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Book online «A faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) 📖». Author Samuel Plahetka

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Eadalla, "Ok, sure, let's go see."

Eadalla picked up a basket that was on the table. Evelyn poured another glass of water and drank it down. She then went over to Eadalla and followed her out. They took a different little path then yesterday that passed many houses. Most were very simple with little growing near them. Very quickly they left the houses of the town. The path broke up and they were walking along a hard dirt packed trail. After a few minutes, they reached a hill that had a tree over it, shading the hill. It wasn't a difficult climb. When they got to the top, Evelyn noticed the tree had a grape vane growing around it as well. The grapes were ripe and covered the vine. Eadalla opened the basket and took out a large blanket, which she spread on the ground. Evelyn sat down close to the grape vine so she could eat a few without standing. Eadalla sat the basket next to Evelyn and then sat down on the other side of the basket. Evelyn looked out and saw the village spread before her, surrounded by desert. She could see the sea far in the distance.

"Oh," She said, "It's, it is beautiful."

Eadalla Smiled as she watched Evelyn looking out across the desert, "I thought you'd like it." Eadalla started to lean over towards Evelyn, but then backed away. Evelyn turned and smiled at Eadalla.

"You couldn't have chosen better for today, Thank you," She smiled at Eadalla. Eadalla started to blush.

"We should start eating."

"Mmm, what did you bring?"

Eadalla opened the basket. "Let's see," She said as she looked into the basket. She pulled out a large container. It had a wicker looking top on it. She pulled it off; a deep red sauce was in it. Evelyn breathed in deeply.

"Tomato sauce?"

"Yes, they make it here with tomato's they buy from caravans. They cook this Meat in it, I think its goat, and they eat it with these." Eadalla pulled out a handkerif that was in the basket. She opened it and inside were many small round brown loaves of bread.

"It's a bread of some type, made from some local plant," Eadalla handed one to Evelyn, "Here, try it." Evelyn took a bite of it. "Mmm, It's good," she said. She took it and stirred the sauce with it, covering the bread with the red sauce. She ate a piece. "This is good, Thank you." she said and gave Eadalla a hug. They laid back into the shade eating the bread and sauce.


Eadalla stirred a bit, and opened her eyes. She scanned the dark room, Next to her, Evelyn slept peacefully.

"Oh, sweetheart, I don't know if I'd have the courage you do to sleep next to someone who you aren't with," Eadalla sighed and got up. She tiptoed to the table and sat down. She stared off into space, when she heard something rustling outside. She went over to the door and listened. Then opened it, ready to defend herself. A small boy tripped over a bucket that was right next to him that was under the window.

"What are you doing here?" Eadalla said, peering at the boy.

"I came to see the lesbian faeries make out" he said, in awe as he looked at her. Eadalla heard someone coming towards the door from inside. She leaned in closer to the boy and whispered, "You say that again to us and you'll wish you never learned that word. Get out of here." The boy scampered off into the night as Evelyn got to the door.

"What was that?" Evelyn asked, groggy eyed.

"Oh, Must have been the wind. Let's go back to bed," Eadalla said as she lead Evelyn back inside.


Evelyn was sitting in an inn, a cup of water in her hand. Eadalla was sitting nearby, a lute in hand. A large crowd of humans were around them. Eadalla's fingers strung across her lute making a soothing tune.

"Long ago, there was a sylph named Ariel. He lived on an island of melody and sweet winds. He was a michiously spirit, he slept in a cowslip bell and floated with the clouds. All his speech was song, and his singing could charm men, or even drive them mad. He could tie and dispel winds, summon great rains and roaring firestorms. But he was not immortal," Eadalla looked around, checking the response to her story.

"At the end of his long life, as he started to disperse back into the clouds from which he came, a powerful wizard binded him together and made him his servant. The Wizard was a former king of a nearby nation, but he and his daughter had been exiled to the island long ago. He forced Ariel to create thunderstorms to wipe the countries crops away and eventually tried to make him kill the king," Eadalla took a long breath, “or so he told him. The storm made the kings boat crash on his island, and the wizard separated the king from his men and his son from them all. He had planed to kill them separately, one at a time, but his daughter saw the son and fell in love and the wizard had a better idea. He kept the kings men as far away as he could, and put the king in the cave he lived in, and left the kings son and his daughter alone, giving them only mild disasters and pretending to be against this union. And they behaved like all children do, the more he said no the more they wanted to be with each other. But the king’s men wanted to kill the king and the son and return to the kingdom as its new rulers. The sylph Ariel was tasked with keeping the kings men away, and he preformed his job well. At the end, when the son and daughter announced their love and no one would keep them apart, and the wizard appeared and blessed the union, the king and most of his men’s heart’s warmed. The king promised his kingdom to the young lovers as a wedding gift and the wizard forgave the king for the theft of his kingdom so long ago,” Eadalla took a short breath, “but the king’s chief retainer, being the one who wanted the throne, vowed to kill them all and return to the kingdom alone. He pulled his sword and tried to attack them all. But the wind Sylph Ariel blew him away in a great wind and the wizard summoned a lightening bolt from the heavens that struck him down. The wizard felt shame at keeping Ariel his servant for so long and told him that his last command to him was to bring their boat to the shore, after which he was free to do what he wanted. Ariel brought the boat to the shore, wished them all well, and dispersed into the winds forever.”

