Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป A faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Samuel Plahetka

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spies that are still in the village. They will return when Valas announces who killed the councilmen," Rilrae said to her men, "Till then, I want everyone to practice, and be on the lookout for anything which may be dangerious."

Rilrae Took Evelyn and Eadalla aside.

"Now, if you two are to help me, I'm going to need to be able to be sure you can defend yourselves," She said as she watched them. Evelyn looked nerviously at Eadalla.

"We never said we would help you," Eadalla said, "But, there are ways you can get us to help."

Rilrae sighed. "Ok, how much is this going to cost me?"

"We want to know about anyone going through who might even remotely know about her brother," Eadalla said.

"Give us a night to think about it," Evelyn added quickly. Eadalla turned and looked at her, a questioning look on her face.

"Ok, we'll assign you to a tent. Um, tent 2b, visitor quarters," Rilrae said. They both took off, looking for tent 2b. Evelyn's body moved slowly underneith her, as if in slow motion. They got to the tent, and they sat down on a bed. Evelyn layed down.

"Why did you say that?" Eadalla asked. She looked over at Evelyn to see she had fallen asleep. She smiled at her and layed down next to her.


Eadalla woke before Evelyn did, and she quickly stretched out and got dressed. Evelyn got up a bit later.

"Well, I didn't think you would actually get up," Eadalla said, a smirk across her face.

"Ah, come on, I like my sleep."

"Well, can I tell Rilrae yes now?"

"Sure, let me get dressed," Evelyn started to say, till she noticed she was dressed. She started to laugh.


"We've decided to accept, with the terms as said before," Eadalla said.

"Ok, that can be arranged. But, can you defend yourselves?" Rilrae asked.

"I can, She can't," Eadalla said. Evelyn nodded.

"Ok, I don't want to seperate you two, so you'll both be trained by my knife expert." Rilrae went outside and started to look around. Eadalla and Evelyn folowed. They stopped before a huge man.

"Hey, Shar, I need you to show these two the basic's of daggers."

"Hey, no problem, I can teach them anything they need to know." Rilrae smiled and left them with Shar. Eadalla sat on a rock watching Evelyn take lessons with Shar. She didn't hear most of it, she was too busy watching Evelyn. The first few stabs she tried were clumsly, and Eadalla laughed. Evelyn turned to her and frowned. As the afternoon wore on, she became better, untill finally, she could preform a few simple dagger strokes. Eadalla was smiling at Evelyn. They went back to Rilrae.

"Ok, now, it's getting to be dark, so you should get some sleep," Rilrae said, looking through some papers she had.

Eadalla nodded and the two started to walk off.

"Evelyn, may I speak to you, alone," Rilrae said, glancing at Eadalla.

"I'll go find the tent," Eadalla said. She quickly left.

"I can see you two are close. Can I ask how close?" Rilrae said.


"Hmm, let's see if I can put this delicately. I like you, you've got a certain something that makes you special. If you're spoken for, I won't persue."

"You don't even know if I would be intrested in a relationship with a women," Evelyn said.

"Yes I do, You don't get to be captain of the militia if you can't see the obvious."

Evelyn started to swet. She stammered for a second.

"Yes, I think we are."

Rilrae pondered for a second. "Ok, You can go, have a nice night."

Evelyn walked out, her head in a blur. She walked around aimlessly for a while, thinking about Eadalla. A tension built up inside her. Finally, she made it to the tent. Eadalla was sitting on the bed. Evelyn sat down next to her.

"What did..." Eadalla started, but Evelyn put her finger to her lips. Her hand brushed her cheek and Eadalla smiled at her. She leaned in close, amd kissed Eadalla softly on the lips, just for a second, and backed off. She looked into Eadalla's eyes, and saw a warm invitation to continue. She kissed Eadalla again, and as Evelyn kissed her, many alian thoughts raced through her. It seemed like eternity before they stopped, yet when they stopped, it seemed like they had kissed only for a second. Evelyn wrapped her arm's around Eadalla and laid her head on her shoulder.

"I don't know how to go on, I am so confused." Eadalla put her arm around Evelyn.

"It's ok, it'll pass with time, don't rush it."


A bell woke Eadalla and Evelyn. Evelyn stared into Eadalla's eye's and smiled. They slowly got up and got dressed. Evelyn took Eadalla's hand and they went outside. A group of people were around Rilrae.

"...that he did not know who killed the councilmen, but untill he did, the town was under marshall law. One of our spies tried to meet with him, the other's report she never came back," Rilrae speached. She turned to Evelyn and Eadalla. She sighed a little and nooded her head at Evelyn.

"What was that about?" Eadalla whispered to Evelyn.

"I'll tell you later."

"We're not sure," Rilrae said in a loud voice, "what happened to our spy, but she might have been tortured for information of our whereabouts. We need to keep a close eye out. The two new commers," She turned to Eadalla and Evelyn, "along with 3 other people, will guard at the forest area, across the lake." She pointed to three people. "You three, go with them."

