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Book online «A faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) 📖». Author Samuel Plahetka

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won't awake from the next sleep. Goodbye faerie child'

The rosebush, now brown and with no leaves or flowers, crumbled to dust. Tears streamed out of the green eyes of the young women watching. Another woman stood beside her.

"I'm sorry Evelyn; I know how much that plant meant to you."

Evelyn rested her head on her friends shoulder and cried into it. Her arms wrapped around her, trying to comfort her.

"It's just not fair Eadalla; she was all I had left of my brother. What am I going to do?" Eadalla watched her closely, her eyes looking red and puffy as well. It contrasted with her blonde hair.

Eadalla released Evelyn, looked into her tear ridden eyes, and took her hand in her own, "I'll always be here for you." Evelyn smiled. "Thank you."

Very slowly, the two walked back to the city, hand in hand.


Evelyn and Eadalla sat upon a precipice far outside the city, a lagoon was nearby, spread across a vast expanse. Two waterfalls fell into it, all from different heights and strengths. One of them fell mid up into a hot spring on the cliff before falling the rest of the way. It was calm there and Eadalla and Evelyn had gone there frequently in the past, more so since her brother had left. Across the lagoon the entire area opened up to the sea. Evelyn was still misty eyed. She looked out over the waterfall and beyond into the sea, and past towards something she didn't quite see. Eadalla watched her nervously.

"He's out there. He's still alive. I know it." Evelyn looked at Eadalla. A strange feeling had been building inside her. She knew what she had to do, but she didn’t know if her friend would help her or not.

"You said you would be there for me. Well, I need your help."

Eadalla looked at Evelyn; her wings glistened in the sunlight. Her pale skin seemed to dazzle with excitement.

"I didn't say that ideally, I'll help you however you want."

"I'm going to find my brother. He's out there"

"But, faeries who leave this island rarely return. We may not either."

"I know, but he's my brother, I love him and I have to find him."

"Eadalla looked around shyly, then into Evelyn's green eyes. She knew she couldn't resist her. "Yes, I'll help you, however you need help. Be brave little noble,” she said, and then winked at Evelyn. It had been their joke, because Evelyn was descended from a noble family and Eadalla from a common house. These days, besides military rank, no one really paid attention. Not since the king of the Faeries had surrendered his power and the people elected their ruler.

Evelyn looked out over the water, lost in thought.

"Isn't it remarkable how the two rivers around us join into one before reaching the sea?" Eadalla said as she laid her head on Evelyn’s shoulder.


It was late; the darkness had swallowed the light ages before. Evelyn lay in her bed, going over the plan in her mind. If anyone knew or even guessed it, they may have tried to stop them. She hoped Eadalla hadn’t mentioned it to anyone.

She stood up and put her giant faerie sized pillow onto the bed. As a finishing touch she took the goofy human doll she had with the too large head and the hair the same shade as her own and put it on the pillow, facing away from the door, and pulled her blanket over the entire thing, leaving the hair sticking out the end. She stood back and looked at her handiwork. She imagined herself still in bed and felt a bit strange, as if she was staring at herself, before feeling sad that no one would know what had happened to her. She shook the feeling off and grabbed her knapsack, filled with dried food, a sleeping bag, the magically preserved purple rose, and fire sticks in a sealed waterproof container, and climbed out her window. The large tree she had planted years ago stood next to her window on the first floor. She scuttled behind it and ran out to the street, careful not to let herself be even possibly seen from the house.

It wasn’t far to the docks, but she had to meet up with Eadalla first. Staying in the shadows so no one could stop her and ask why she was out this late, she slowly made her way to the meeting spot. No one was out on the streets this late. The glow from the magical bluish lights shone from above, making spots as bright as day time on the ground that dimmed farther from where the lights hits the streets. Evelyn stayed away from these spots, keeping to the twilight between these bright spots.

The city itself was not very large, and it took Evelyn about twenty minutes to reach the spot they had decided to meet. It also happened to be the spot where they first met years and years ago, long before her brother had left. There was a stone wall that ran up a hill and, as her and Eadalla had discovered through the years, ran around nearly the entire island and well outside the city. They had always thought it had been some ruin from deep in the past, maybe even from before humans had first been seen on the planet, but there were no records of its history anywhere in the cities library. Evelyn saw no one anywhere near the wall, neither Eadalla or anyone else, so she went over to the far less lit side and prepared to sit down behind it to wait. As she looked at the darkened side, she saw Eadalla, sitting back against the small wall, with her old large leather bound book open, writing stick in hand busy writing inside the book. Evelyn smiled, and sat down next to her. Eadalla looked up briefly then back down to the book.

