higher chest, withdrew his blade quickly to block the red blade and slashed through the black helmet sideways as his evil opponent's strike deadened.
With the Shadow Guard gone, Master Damocles took the light lance telekinetically and used the force to move it along the walls to help take out the security turrets.
"Reinforcements have reached the area, we'll be in firing range within minutes." Came an announcement through Seaco's comlink.
"We'll be there." Seaco replied. Seeing that the turrets became less of a problem with a third Jedi helping them out.
With their burden lifted, the three, with the Destroyer droid following, lead the Rebel soldiers out the surface level, but this time in a different direction because Master Damocles had mentioned that he had seen many Rebel fighters appear in that area before he headed for the lower level of the base.
Damocles found his customized heavy fighter and co-incidentally the personal craft belonging to the two Jedi Grand Masters as well.
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