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Book online «A faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) 📖». Author Samuel Plahetka

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to get there, and they are paying us to go there," Eadalla said.

"I don't know, something doesn’t seem right about it," Evelyn said, "But, for 30 gold and salary, I'll live with it," Evelyn giggled.


Eadalla and Evelyn were lying in bed, the lights were out. Evelyn turned onto her side and looked at Eadalla.

'How can I be thinking this, She's a women, I shouldn't have such thoughts about a women. Its evil, it's wrong, it's bad, It's...... quite arousing. No, I can't even let myself think it,' Evelyn thought, then rolled over and fell asleep.


Evelyn Woke up rustling sounds.

"Eadalla, what are you doing?"

"Packing, remember, we're leaving today," Eadalla said as she stuffed some clothes into the backpack.

"There, all done. I even filled the water flasks this morning."

Evelyn smiled at Eadalla. "I wouldn't be able to do anything without you. How can I thank you?"

Eadalla looked up at Evelyn, "If I wanted thanks, I would've been a healer," She said and winked at Evelyn. "Come on, we need to get moving."

Evelyn stood up, stretched, and then followed Eadalla out. They made there way along the stone path back to Brann's tent. They got there and saw they were packing it up onto a wagon of sorts.

"Ah, good show, good show, Glad you're here," Brann said, wiping the sweat from his brow. The sun wasn't even up and it was burning out.

"You two are going to steer this wagon," Brann said, pointing to the wagon they were packing up, "There are going to be four others. You are riding second to the last position. Slash rides behind, making sure we all make it, and I am riding point." He turned from them and started to pick up the tent that had been on the ground, but saw Slash had already put it away.

"Well, um, your wagon is all packed then. We'll give you 3 gold for every day we take. It’ll probably take us about 8 days to get to where we are going."

Bran went over to a horse that was nearby and mounted him. Eadalla and Evelyn climbed up onto the wagon. Eadalla took the reigns and waited.

"I can't believe we're doing this, I've always wondered what it would be like to travel by wagon," Evelyn said.

"Across the desert, I would imagine it won't be that much to see," Eadalla started to say, but then a whistle blew and the horses started going, almost as if they knew the routine. Evelyn looked back as they rode out of town, almost sighing.

The desert opened before them. The path they took was bumpy at places. Before long, the sun beat down upon them from above. Clouds moved overhead sometimes and gave them a few moments of coolness. Evelyn and Eadalla traded the reins several times that day. Slash Rode up a few times next to them, watched the two faeries for a while, and then fell back to the end of the chain of wagons.

They drank nearly all the water in there flasks before the first stop at an oasis. There was grass, and the water in the small pond was crystal clear. Many of the wagon hands drank from this pond, as did the horses, and many more filled flasks with water from it. The stop was only a few minutes long, and then they started forward again. The day dragged on, with little to make the day move quickly.

Finally, the sun started to fall, and the wagon's circled around for the night. A fire was lit near the center, and all the wagon hands sat around it. Food was distributed, and they ate and talked about event's long since past. Eadalla sat behind Evelyn, her arm's wrapped around her, they both felt safer in this strange place when they felt the other there.

Eadalla looked around and counted 6 men and 4 women sitting around the fire they shared. She saw Slash sitting apart from them all, very quiet. She let go of Evelyn and went over to Slash.

"Hey, you seem kind of lonely," Eadalla said to slash.

"Slash no lonely, Slash eat food. Slash talk, Slash's food no get eaten. Slash thank friend for talk, but Slash eat first," Slash said as he looked up for a moment then continued eating. Eadalla went back to Evelyn.

"Well, what did he say?" Evelyn asked.

"Um, I think he said he was eating and he'll talk later," Eadalla said as she shrugged.

"Have you memorized any new stories?"

"Yes, why?"

"I just love it when you tell them. Can you tell me a story?"

Eadalla nodded, turned her back to the fire, and started talking.

"Long ago lived a race of dark skinned elves, called the dark elves. They lived in the hot jungles that no longer exist; perhaps this very desert was one.

"They were a warrior race, gathering land by attacking and conquering neighboring towns and villages, including other elven towns. The elves had been seduced by demons whose names have long since been forgotten. The cruelness of the attacks forced the rest of the world to join together to destroy them," Eadalla looked around and saw many of the workers were now listening to her.

"There were many great magical battles that changed the face of the world, and caused the dark elves to retreat to the vastness of the underground's many connected tunnels."

"Once there, they regrouped and begun to war against the dwarves. They stole many magical artifacts and used them against the dwarves. They quickly stole much of the dwarven terroritory from the dwarves.

"Soon afterwards, fighting began to break out within the dark elves; Brother was plunged against Brother as the once undivided race broke into factions. Soon after, much of what they did disappeared to the light. Some say the elves destroyed themselves in a great magical. Others say they mad a pact with the devil himself and have since gone to reside in his hot palace," Eadalla looked into everyone's eyes.

"But, the worst faction of the Dark elves made a pact with there demon masters. No one knows what the pact is, that information has since passed to the other side of the curtain.

