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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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destroy you easily. I ask again, what system is this?"
"I will not aid any Humans."
It was clear to Darth Bane that he could not convince the battle droid to do his bidding and wasted no time in blasting it with Sith Lightning. The white and blue energy burning it's internal circuits and mechanics, the rest of it's frame flying 15 feet away. More would be coming and there was only one way out of the control room, which would make it a more effective trap if overwhelming numbers would come. He sensed that the strange place he appeared in were swarming with literally thousands of them.
At one point the Sith Lord had to make a detour because he found he had entered an area containing an entire battalion of those exotic, red eyed, battle driods. Bane dashed into the corridor to his left and entered the door at the end. There were no droids there but he had little time to evade the battalion behind him, so the Sith Lord cut into the middle of the south wall with his lightsabre to create an escape route. The metal was unusually thick and it was like tunneling, it seemed to Bane that this could be the outer armoured hull of the base and the exit he was looking for. This proved to be a mistake as soon as he had stabbed to cut another circle again and the air commenced escaping. The other side contained a vacuum! Using the force to give himself the resistance to move toward the east wall, he cut a hole there and as soon as he went through, the base's systems countered the escaping of atmosphere. The area on the other side appeared to be a stockpile. There were no guards there and instead of choosing a corridor, Darth Bane force-leaped upon a few crates and cut a hole into the ceiling in order for the battalion's pursuit to be made more difficult and, hopefully, less opposition. Fortunately for Bane, the plan worked. Before he moved on, he dropped the powerful explosive he found in the stockpile before escaping and force-ran. As soon as he had sensed the battalion swarming into it, Bane pressed the key on the remote detonator. He laughed as he enjoyed destroying his multiple opponents.
One of the next few rooms he had entered had a window upon the ceiling. Then he realized. The base he teleported into turned out to be a space station. This confirmed his suspicion after discovering the vacuum. There was no way to escape unless he could find a hangar, but that plan was only practical if he could find the controls to shut the shields down first. Upon realizing this, Darth Bane altered his plan. He would rid the space station of all within and then contact Darth Zannah and use this base as a hideout. The secret of whatever brought him into this base might be contained within. All he would need is a protocol droid to translate anything ambiguous and it's secrets will belong to the Sith.
Throughout the next hour he eluded the battle droids and reduced their numbers upon opportunity.
Throughout the space station, Darth Bane saw no evidence of who the battle droids belonged to. He only saw the silver and occasional bronze model everywhere he had been. No other type of droid and no living being aboard. Not even technicians working in hangars or the maintenance area he found. It seems as if those machines existed independently and self-sufficiently. The great Sith Lord felt more curious than he even had for a long time. Which system could he possibly be in? Why were those droids anti-human. Was there a race or organization which once existed and did those droids still follow their original programming? Then again, if the base is as self-sufficient as it seems the possibility of a race or organization which uses those droids could be located nearby. Could THEY hold the secret to the method of teleporting him from a great distance without the use of hyperdrive? The answers to these questions being too important to Bane for him to ignore. The Sith must destroy the Jedi, such an advantage must be exploited.
He saw no evidence at all, nothing within the space station except for two types of battle droid, that is until he cut though the floor and landed into a spacious chamber containing about 100 battle droids diagonally to Bane's right aiming at the entrance of the chamber. Diagonally to his left a very high dais where a single being sat upon a throne. The battle droids had already changed their direction of their aiming as soon as Bane dropped through the high ceiling. The force checking the impact of the Sith Lord's landing.
He wasted no time to force-run behind the dais for his own protection and Force-jumped to reach the back of the being's throne.
"Drop your blasters or I'll dispose of this one." The Sith Lord demanded. The glowing red blade of his lightsabre held horizontally in front of it's throat.

"Part #4 -The Two Experiences Of Darth Vader."

-Joe Mignano as Imperial Captain Tur Kilvain of "Devastator." (Main Star Wars Dimension.)

