Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป A faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Samuel Plahetka

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at Eadalla's naked body and then her own.

"You've got to see this place. They have all sorts of intresting things here," Eadalla slipped her hand into Evelyns. "I'll show you."

Eadalla lead Evelyn out of the small room and up a flight of stairs. They emerged at a walkway going across a great indoor lake. There were no hand rails and the water looked deep. Great brass braziers were at regular intervils along the walkway. A earie green flame burned within each. The reached the end of the walkway, 2 stone heads were pouring water out into the lake below. They climbed a small stairwell and reached a platform. In the center was a large pool, with water running down the sides creating a gently stream. Both Evelyn and Eadalla waded into it. They're bodies relaxed as soon as they entered the pool. Eadalla sat down near the edge and leaned back on the side. Evelyn, still holding her hand, sat down on her, and wrapped her legs around Eadalla.

"I feel rested, and unencoumbered," Evelyn said and smiled at Eadalla. She kissed Eadalla softly on the lips.

"I thought about you, about us for a long time," Eadalla said. Evelyn rested her head on Eadalla's shoulder. She could feel herself growing excited. Eadalla's lips touched her neck, and softly kissed her. Evelyn let out a deep sigh. The water around them now felt warm.

"Ahemm," Someone nearby said. Eadalla and evelyn looked up.

"Master wishes for her guests to join her in the main chamber immidiatly," a servent said. He had two sets of clothes in hand. Evelyn looked longingly at Eadalla and got up. Eadalla followed as they left the pool. The water seemed to dry up as they touched the air. Evelyn felt the past few minutes fade away, as if it were a dream.

The servent handed them their clothes.

"Put these on," He said. They slowly dressed. Evellyn's eyes lagged behind, watching Eadalla's body as she slowly dressed. She let out a soft sigh as Eadalla finished dressing. The servent motioned for them to follow him. They walked in silence into a large room. Evelyn looked up to the ceiling and saw a half circle, facing her, cut into the ceiling. She saw the same on the floor. In the center of it there was a young girl, no more then 13 years old. She sat on the ground, her eyes closed.

"Have their belongings brought here," She said. The servent quickly took off. She opened her eyes and stared at the two of them. Evelyn gasped as she looked at her. Her eyes were as blue as the clearest ocean and glowed with a soft blue light.

"The fates weave lives in strange patterns," She said. "The paths both of you are headed down are different, but they both lead to the same place." She turned and smiled at the servent who just rentered the room.

"I don't meen to be rude, but this is a special place. Powers flow through here that no mortal was meant to weild. By just being here, things about you have changed, Your destinies have changed. You must leave." Eadalla and Evelyn stood there, confused by what the girl had just said. She turned to her servent.

"Please, escourt them out," She said. The servent bowed, then he walked back the way he had just come from. Eadalla and Evelyn followed him in silence. He lead them to a door and motioned for them to leave. He gave them their things as they passed through the door and into the bright outside. Evelyn raised her hand, shielding her eyes from the sun. Eadalla turned and saw the door they had stepped through was gone.

"Which way do you think we should go?" Evelyn asked as Eadalla handed her the green backpack.

"Let's try that path," Eadalla said, pointing to a path leading away from the building. A small hill blocked them on the right as they walked down the path. It was very well worn, no grass growing on it or objects blocking passage. Evelyn was walking fast, almost faster then Eadalla could.

"Hey, why so fast?" Eadalla asked. Evelyn stopped and turned towards her. She watched her for a second, then started again, walking just a little faster.

"Ok, what's wrong?" Eadalla asked. Evelyn stopped and faced her.

"Why do you ask that?" She said. Evelyn could feel the tension rising in her stomich and through her chest.

"You seem to be running away from something. I'm here if you need me," Eadalla said.

'Yes, I do need you," She thought to herself. She blushed slightly, then said, "No, I just need some time, that's all." Eadalla nodded and they started walking again. After a few minutes, they saw the roof of a house sticking up over the tree line. As they followed the path, it got closer. Soon, they entered a clearing. A great big apple tree stretched it's arms up to the sky, it's branches filled with apples. Evelyn stared skyward, trying to see it's top. Eadalla nudged her and they both walked over to the building. The door was wide open and they could hear someone talking inside. They walked in.

"Hey, have you come for the show?" A man behind a counter said.

"No, we were lost and wanted to get directions," Evelyn said. The man smiled.

"Good, the entertainment tonight isn't any good. We've got a young man from the far side of the world telling stories tonight." He paused. "He isn't very good. I expect I'll have to pay everyone their money back after he's done." He sighed.

"Hey, My friend here is good at story telling. How about you let her go up on stage and show you," Evelyn said.

"Hmm, she can't be worse then the guy whoose there right now. Ok, come on," He said. They followed him into the hotel a ways. Farther down the hall, they heard a lot of booing. Soon, they saw curtains and a skinny man standing at the front of a stage. The man they were following motioned for eadalla to stay there. He went out onto the stage and tapped the man on the shoulder.