Eadalla looked around, everyone was in awe, and as they realized she was done, they started to clap.

"Oh, thank you, but I wasn't even trying," Eadalla said. Evelyn leaned in close to her.

"But you're so good, it just makes me want to squeal," Evelyn whispered to her. They both laughed. The crowd had started to disperse and most people were getting ready to go to sleep. Evelyn and Eadalla laid by the fire, holding each other close as they fell asleep.


A vulture screamed overhead, and Evelyn awoke. She was still holding Eadalla. Slowly, she let go and stood up. Looking around, she saw several people lying around the fire, fast asleep. Then she saw Slash, staring into the fire. She walked over to him.

"Why aren’t you asleep?" Evelyn asked him.

"Slash no need sleep. Slash guard wagon's all night."

She hugged him. His fur felt soft underneath her embrace.

"Why for you do that?"

"I thought you needed it," Evelyn said.

Slash relaxed a second.

"Thank you, But I don't need anyone like that; Besides, I thought you were with the other faerie?" Slash asked.

"What? I thought..." Evelyn started, but Slash interrupted.

"I know what you thought. I do it on purpose. It gives me the advantage. It's hard to keep up forever though," Slash said as he stared into the fire.

"Me and my friend are from far away, and we don't know anyone here," Evelyn said.

"I'm from far away too. But the way you two look at each other, the way you two touch, I figured you were... a couple."

"I didn't know we came across that way," Evelyn said. Slash nodded. Evelyn stared into the fire.

"I'm attracted to her, but I shouldn't be. It isn't natural," Evelyn said, her voice sounding distant.

"Who says? Where I come from, there are many couples like you. Most people think nothing of it," Slash said. Evelyn just stared into the fire.

"You won't... tell anyone I'm not like how they think I am, will you?" Slash asked.

"No, of course not," Evelyn smiled at Slash. "You're secret's safe with me."

"Slash grateful. Slash guard wagons, bash thieves on head," Slash said. Evelyn giggled. She waved to Slash and went back to Eadalla, laid down next to her, and fell asleep.


Evelyn and Eadalla awoke to the sound of a bell. They looked around and saw everyone getting up, so they did too. The sun hadn't risen yet. Drann was passing out food. Evelyn went over and got some for herself and Eadalla. It was dried something, they ate it, but it had little flavor. Very shortly after they ate, everyone got on there wagons and they started moving. Evelyn took the reins first, and Eadalla looked out into the desert. There was sand and sand and more sand. She stared for what seemed like an eternity to her, but still all she saw was sand. Then, she saw a great wall of dust coming at them. The wagons stopped.

"Dust storm, everyone into the wagon's" Drann said from up ahead. Evelyn and Edalla went into there wagon and closed the front and back. The wind buffeted against the sides of the wagon. Evelyn moved close to Eadalla and laid her head on Eadalla's shoulder. Eadalla held Evelyn close to her, and they sat in silence, waiting. The Wind whistled around them, like a wounded animal calling out for help. Eadalla closed her eyes' and thought about times long ago.


"Eadalla, Eadalla, I know you're out here," Evelyn called out. Eadalla was hiding in some bushes nearby. Evelyn looked around and around and soon walked off. Eadalla sighed with relief.

"Ah ha, I got you!" She heard from behind. Evelyn jumped into the bushes, touched her shoulder and said, "Tag, you're it!" and ran off into the woods.


"Eadalla, the winds stopped,” Evelyn said. Eadalla opened her eyes. A few seconds later, they heard a voice from outside.

"Windstorms over, everyone out. Let's get going."


The day was hot and slow. The miles of nothing but brown sand made for uninteresting sights. The occasional oasis became a sight of joy, if just to break the vast brownness that surrounded them. Every night, after they ate, the workers asked Eadalla to tell a story. This went on for 4 days, on the fourth day, the vastness was broken. Slash was riding next to Evelyn's and Eadalla's wagon.

"Wow, look there," Evelyn pointed. Many small round green plants were scattered around in front of them. As they passed, more of them came into sight.

"Wow, what are they?"

"Cactus, I've heard about them, they store water inside of them," Eadalla said.

The wagon's came to a stop and they took water from several of the cactuses. Evelyn and Eadalla filled there flasks with the water. Somehow, it was sweatier then normal water. After they started to ride again, a forest started to peak above the horizon in front of them. It was nearing dark, and soon they stopped, though this time it was at some ruins. They looked as if they had been there for a very long time. Another caravan was already there, the people sprawled out in front of a fire. Drann and Slash approached the one they thought to be the leader of that caravan. They talked for a few minutes, then came back and told everyone they could would stay here.

The people from the two caravans were nervous at first, but it soon melted away. There was a Bard among the other group, Devyn, who played for the group. Many of the people went and caught rodents or snakes and cooked them over an open fire. Eadalla and Devyn had a competition, each telling stories, trying to be better then the other. Much time passed before everyone started to fall asleep. Eadalla and Devyn talked and shared stories they each had. When they parted for the night, Eadalla found Evelyn and fell asleep next to her.


That morning, everyone was talking as Eadalla and Evelyn woke up.

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