One month after the destruction of the first Death Star, the imperial Star Destroyer Devastator

cruised above Tattooine. Captain Tur Kilvain stood with his arms crossed in front of the bridge's central window. He saw nothing of any significance but remained alert for any danger. The efficient Imperial officer had not been informed by Lord Vader of the purpose of the fleet's presence over this remote world of little value to The Empire. All one could deduct from Lord Vader's solo mission to the arid planet was that it was obviously important to the dark lord alone. As to how, that was anyone's guess. Could it have something to do with the Corellian corvette this very ship caught above this very same planet? Captain Kilvain considered that it wasn't a co-incidence. As interested as he was, he knew when to separate curiousity from his duty. Kilvain would not ask his lord if he was right. He readied himself for his next set of orders since Lord Vader's shuttle arrived minutes ago.
Lord Vader's presence was felt by the bridge crew as soon as the sound of his respirator hit their ears and then the heavy footsteps of the two-metre tall Sith Lord. Captain Kilvain maintained his position, there was no need to turn around to make sure of who it was. The Sith Lord stopped by the Captain's right, he, of course, avoided asking whether if his lord had found anything while on the planet below. There was no way to tell even by the tone of his electronically distorted voice.
"Captain Kilvain, the estimated time of the fleet's rendezvous?"
"They will be due within eight minutes my lord."
"Good." Was the only other thing the dark lord said for the whole time after that. His effort to find any clues as to the identity of his apparent son turned up no information of value. The moisture farm his Mother had lived in seemed the only plausible area where he could have grown up. The last time Vader had seen that property, now charred and totally ruined, was a mere three years before the day he had been encased within his black, armoured respirator. The apparatus necessary for him to survive. He felt no sentiment for the moisture farm, he had let go of the past, that is, with the exception of the grave site of his Mother. The only time he took away from his personal mission was to visit it. The tombstone remained intact despite the extensive damage done to the main area by his Stormtroopers. Then looked for any sign of the boy who destroyed the Death Star. The exploded junk did indicate that a young man had lived with his Brother-In-Law and his girlfriend, or perhaps, by then, his wife, but no clue to his identity. Even The Force hadn't helped the Sith Lord find any information of value. Disappointed, he boarded his shuttle and patiently flew around the general area using the force to find any sign of where Obi-Wan Kenobi might have hidden. Again nothing. He would have to confirm the identity of his apparent son with some other source.
The fleet Devastator

and the eight other star destroyers awaited had jumped out of hyperspace, pleased to move on, Darth Vader ordered his shuttle ready. Captain Kilvain noted the five star destroyers positioned around the new class of battleship. This being the first time he had seen one. Indeed, the super star destroyer was impressive, eight kilometres of near unstoppable power. Indeed a whole rebel fleet would struggle against one alone and lose many ships in the process even if they would destroy it. Kilvain thought that with a few more ships of that super class, The Empire would crush the rebellion and remain an unstoppable force throughout the whole galaxy. He knew very well that the massive ship in front of him was the prototype, the only other he knew of, called Executor

being under construction. It would be that ship which would truly be the first of it's kind when completed.
Vader's shuttle and the escort of four TIE fighters flew within view of the bridge. The captain watched as it disappeared underneath the enormous dreadnaught and then the TIE escort flying back toward Devastator.
The ships in view turned around, upon command Captain Kilvain relayed the orders to his eight other star destroyers to follow and stand by for jump to hyperspace.
Instead of hyperspace, a whole field of what appeared to be scattered lightning surrounded the entire fleet of 15 before expanding and becoming a single bright field. After a few seconds it disappeared. Tattooine and it's moons now gone. Orders were given by Lord Vader himself to scan the area. Analysis yielded the fleet nothing, nothing until Captain Kilvain's attention was called by a young officer stationed in a lower section of the bridge.
"Lord Vader..." The captain immediately informed the Sith Lord "...our scanners have detected a similar phenomena five parsecs from 280 degrees of us.
"Set course for that area immediately. We'll follow." Vader's electronically distorted voice spoke quickly over the communicator. The fleet turned as Devastator

increased it's speed to take the point. No time being wasted, all ships jumped to hyperspace after it.

* * *

Republic Era (Main Star Wars Dimension.)

One month before the chosen one had been found, Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn made his way along a dirt track away from the Jedi outpost under construction. He had become intrigued by something he thought he had seen and sensed at the area where the river bent in the forest. The great Jedi Master detected no presence of The Force but was nevertheless curious to take a second look. An hour through the tall trees and he was there. Overlooking the arrow-shaped bend in the river 15 feet below him. Qui-Gon stretched out with The Force to see what he could find out.
He tried sensing the single tall being he believed he saw, wondering what it would be doing in such a remote area instead of one easy to reach like the Jedi Outpost Qui-Gon had came from. There was a presence there. He was certain it was the same individual. Then the unexpected bright light surrounded himself. He sensed the being had disappeared a split second before he did.

After the light disappeared. The Jedi Master found himself in a darkened chamber. Space being visible through the various windows of the spacious area. A fleet of arrowhead-shaped ships, half the length of a Trade Federation Droid Control Ship, in the distance. Qui-Gon saw two darkly-clad figures, both being just as surprised to see him as he

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