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Book online «A faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) 📖». Author Samuel Plahetka

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They all talked about the future and the cargo and such. Devyn and Eadalla talked for a bit. But, then, the caravans started moving. The other was headed north. Eadalla and Evelyn took there places as they moved out. Very shortly, they made there way into grassland. There was a lot of grass, at first it was all brown, and then it turned green as they went further south. Soon, trees started to litter the landscape, and they gradually became thicker. Before long, a forest had sprung up before them. Slash galloped up from behind them and started talking to Drann. Near the edge of the forest, Drann called for everyone to halt.

"We stay here tonight"

"But, we still have daylight," Eadalla mumbled to herself.

They took the wagons in the round horse fashion and a few of the braver men went into the woods. Evelyn rested her head on Eadalla's shoulder as Eadalla read her book she had gotten in the last town. She read it out loud very softly so only Evelyn could hear.

"One day, a bear wandered into a clearing where a man was, plowing.

'Hello kind sir,' The bear said, 'what are you doing?'

'I am plowing. I'm going to plant half this field in turnips and half in wheat.'

'I know how to plow,' Said the bear, 'would you like my help.'

'Yes, and if you help me, I will share half my harvest with you.'

"So the two began to work and they both worked hard and soon had the entire field plowed and sowed. They tended garden and when autumn came, they both went to the turnip field.

'Ok, now what do you want, the part that grows above ground or the part that grows below,' the man said. The bear looked at the lush green part above ground and said, 'I think I shall take the part that grows above ground.'

Evelyn giggled. Eadalla wrapped her arm around her.

"They harvested the turnips, and the bear got the part that grew above ground and the man the part that grew below ground.

"They now went to the wheat fields. The man asked again, 'Do you want the part that grows above ground or the part that grows below ground?'

"The bear looked at the plants and saw how dry and shriveled the part above ground looked.

'This time,' The bear said, 'I shall take the part below ground.'

"The man laughed into his sleeve and they harvested the crop, the bear getting the part below ground."

"One day during winter, the bear stopped by the man's house. He was fixing dinner and invited the bear to eat with him. They had baked Turnips first.

'Yum, these are good, what are they?' The bear asked.

'Why, they are the turnips we harvested this last season.'

"The bears' surprise was scrawled across his face.

"Next, they had fresh baked bread.

'This is good, what is it?' The bear asked.

'This is the wheat we harvested, which I ground and made into bread,' the man said.

'You know, my turnips and bread never tasted as good as this,' the bear said. The man burst out laughing, and the bear wondered why."

Evelyn was laughing into Eadalla chest. Soon, she stopped.

"The stories in that book are funny."

"Well, some are. There are some really bad ones in here too," Eadalla said. She looked into Evelyn's eyes. Just then, they heard some people crashing into camp. They both let go and stood up and looked in that direction. The one's who had gone out into the forest had come back, with a large boar on a stick. They set it up by the fire and started to cook it. Evelyn came over and looked closely at it.

"How'd you catch it?" She asked.

"Well," said the man who had set it up, "We were in the forest, watching for anything, when suddenly, this giant boar comes running out of the bushes. After a fierce battle, we slay the beast."

Eadalla had moved next to Evelyn. Evelyn leaned in close and whispered, "I like your stories more." To Eadalla. She giggled softly. The two watched the beast being fixed. When it was done, the man ripped 2 pieces off and gave them to Eadalla and Evelyn. They ate it. By this time, it was dark and everyone was getting ready to go to sleep. They choose a spot and Laid down. Evelyn wrapped her arms around Eadalla as she fell asleep.


"Don't ever leave me. I'd miss you too much," She said, staring into Eadalla's eyes. She took Eadalla's hands and ran them down her back, and placed them on her butt. Eadalla looked into Evelyn's eyes, trying to determine what she meant. Evelyn merely smiled at Eadalla. Her hands ran along Eadalla's chest, stripping her shirt off. She took her left breast in her hand, and ran her tongue over it. Eadalla moaned softly.


Evelyn woke with a start. Eadalla was sleeping softly next to her. Evelyn got up and Rested by the fire. Slash came over and put his hand on her shoulder. She hugged him and cried into his chest.


Eadalla woke to the sounds of a bell. She noticed Evelyn wasn't next to her. Everyone started to get on the wagons and she started to get worried. She walked around, looking for her, and saw her next to Slash. Eadalla didn’t intrude and went back to the wagon. Just before they left, Evelyn got on. Her eye's were all red and puffy, and tear tracks ran down her cheeks.

"What happened?" Eadalla said.

Evelyn laid her head on Eadalla's shoulder. "I just had a bad dream is all, I'll be ok." Eadalla barely heard her add on, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Evelyn cried into Eadalla's shoulder a bit, but soon she fell asleep.

The wagon's entered a forest, it was a light forest, and there wasn't any trouble going through. Slash and Drann made trips up and down the length of the train of wagon's frequently, at least every 15 minutes or so. Birds and jungle cats could be heard in the distance, but nothing seemed to be near them as they went by. The forest was long and hot, but near dusk, they entered the outskirts of a city. The smell of the sea floated above this town. Slash rode quickly into town.