Eadalla stopped playing. "Me and my friend," She smiled at Evelyn, "Are searching for her brother. We know we are strangers here, and are very grateful for the kindness you all have given us." She smiled upon everyone.

Everyone stood up and clapped. Eadalla went over and sat next to Evelyn and whispered, "Hey cutie, want a beer?" Evelyn started giggling.

An older man came and sat down next to them. "Hello, I loved your story. I hope you never stop telling them," he said as he put a handkerchief down next to them. He then walked away. Eadalla took the handkerchief and opened it. It was filled with several gold coins, 20 or 30 at least. She slipped it into her pocket and the two called the waitress over.

"Ye, I want a beer for the cute girl here and myself."

“That wasn’t how you told the story last time I heard it,” Evelyn said as the waitress brought two beers.

“Call it artistic license. If I tell all my stories exactly the same every time, people will eventually hear them all and grow tired of them.”



Evelyn woke up, her head was pounding. Eadalla was next to her, awake. Evelyn moaned softly and sank back down into the bed. Eadalla rose up slightly and touched Evelyn’s hair.

"Hey, are you ok?" Eadalla asked.

"No, I forgot how bad hangovers are. That is the last time I drink," Evelyn said as she clutched her head. Eadalla stroked her hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

"Yes, kill me now!" Evelyn said as she sunk back down into her pillow.


Evelyn and Eadalla were hand in hand, walking among big tents where people were selling goods. Not many people were around that day. Eadalla was buying mainly dried food and vegetables and had bought two large water flasks. They scanned the market for other things they thought they might like, Eadalla mainly for books, Evelyn mainly for another pair of clothes.

"I didn't think there would be so much stuff around," Evelyn said.

"Nah, I've heard of these. We just don't have any good market's where we live," Eadalla said. Her eyes fixed upon a book nearby and as she went to go see it, bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Eadalla said. She looked to see who she had bumped, and she looked almost straight up. A big burly Minotaur towered over her, He was dressed in what passed for clothes, though it wasn't much, and had a war hammer over his shoulder whose head was almost as big as Eadalla was. Evelyn went to her side and held Eadalla's hand behind her in both of her own.

"Who are you?" The Minotaur said.

"I'm Eadalla, and this is Evelyn."

The Minotaur eyed them silently for a minute. "You steal or you buy?"

"We buy food and clothes," Evelyn said.

The Minotaur suddenly started to smile. "Me Slash, You no steal, You Slash's friend. You come with Slash."

Slash walked over to one of the tents, Evelyn and Eadalla followed him. Inside the tent a middle aged man sat snoring.

"Brann, Brann, wake up, Slash bring friends," Slash said as he entered, the man stirred slightly and looked up.

"Oh, yes, Slash, I see. What can they do?"

"Friends buy food and clothes."

"Ok, thank you Slash, now go back and watch for thieves," Slash left the tent and then Brann sighed.

"You must forgive slash, he gets excited about people. I know your names aren’t friends, what are they?"

"I'm Eadalla, and this is Evelyn" Eadalla said. Evelyn was still holding Eadalla's hand.

"It's a little far for faeries, isn't it?"

Eadalla shook her head, "Yes, we came from the island in search of her brother."

"Oh, well, I assume you are in need of transport then. We'll take you to melager, on salary, for a small favor." Brann yawned a bit.

"We need someone to help us buy food and clothes for the journey, it needs to be enough for 50 people for about 3 weeks, and about 50 times 3 or about 150 sets of clothes. Thing you can manage that?" Bran asked.

"Oh, yes sir," Evelyn said.

"Ok, costs about a silver per meal and 3 a day for 3 weeks that's about, Oh, um, 63 or so, and 5 silvers per set of clothes, that's 750 plus the 63 is 813, Ok, here's 90 gold, whatever you don't use you can keep."

Eadalla stared at the gold. "We'll be back as soon as we're done," she said and hurried out.


Eadalla had a wheelbarrow filled with clothes and food. She took them as she bought them to the tent where Bran was at. Evelyn was buying the food and clothes from the merchants, haggling over prices and such. Slash watched them occasionally as he walked by. Finally, Eadalla was taking the last cart load of clothes back to the tent. She put the wheelbarrow next to Brann.

"That's it, all that you asked for," Eadalla said, breathing heavily.

"Good job, good job. We leave tomorrow, with the rise of the sun. Come back here then."

Eadalla nodded and her and Evelyn left.

"Wow, can you believe it, I thought we were going to have to pay

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