"Yes sir," They said. All five of them went to the edge of the lake. A small wooden boat floated by the side. After they had all climbed, Two of the soldiers started rowing. The river was calm, and they paddled swiftly to the bank opposite of the camp. They all disembarked and started a march into the forest. A soldier lead the way, Eadalla then Evelyn followed, then the other two soldiers. They marched in silence a few miles out, then came to a stop and sat down in the bushes. The soldiers were spaced apart evenly, and Evelyn and Eadalla shared a bush. Evelyn sat between Eadalla's legs while her hands massaged Evelyn's neck and shoulders. Many hours passed, and the chirping of the birds was all that was heard. In the distance, a crunching sounds creeped up to them. They listened, and it got closer. Soon, they heard tree's being pushed over. A giant 8 foot tall metal being appeared, followed by several 5 foot purple and black metal things and several soldiers in black and red. One of the Faerie soldiers got up and ran.

"Rebels, 5, 3 males, 2 females, Target defined, destroy target," The larger red one said. One of the Purple started to fly just inches above the ground and ran off after the one escaping. A few seconds later, they heard a scream.

"1 target destroyed," a far off voice said.

"Comfirmed, 2 males, 2 females, target defined, new orders, capture and intergate," The large red one said.

"Let's go," Eadalla said to Evelyn. They quickly stood up and started to run.

"Location lock, 280 degree's from my position, 2 females, capture and intergate," The large red one turned to Evelyn and looked right at her. She could feel a strange pressence. She turned around and started to run again. They heard a noise, Like the wind but many times louder.

"Target's locked, preparing grapling hook," A voice from behind said. Eadalla looked back, and saw the thing pointing something at Evelyn. She heard a bang, saw something rapidly going toward Evelyn, and she jumped. A burning tore through her, and she looked down to see it had plunged deep into her chest. She felt the world draining away.

Evelyn looked behind her when she heard Eadalla scream. She was lying on the ground, something lodged in her chest and blood flowing out of where it had entered.

"Eadalla, come on, we have to go," Evelyn said, Kneeling next to her, tears running down her face as she pulled on her arm.

"No, go, before they get you too. This is my gift to you, freedom, don't forget me," Eadalla said as she slumped over.

"Target lock broken, secondary target destroyed," The metal being now over them said.

"Capture target, retrive secondary target and preserve for upgrade," The voice of what she knew to be the red one said. Evelyn tried to get up and run, but her feet didn't want to work. She looked back to see the the metal being reaching for her. She let out a long drowned out scream.


"Evelyn, Evelyn, wake up." Evelyn opened her eyes to see the tent and Eadalla. She reached out and pulled Eadalla close.

"It's ok, It was just a nightmare," Eadalla said as she wrapped her arms around Evelyn.

"I don't want any part of this. Let's go," Evelyn whispered to Eadalla. Eadalla looked at Evelyn, the confusion in her eyes obvious. "Don't ask, I don't wanna say right now."

"Ok, For you."


"It's a shame, We could use all the people we can in this fight," Rilrae said.

"Nah, we're just two lost faeries, We wouldn't be of any help," Eadalla said.

"Ok, well, You can have a canoe and you'll float down the river. Eventually, it leads to the edge of some human kingdom to the south somewhere." Evelyn and Eadalla got in the Canoe. Evelyn turned to Rilrae.

"Be careful, Be alert, I feel something awful is gonna happen soon," Evelyn said as they pushed off. The current was fast and steady, and they floated down the river with little paddling. They saw many fish swimming by, and the jungle crept right up to the edge of the water. The sun was high in the sky, but a cool breeze swept by the river all day. They passed a clearing late that day that was right next to the Faerie village. After that, the water became swift. Another river joined them and they were swept into a huge lake. They let the current sweep them along, but soon, the sound of rushing water alerted them. They were approaching a waterfall. They paddled backwards depersitly trying to escape the current, but it was too late. They were swept over.


A low moan vibrated around. Evelyn heard it, and wondered who could be letting out such a moan. She slowly woke up, and realized the moan belonged to her. Her sight returned, and she could see Eadalla near her, sleeping, or maybe uncounsious. She tried to get up, but somehow couldn't.

'Don't try to get up, rest,' a voice said. It sounded female.

'Who are you?' Evelyn asked.

'I am the guardian of this temple. The energy that flows through us all is strong here, and I maintain this place.'

'Where are you?'

'I'm speaking to you from the chamber above you. No harm will come to you, I control everything that happens inside this temple.' There was a pause, Evelyn could not tell if it had been minutes or days.

'You and your friend have a intresting destiny. If you want, I will share some of it with you.'

'No, my destiny must not be reveled to me, if I am to know what will happen, I could change it.'

'As you wish. Your friends love for you is strong, but I see temptation in your future. The future is always in motion, I can't see guarantee's, I see probilities. When you are well, My servents will take you to the chamber above you.' The voice grew quiet and Evelyn fell asleep.


"Evelyn, Evelyn, Wake up," Eadalla said, shaking her friend. Evelyn opened her eyes and looked around. She was still in the same room as before, except Eadalla was awake next to her and 2 people were nearby.

"I was beggining to wonder if you'd ever wake up." Eadalla said, grinning. But her eyes reflicted great concern. Evelyn struggled to her feet. As she stood up, she realized she was wearing nothing. Eadalla too was wearing nothing.

"Hey, I'm ok. Now what have you gone off and done while I was sleeping?" Evelyn said, looking

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