Evelyn started to wake up, groggily asking, "Where are we?"

"I think we are at Melegar. We'll soon see," Eadalla said. They rode straight through town to a big ship. Two people came over.

"Hello, we're your replacement's," The young man said. The two faeries got off and allowed the men to take the wagon aboard. The walked over to Drann.

"Ah, I see it's time you left us. I wish you didn't, you two made this normally boring route fun," Drann said.

"Well, we have to find her Brother." Eadalla said.

"Well, here's your pay as stated. 3 gold a day for 7 days, that's 21 gold," Drann said as he handed them a pouch filled with gold. Eadalla put it in her pocket.

"Good luck you two, Oh, if you ever need help with anything, Look for anyone wearing this," He gave a amulet to Eadalla, "We'll help you out, as long as you wear it."

Eadalla gave the amulet to Evelyn and she wore it around her neck. Drann boarded the ship and shortly after it took off.

"Well, what do we do now?" Evelyn asked.

"Ok, let's go find an inn, listen to some rumor's, if nothing else, we'll head south tomorrow," Eadalla said.

The wondered the street's, it was already dark and the only light came from the lamp posts that had lighted up. They passed several places till they found a Tavern. They walked inside. Smoke filed the room, and several people were scattered around. Eadalla went to the one behind the bar, Evelyn followed her.

"Have you heard anything about a red Haired Faerie?" Eadalla asked the bartender. The bartender shook his head.

"Ok, then we need a room for the night," Eadalla said. The bartender turned around, pulled a key out from a nook, and said, "That'll be 2 gold." Eadalla put the gold on the counter. The Bartender handed her the key.

"Room 208," He said, then turned to serve more drinks. They turned and walked up the stairs. They entered a long hallway with room numbers along the doors. Eadalla counted the doors off, until they reached 208.

"I've seen the red haired faerie," Someone said. Eadalla and Evelyn looked around. A blue haired man looked at him. He was small, for a human, but still was a good half foot taller then the faeries 4 foot and 4 foot 3 inches tall.

"Where?" Evelyn asked.

"Aren't we impatient, Meet me downstairs at about 9, be ready to travel." He said, and then took off down the hallway. Evelyn looked at Eadalla, and then they opened the door and went in.

Inside, There was only one bed, It was a single, but it had sheets on it and a blanket, which is more then they had for the past few nights. Eadalla stretched out, and undid her hair, letting it fall out of the braid it had been in. She pulled her Shirt off, reveling her breasts that had been underneath. Evelyn was sitting on the bed, watching Eadalla, though Eadalla did not see. She took her shorts off, showing her pink panties. She took the shorts and the shirt and folded them. She placed them on the backpack and got into bed.

"Evelyn, turn the light off when you're ready to go to sleep."

Evelyn nodded. She got up and removed her shirt, reveling a black lace Bra she was wearing. She Slid her shorts down her legs, reveling she was wearing nothing underneath. Eadalla had been watching, and couldn't take her eyes off of Evelyn. She closed her eyes. The bright light she could see from under her eyelids suddenly went dark. She opened them to see Evelyn slip into bed next to her. They stared at each other a minute. Then Evelyn wrapped her arms around Eadalla and smiled at her. Evelyn's eyes were heavy and they soon dropped. After a few minutes, she felt a kiss, on her lips, but she didn't know if it was a dream or real.


Evelyn awoke to see the sun shining in through the window. She heard a shower running in the other room. She got up, picked up her clothes, and put them back on. Shortly after, Eadalla came out of the shower. She was completely nude except for a towel, which was drying her hair right then. Evelyn started to stare, but turned her head quickly. Eadalla dropped the towel and went to her clothes.

"Did you kiss me last night?" Evelyn asked, abruptly. Eadalla paused a second.

"No," She said. She picked up her clothes, but Evelyn saw she was shaking. She started to get dressed, and sat on the edge of the bed. Evelyn moved next to her.

"It's ok, I can understand," Evelyn placed her hand on Eadalla's shoulder. She could feel Eadalla's skin crawl beneath her. She turned toward Evelyn and hugged her.

"I'm scared," Eadalla whispered to her.

"It's ok, I won't leave you."


The two walked down the stairs and to the bartender, handing him the key. They looked around, and saw the blue haired human sitting at a table. They walked over and sat down next to him.

"Now, tell us what you know."

"Ah, I should tell you, my information dose not come cheep. I want five gold for what I know," The blue haired one said. Eadalla put 5 gold coins on the table, her hand over them.

"Here is your five, you shall get it when we hear if your information is good," Eadalla said.

"Ah, well, the red haired one traveled south, looking for a band of faeries that lives there. For extra ten gold, I can take you there, or as close as I can." Eadalla pulled out 10 more gold.

"Take us there."


The blue haired one led them through the outer streets and past a gate into a cave. It went for a short time and they were

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