"Give me a second, I'm almost to the good part," He said.

"Nope, get off the stage." The man hung his head and walked off.

"Ok ladies and gentlemen, I know how much you've wanted to be entertained today. That first act showed you just how bad bad can be, now, for the real star of the show, this young faerie will astound you with her stories. Let's all have a nice round of applause for the real star of the show," The man's face lit up and he started to clap, as did everyone in the audience. Eadalla smiled and walked out onto the stage. She approached the center and the man dropped back behind the curtain and waited next to Evelyn. Eadalla stared out into the audience for a second before starting.

"Rumors and fantasies litter the world like apples on the tree out front, but what I am about to tell you will astound you not because of it's epic propotions, but because it is the truth," She paused, gauging the audiences reaction to her.

"Many years ago, a elf named cronan wandered the countryside. He hunted for people who had prices on their heads, chopping off as many as he could and collecting large rewards. Unlike most bounty hunters, he was a dark elf, and not a very nice one, He was himself wanted in many places, the price on his head was vastly greater then most of those he hunted. On that particular night, he walked into Nickolous's," She said, using the name of the bar they were in.


Cronan walked across the bar room, scanning it for any sign of the guards that had been chasing him that morning. With none to be seen, he sat in the corner, obscured by darkness.

"Barmaid," He yelled. She walked over to him.

"Yes? What can I get for you?" She said.

"Get me a sunset," He said. She nodded and walked off to the bar. His eyes widened as he heard the door slam and saw who walked in. The guards that had been chasing him for 3 days stood at the front door. They talked to the first person, asking him something Cronan was too far off to hear. The man turned and pointed directly at him.

'Oh shit,' He thought quietly to himself. The guards approached his table and he readied himself for a attack.

"Excuse me there," A blonde haired elf said. He swaggered away from the bar where he was sitting. The guards turned and faced him.

"Yes?" One of them said.

"Hey, I knew it was you!" He said, swaggering around. "You still owe me 30 gold from that one night."

"Hey, I don't know you and I don't know what money you are talking about," The guard said. As he did, the elf gave the man in the corner a sober look, telling him to leave while he distracted them. He quickly got up and slipped out the door. The elf peered at the guard. "Maybe you're right, Ok, I'll let you off this time," He said, patting him on the shoulder.

The guard shook his head as he turned around to continue towards his suspect. The three got closer to the darkness and saw he was gone. He turned and saw the blonde haired elf was gone. A low growl eminated from him.

Outside, the two elves hid in the ally next to the bar. Cronan turned to the blonde haired elf.

"What do you want?" He asked. The blonde haired elf shrugged.

"A adventure, a few good times, and some beer. Names Deblin," the blonde haired elf said, smiling. "Well, deblin, people around me die, you'd live a much longer life if you stayed away," Cronan said, a snear scrolled across his face. Deblin's smile disappeared.

"It seems to me I just saved your life. It seems to me we work pretty well together." Cronan shrugged.

"Ok, you can go with me if you wish."

"Cronan and Deblin adventured together for a long time. They became a good team, and close friends," Eadalla said. She scanned the crowd, watching them as they sat forward, all quiet.

[rework this part]

"But, like all things, they went their own ways, parting in melager. Cronan eventually joined the assassins guild. Deblin continued to bounty hunt and got some very excellent contacts in the local militia. two years passed. Cronan became involved with a young female assassin. Deblin felt his life without excitement, a type of boredom crept into his life. He yearned for the return of his friends company. He joined with a guard whoose sole purpose in life had been tracking down the guild. Together, they hunted down a female assassin and cought her killing a ex convict. Deblin runs after her, out distancing everyone else. he get's up to her and tries some cop bullshit. She smiles evilly and slits her own throat and bleeds to death at Deblins feet. Deblin freaks and runs off into hiding. Cameron freaks and goes on a killing rampage. they meet somehow, fight, the guards men take Cameron into custady, Deblin acts cool, durning a intergation session, Deblin breaks in and kills everyone except Cameron. They escape and eventually make up."

[rework last part]

After Eadalla stopped, the audience held it's breath, anticipating more. After a few seconds, they broke into cheers and applause. Eadalla smiled. She looked back and saw Evelyn smiling also.

"I'd love to give you a regular show," The innkeeper said. Eadalla smiled.

"I'm flattered, but my place is at her side," Eadalla said, slipping Evelyn's hand into her own.

"We have to find her brother."

"Well, ok," The innkeeper started, scratching his head, "But, anytime you're in the area, you two can spend the night here, free of charge."

The path Evelyn traveled slopped downward, her eyes focused on the ground benith her feet. Eadalla walked behind her and put her hand on Evelyn's shoulder.

"Ok, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself since we left the other faeries."

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