Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป A faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Samuel Plahetka

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outside, in a dense forest. A small trail led away from the cave, and the Blue haired human bounded down it. The faeries followed. There were many fruit trees along the path, Apples and oranges, even a plum tree or two. Evelyn wanted to pick some, but the blue haired one never slowed for a second. Eventually, deep in the forest, he stopped. Eadalla and Evelyn stopped behind him.

"Now what?"

"Now," He said, Turning around, Dagger in hand, "You give me all your gold. Don't play hero, I don't want to hurt you."

Eadalla frowned and threw him the gold.

"Ah, it's been a pleasure doing business with you," He said as he backed away. A faint rustling came from some bushes behind him. He turned around quickly.

"Who's there?" He said. No answer, he waited a few seconds, dagger at the ready, and when nothing happened, he relaxed slightly. As he did, Several Faeries jumped out from all around him, hitting him with clubs and logs. By the time they had finished, His hair was red. They took the dagger and the coins from his body. They walked over to Evelyn and Eadalla.

"I think these are yours," The female Faerie said. Eadalla took the dagger and the coins. She put the coins in her pocket and gave the dagger to Evelyn. It had a curved blade, and an ivory dragon hilt.

"Thank you," Eadalla said.

"You are not of our tribe, who are you?" The female faerie said.

"We are Eadalla and Evelyn, we come in search of her brother," Eadalla said. Evelyn had gone over to the body. She took the scabbard and belt off the thief and wore them around her waist, putting the dagger back in its sheaf.

"He's red haired, have you seen him?" Evelyn asked.

"No, no I've never seen another faerie in these woods before. Come, you must come back with us." She said. She saw the reluctant looks on Evelyn and Eadalla.

"My name is Rilrae, if anything should happen to you, I shall bare it with you." Evelyn and Eadalla smiled at each other and followed. They started to fly, merely a few feet off the ground, but enough that no trail would be left. They passed several statues, some of whom Eadalla realized were the ancient god's, some she did not know. One was a marker stone. Soon after they passed over it, they entered a clearing. It was filled with faeries, Young and old, playing, talking, a few were practicing swordplay. They all stopped and ran towards the new comers. One of the faeries with a sword came forward.

"Ah, I see you have captured some of the evil faerie that are told of in our legends. Good job, I will take them now," He said as he advanced towards Eadalla and Evelyn. Two of the Soldiers that were near him grabbed the two. One took the dagger.

"Sir, Look what I found," He said, handing it to the first faerie. He looked at it and turned it around in his hand.

"This is from the assassin guild. Rilrae, how could you allow them to keep a weapon on them?"

Rilrae peered intently at the soldier and said, "These are not prisoners, give them back the dagger and release them."

"But, Assassins are our enemies," He said.

"DO AS I SAY!!" She yelled at him. He quickly motioned to his soldiers to let them go. He handed the dagger back to Evelyn, who reshefed it.

"My Apologies, I had no idea you were guests," He said to Eadalla and Evelyn. He motioned for his soldiers to follow.

"This isn't over," He whispered to Rilrae. He then walked off.

"What is with him? Evelyn said.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later."

They started walking again, northward. The village was huge, a lot bigger then Eadalla's and Evelyn's home village. After several minutes, they approached a large temple like structure. It was built of stone and gold, and very majestic. Two guards were outside, guarding the entrance. They bowed as they walked in. Inside was a vast chamber, and several people were inside, many were on chairs in front. Someone stood.

"Ah, Rilrae, welcome, what business do you have here?"

"I have come across 2 strangers in the woods; they were robbed by a human thief. I brought them here and request that they be given quarters for the duration of the stay and supplies for the trip after they leave."

"You ask much for strangers."

"I have given my word"

"Very well, They will recieve quarters. The supplies will come from your surplus." The man wrote down something on a piece of paper. A messenger took it to Rilrae. She bowed to the man and then left.

"What was that?" Eadalla asked after they left.

"That's the council, They take care everything having to do with the city."

"They said from your surplus?" Evelyn said.

"Yes, you see, the city is split into several different districts. I lead the military district. That charming man you met earlier was Valas, he runs the guard district. Unfortunity, we don't get along very well at times," She blushed as she said this.

"Anyway, this note is a address, I'll take you there. Valas is likely to set a curfu tonight with you in town, don't get cought after dark on the streets."

They took alot of twists and turns and eventually came to a small house.

"This is it, not very big, but it's what they decided to give you," Rilrae said.

"Oh,. that's ok, after what we've had lately, it's very nice," Evelyn said and giggled. Rilrae bowed and left. Evelyn and Eadalla went inside. It was dark, and they could barely see a candle on the table. Eadalla lite the candle and looked around. It was three rooms, a bedroom, with a queen sized bed, a dining room/kitchen, with a ice box in it, and a bathroom. They looked in the ice box and saw it had some fresh fruit in it, Strawberries, grapes, raspberries, banana's, oranges, and a few others they didn't reconize right off. Also, on the table was a map. Eadalla picked it up and looked in it.

