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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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"They weren't there before." Master Damocles said in passing.
Up in the sky, there were their cruisers and fighters. In addition to that, Seaco and Delpa had noticed other Rebel craft not belonging to them as the three force-ran to their craft.
"Did that fleet come from Vargot as well?"
"Yes, they came here along with me." Damocles answered as he strapped himself into his cockpit, his voice being transmitted through his comlink.
"All regroup and prepare to escape this system." The Admiral broadcasted to both Rebel fleets. The ten additional capital ships and 25 cruisers followed, speeding away from the intent fire of the Imperial reinforcements from the nearest base upon the unidentified planet.
The Rebels shot out of the atmosphere and prepared to jump to hyperspace as soon as the last of them would enter space. Star Destroyers appeared upon everyone's scanners, coming form the planet's eastern hemisphere.
The chase by the nearest of the imperial craft from within the atmosphere became more intense, some of the X- and Y-Wings farthest from the fleet being eliminated more frequently, ten more fighters remained within the atmosphere and the now-familiar bright white light enveloped the rebel fleet.

No-one could tell where they had reappeared, the star charts within everyone's nav'puters could not make sense of the constellations around them. There was no sign of the Imperial fleet, the Rebels stood down with relief.
"This is Seaco Buroc, Admiral, what's out next course of action?" The Jedi Grand Master transmitted from his B-Wing fighter.
"Standby...." Came the reply and then a short pause. "...our scanners have detected a planet 18 parsecs away. That's our next destination. Transmitting courses now."

"Part #6. The Force-Using Twins."

Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star and Sith Lord Draconis.

The Old Republic-Prequel era. (Main Star Wars dimension)

Orion Knight-Star flew his Jedi Star Fighter in a curved arc to land upon the launching pad of the abandoned base. Abandoned until being re-used by his twin brother Sith Lord Draconis. The planet being little explored due to it being mostly rocky, barren and barely habitable. He circled behind the highest peaks, which surrounded the former exploration base. Everywhere in the landscape surrounding the mountains being just as dark brown. According to Orion's quick research of the area from the Jedi Archives, mining the rocky landscapes proved to be unproductive due to the very poor quality of the minerals. No wonder why even the explorers left. No wonder why Lord Draconis chose this area to hide.
As Orion reached the final curve of his flight arc, approaching the north end of the landing pad, he straightened his path and slowed down, settling steadily.
He vaulted out of his Jedi Star Fighter, drawing his lightsabre.
"I've found you now." He said and ran toward one of the entrances. Orion determined not to waste this opportunity to confront his fallen twin Brother. In recent times, The Jedi Order had become aware of the return of the Sith. One had been eliminated by Obi-Wan Kenobi and the other remained hidden. Some even speculated that Lord Draconis had become the new apprentice to the other Sith Lord. Orion Knight-Star knew that wasn't true. He found the Sith holochron Draconis had somehow discovered from an unknown location and learned the ways of the dark side of The Force with the secrets locked within it. Should Lord Draconis join forces with the returned Sith Lord for real, The Republic would be in greater danger. Orion Knight-Star would not allow this as long as he remained alive.
After passing through a pair of massive double doors, he turned right into the corridor upon instinct, as if he knew which direction to go. Orion Knight-Star knew that Lord Draconis had sensed his arrival even without seeing his Jedi Starfighter. Who else would come alone to this forsaken complex-he was the only one residing within the entire outpost unless you count the reactivated maintenance droids. The alarms were not needed, Orion made no effort to hide the fact he entered the base.

Lord Draconis approached one of the security monitors, The Force drawing him to the exact one among those in the middle. Enraged that he had been somehow found he waited for his twin Brother to approach a certain area at the end of the main corridor. His hand hovering above a switch. He could tell just by looking at Orion that he sensed he was being watched. He walked as if it didn't bother him. Just as Draconis had hoped, Orion approached the two doors at the southern end of the main corridor. One directly in front of him, and one on the end of the east side. Draconis triggered the switch and the explosives behind the east side door detonated as Orion was about to press the controls to open the door in front of him.
As soon as the dust clouds cleared, Draconis saw that Orion, although injured, had only been weakened slightly due to his Jedi endurance. By no means had be become unable to fight but it gave Draconis a slight advantage should he be unable to avoid a fight. The Sith twin rushed to the hangar at the south end of the landing pad to board his converted Jedi Starfighter.