“Just give me one minute to finish this passage and I’ll be ready,” she muttered, scribbling faster now.

“Something new or something old?” Evelyn asked. Eadalla was silent a moment, her gaze fixed on the book as she wrote. She stopped writing and read the passage she had just written.

“Something new, trying to remember this feeling and this place before we leave, just in case we never see them again.” She said as she closed the book and slipped the writer stick into a fold in the front cover. She slipped the entire thing into her knapsack and closed it up.

“I’m ready, let’s go.”



The dark sky obscured the vision of the 2 faeries they made there way to the docks. The magic lights were fewer as they walked, as nearly no one took boats out at night. Deep purple dark clouds filled the night and shadows from what little light was around in left an eerie presence. Both were frightened of being discovered, far too frightened to even speak. Evelyn had been sure there would be at least one guard by the ships, but as they approached the docks, there was none in sight. Evelyn walked out onto the wooden dock looking for a ship. She had sailed many times on the lake and knew what to look for in a fast vessel. Eventually, she found a sleek vessel, one that could slice through the water. Eadalla jumped onto the ship while Evelyn untied it from the moorings that attached it to the dock. There was a slight wind that helped, pushing it from the dock. Evelyn took the main sails and jib, while Eadalla took the rudder. They quickly sailed the short expanse of river left before the sea opened up to them. The current took them past the shores of there home until it was out of sight. The darkness was pressed against them and only the dim light of the nights purple clouds gave them any light at all. The wind became heavier as they left the shore behind, blowing feverishly against the small boat. The island behind them quickly disappeared and the wind became much more violent, kicking waves against the side of the boat. The faeries tried to keep her steady for as long as they could. Evelyn went to the front of the boat to drop the jib sail, hoping that would steady the boat. Before she could finish a giant wave crashed over the side. It knocked Evelyn off balance and pulled her into the sea.

"HELP ME!!" she cried out after the wave had swept her off. Eadalla didn't even think, she jumped in and swam towards Evelyn. She grabbed on to her hand and pulled her close.

"Hang on, I'm going to swim back to the boat" She screamed above the storm. But as she turned, the boat was already long gone. Evelyn had seen this and was starting to get frantic. Eadalla just kept saying, "Oh god" over and over. Water rushed over there heads. It became a struggle to keep above water. They grew tired fast trying to stay above the water. Soon, they passed out from exhaustion, First Eadalla and then Evelyn.


Evelyn awoke on the shores of an unfamiliar beach. Jagged rocks were cutting up from the ocean a little outward, like massive teeth. She tried to make her arms push herself up, but threw up instead. Somehow she managed to roll over. She didn't move for a while, her mind dulled from exhaustion.

"Eadalla, are you ok?" She asked, looking around. She didn't see her friend next to her.

"EADALLA???" she screamed as she tried to get up. Looking over the shores, she didn't see her friend. She tried to get up, but her legs and arms refused to let her.

"Oh, Eadalla," she whispered as her face hit the sand and she passed out.


Evelyn awoke from her deep sleep, and was for a moment in some lost world far beyond the reaches of mortals. But she drifted back to reality, took in a deep sigh and started to cry. Visions of Eadalla came to her, and she remembered.


Eadalla stood in front of a large audience, lute in hand. Evelyn was a few feet to her right. The sweat glistened on Eadalla's forehead. She looked nervously at Evelyn, who gave her a big smile. Eadalla took a deep breath and started to play. It was a gentle soothing beat.

"Many years ago, all faeries lived in piece with nature and with each other, all upon this island we call home. Food was plenty and we had feasts many times a year," Here Her playing become dark and foreboding, "Before Astroth arrived. He founded the ways of magic, and taught all faeries magic. But he focused on dark magic, and had a dark soul. He rallied the faeries that would follow him and left to wage war against the people of the outside world." Eadalla paused a second, too look around and see everyone reaction. Then she continued.

"The faeries that followed him became dark and corrupted. They slayed countless people on the outside, Brought down many of the nations mightiest armies. They were on the verge of taking control of the entire world. But then, on a small exhibition lead by Astroth himself, he made his way to the capitol to slay the king. He and his party made it across treacherous mountains, fast flowing rivers, and through the center of the densely populated kingdom. Then, outside the gates of the capitol city," She paused for a few seconds, looking around, letting suspense build," a pack of goblins sprang out of the bushes and ate most of the party, Including Astroth. Two warriors made it back to there encampment to tell the story. The faeries then took all they had accumulated, slaves, ships, food, and supplies, and sailed to a large uninhibited island and built an empire. They are still there today."

The Music stopped and the faeries clapped.


'Oh, poor Eadalla, you were too young, too full of life to die, I should never have taken you along.' She looked up,

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