"Hey, wanna go out on another picnic?" Eadalla asked.

Evelyn shook her head. "Not today, I just wanna rest, the past week or so has been exhausting." she said, sitting down on the bed. Let's go tomarrow, around noon. She said as she curled up into a ball and fell asleep on the bed.


Eadalla and Evelyn woke up to the sounds of fighting. Looking outside, They saw armed guards fighting in the streets. They watched as men sley other men with a total disregard for life. Eadalla and Evelyn watched in horror till they left. Evelyn went over and sat on the bed. Eadalla sat next to her and they hugged, silently.


The sun shined into a window and onto the bed where Evelyn and Eadalla were asleep, holding each other close. Eadalla was the first to wake up. She got up, put on her clothes, and looked around the house for a basket or container. She found a backpack in one of the drawers, it was green, unlike the one they already had which was brown. She packed alot of the fruit, and 2 flasks of some type of drink she found. Shortly after that, She heard Evelyn wake up. She went and layed next to her. Evelyn stared at her for a few minutes, and wrapped her arm's around her.

"I don't care if we're guests, I want to leave," Evelyn whispered to Eadalla.

"Where shall we go?"

"Anywhere, I don't care, south."

"Ok," Eadalla said as she nodded. Eadalla packed up the rest of the fruit into her backpack, tossing a orange to Evelyn and keeping a plum for herself. Evelyn pealed it while Eadalla swing this backpack over her shoulders. They left the building and started to travel towards the south gate. Very few people were on the streets.

"How strange, wern't there more people outside yesterday?" Eadalla asked as she took a bite of her plum.

"Yes, I think so." Evelyn said as she poped a orange slice in her mouth. Just as they finished there fruit, they reached the south gate, which was sourrounded by a patrol of guards.

"Halt, no one passes by order of captain Valas."

Evelyn gave Eadalla a worried glance. Eadalla took Evelyn's hand and they turned around and started to walk back.

"Don't worry, You're leaving, we'll just have to take a different approach," Eadalla said. They walked back to the house. Evelyn layed down on the bed. Eadalla sat next to her.

"So, what's your plan?" Evelyn said.

"I don't know yet."

Evelyn sighed. Suddenly, someone was pounding on the door. Evelyn and Eadalla looked out the window, it was Rilrae. They quickly opened the door and she came in.

"We have to leave, now," She said. "Valas took control of the city last night, All the members of the council were murdered. He declared martial law and vowed to find who did it by sun down. He'll prob implicate you two and me."

"Ok, we're all packed, have been for a while, but the guards have the gates sealed off," Eadalla said.

"Ok, that's not a problem. Come with me," Rilrae said. She looked outside, then took off, Eadalla and Evelyn followed her closely. She wondered through many twists and turns, eventually reaching a large building. They walked in and Rilrae locked, bolted, and barracaded the door.

"That won't last long. Valas is planning on raiding this building and burning it later tonight. We have to hurry." Rilrae took them along many passageways and eventually to a bookcase. She pulled a book off and pushed a button behind it. The bookcase slid aside to revel a passage way. She replaced the book and they desended. It was a natural cavern.

"This is a closely guarded secret of the militia. The tunnel was for if we ever needed to evcaute the entire city quickly, and also leads to our secret training grounds and store rooms," Rilrae said as she pressed on. The Cavern was long, and they could feel the hours going by. Eventually, they started to asend a set of natural stairs. As they reached the top, a wide not so natural cavern opened up. A vast city made of dark bricks was scrowled across the cave for them.

"This is the training grounds of the militia. We keep all our suplies here, as well as all personal not essential for defending the city." Evelyn stared across, in awe.

"Why keep it secret?" Eadalla asked.

"There's a old myth about how the evil one's lived in a city of black rock in a huge cave. we didn't want people to think we had found that city, or were the evil one's," Rilrae said, "Anyway, everyone is gone, we've moved all personal out and left traps behind for when Valas's troops get here. Follow me, carefully."

Evelyn and Eadalla followed Rilrae, same stepping as she did. After quite a long time, they reached a door. They opened it. As they stepped through to the other side, they entered a natural cave, very small, and when they looked back, the door was gone. Up ahead, light shined in. They exited to find themselves ontop of a mountain, looking down into a vast forest. Rilrae looked around for something, then started off to the east. Rilrae took a rope and stringed it between all three of them, tying it around each person's waist. Much of the climb down that followed was quite dangerious. There were many sheer drops and many rock laden paths. Soon, they reached a river, and started down upon a path next to it. It seemed like clear sailing, till they reached a waterfall, and the path disappeared. They climbed down a drop of more then 150 feet. When they reached the bottom, the path came back. Soon afterwards, they stumbled into a encampment. Everyone was posed and ready to fight, but when they saw Rilrae, they lowered there weapons.

"Captain, good to see you," one of the men said.

"Good that I escaped with these two safe and sound. All that's left is our

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