The south end of the corridor also had a large set of double doors like the ones Orion had entered from the opposite end. He ran and opened those using the force accompanying the gestures of his hands. Out in the landing pad, he turned and faced the hangar doors at the south side and repeated the gestures with the smaller set of doors. Within it, Orion found his Brother's converted Jedi Starfighter and him rushing toward it. The dark side of The Force may be hard to see, but Orion could sense his twin significantly better than anyone else could and consequently, Lord Draconis found it quite difficult to hide from his twin whilst nearby.
Lord Draconis barely made it half-way between the corridor and his starfighter when he saw his twin advance. Knowing he was too late to board his vehicle he had drawn and ignited his lightsabre as soon as Orion's gardian blue lightsabre blade shot out of it's hilt.
Draconis kept his defensive crouch ready for Orion. The two stood only a foot between the tips of their blades.
"How did you find this place?" Draconis' expression serious, tough.
"Master Yoda has many great sources. I meditated on the leads and searched my feelings. And here I am."
Draconis stayed put. If it were anyone else he would have remained hidden for much longer. The burden of his twin Brother constantly tracking him built up his anger inside. He used that to strengthen his dark power.
"Draconis, don't make me fight you. Let me arrest you, let me help you come back to the light."
"Never!!" Striking at Orion with a hard slash from diagonally above his left shoulder to the right side of Orion's neck.
While countering with a parry with one hand, blades locking, sparks crackling, Draconis simply shouted. "I WANT the dark side, I want the power it gives me I refuse the light. The true nature of The Force lies in the dark." And continued with a few well-coordinated strikes. Orion started backing up outside onto the landing pad and their sabres locked. Both pushed each other away and regained stances, their lightsabres waving behind them as if displaying showmanship before holding their blades in front of themselves at ready.
The twins knew each other's fighting style all too well, it was difficult to strike without countering each other's movements every time they hit. The swordplay between them progressed to the point of virtual stalemate. Then the two sensed something surreal about to happen, then they saw the bright white light surrounding the landing pad and the immediate areas. The brightness had no painful effect upon their eyes, it only prevented them from seeing anything in front of them. Orion reached out with The Force for knowledge and could only determine it was not a natural phenomenon and had nothing to do with The Force.

The light disappeared. Orion found himself in another place, his surprise beyond expression. Draconis felt exactly the same emotion. He found he was in a curved tunnel leading to his left, the soil cold to touch. To his right it stretched far and branched both right and left. It looked as if it could be a mine hastily dug into a mountain judging by the cold breeze. As soon as he saw Orion Knight-Star, Lord Draconis shot out sith lightning with both hands out. Orion's jedi reflexes stopping it with his. Being virtually equal, Orion was unable to counter by returning the lightning to it's caster. Neither was Draconis able to intensify it to weaken his twin's blocking. Deactivating his sith lightning, the two ignited their lightsabres once again. Draconis blocked Orion's blows as he steadily backed around the bend of the tunnel hoping for a way to escape. If not, hopefully he would find a way to gain an advantage in his fight against his jedi twin brother.

Part #7 "Ari'eshna."

Joe Mignano as Lord Bruticus.

The flash of brilliant white which surrounded him faded and found himself impacting against a stone wall and slipping down to a sand-covered floor. Darth Bruticus reflexively leaped up to a standing position upon hearing a Klatooinian bark out orders to a second Klatooinian. The two left their posts sealed by a portcullis brandishing their vibroblade staves charging at Bruticus who stood with his arms and hands open, ready to counter attack.
He sensed a third presence, a humanoid clad entirely in an armoured black flight suit. The top of his helmet looked similar to that of a death star trooper's except the face cover was entirely smooth and black but transparent from the inside. He quickly muttered something in a quiet mellow language seemingly similar to the one the Klatooinians spoke. He approached Bruticus quickest, medium blaster pistol held high, and being the immediate threat he addressed that being to make his first counter-attack.
Looking into his entirely smooth face plate-where it's eyes would be-Bruticus attempted to influence the creature's actions to slow down, and as a back-up plan, he used his Sith reflexes to grab his arms. The precaution turned-out to be wise since the being's will was not weak enough to be sufficiently influenced by the force so the effect was slight.
Darth Bruticus pulled the being's right arm past his face while using his great strength to keep the other arm down with his left gripping the wrist. In a split-second after pulling the being's right arm as far as it would go, the Sith Lord used the force to telekinetically pull the trigger with the blaster's bolt hitting into the throat of the second Klatooinian, falling immediately to his knees, his death following a second and a half later.
The first Klatooinain, who was standing farther behind, had been dealt with by Lord Bruticus physically throwing the black-clad being-with the aid of the dark side-at him. As he fell on top of the first Klatooinian, the Sith Lord telekinetically summoned the vibrostaff of the dead second Klatooinian into his right and gripping it's shaft with his other hand he charged and ran it through the black-clad being through his lightly protected stomach with the tip of the virboblade stopping on the Klatooinian's breastplate.
Bruticus looked at the narrow corridor's south end and with a gesture of his left hand held high and quickly lowered, the security door slammed shut to prevent any other threats from coming in. He looked back to see the remaining Klatooinian taking the black-clad being's blaster from out of his hand. Bruticus distracted him by a gesture of his left hand in a fist
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