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Book online «A faeries Love by Samuel Plahetka (book series to read .TXT) 📖». Author Samuel Plahetka

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and she knew she had to survive, if only so Eadalla's life wouldn't have been taken in vain. She stood, and started walking inward, away from the sea. She walked along the sand dunes, and the beach looked as if it had no intention of stopping. The sun was high over head and beating down upon her. Her worn and weary body began to become warm, and dry all the water out of it. As she walked further inland, it became more and more difficult to continue. She lost her footing a few times, and fell. She felt her mouth dry up, her tongue swell, and she couldn't think straight. All she did was walk inwards. Soon, she collapsed.


"Evelyn, Evelyn, Wake up"

Evelyn slowly opened her eyes. She was lying in a bed, a wooden ceiling above her. Eadalla was standing next to her, looking upon her.

"Am I dead?" Evelyn asked.

"Only if I can be the grim reaper," Eadalla said with a smile on her face. She gave Evelyn a glass of water. "Here, drink this, the people of this village found you passed out in the desert, after I asked them to find you."

Evelyn took the water and drank it down quickly. She paused a second. "I thought you were dead."

Eadalla giggled. "No sweetie, I got rescued; I guess we came up on different beaches or something." Evelyn's arms went around Eadalla. She whispered into her ear, "I was so scared you were dead." Eadalla blushed and said, "I'll get you some more water." She took the glass and left the room. Evelyn noticed another in the room, a man, a human, sitting in a corner that she hadn’t seen. The entire room was made of the same wood as the ceiling. There was a table in front of the man and next to her bed a nightstand with some clothes folded up on them.

"Hello, I'm glad to see you survived."

Evelyn suddenly felt awkward, she noticed she was naked and grabbed the blanket around herself.

"Oh, no need for that, you have nothing to worry about from me." He pointed to the nightstand, "But when you feel better, there are some clothes in there for you. They are not what you were wearing, but I'd be honored if you'd take my gift." He smiled and then he left the room. Evelyn let the blanket drop, exposing her breasts. She turned to the nightstand to see what he had given her. It was a pair of shorts, she guessed about mid thigh or so, and a loose shirt, Perfect desert wear. It was all a pale brown, the same color as the sand she had seen earlier. She picked them up and put them on. Underneath, she saw her old clothes and a backpack. She picked it up and folded her clothes neatly and put them in. She then got up and got dressed. She looked around, and saw a mirror. She looked in it. 'It's simple, but I like It.' she thought. She turned, wiggled her butt and giggled. She heard Eadalla giggling too.

"Ah, how long have you been there?" Evelyn asked.

"Long enough, I brought a large pitcher of water this time." She went over to Evelyn and poured her a glass. She gladly drank it all.

"The people are really nice here, and there's someone I think you should meet when you can."

Evelyn made her way back to the bed and sat down. The room was turning yellow.

"Ugh, Not right now, I need to rest some more I think," She lay down upon the bed and everything started going dark. Eadalla went over and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be right here."

Evelyn smiled and then passed out.


Evelyn looked around. There was a large stone hill next to her. As she looked out she could see a forest all around her, but the color was wrong. The trees had yellow trunks and branches and blue leaves. Between her and them there was a clearing with blue grass. Nearby there was a cave. Suddenly she could hear loud clanging and yelling. Several elves and goblins were fighting. The goblins had nearly the same details as the elves, but were greenish colored and had scales. The Goblins had better weapons, and were overpowering the elves. But, even as the goblins hacked the elves, they did not die. One goblin stood out from the rest. His skin was red colored, and he fought with more skill then the rest of the fighters combined. But even as he struck the elves, they didn’t fall and continued to fight.

Evelyn ran to each of them.

“Stop fighting, you must stop,” she said, but no one listened. They didn’t even acknowledge her presence. She stopped and sat against the stones of the hill. The red goblin suddenly dropped his sword and turned to her.

“Only you can choose which side will win”


Evelyn awoke; Eadalla was next to her, holding her hand.

"You were screaming, what's wrong?" She asked. Evelyn saw her hand was shaking as Eadalla held it. She removed her hand from Eadalla's and crossed her arms.

"I'm not sure, I don't want to be alone right now, but I do." Eadalla saw a tear run down Evelyn’s cheek.

"Come on, I know some stuff you'll want to see," Eadalla passed Evelyn a glass of water, "Here, drink 3 of these and then we'll be off." Evelyn drank down the first glass slowly, then the second, then the third. She got up, but still felt a little woozy. Eadalla took her hand and whispered, "I'm here, and I won't let you get hurt." Evelyn smiled faintly and let Eadalla lead her.

The village was only about 15 huts made of wood, stone and packed mud. There were stone trails through the village to all the houses and shops. Eadalla and Evelyn walked along the stone trail, past many houses, shops, and a small in inn. Outside the inn was a long rail with a weird brownish creature with a hump on its back.

“What is that?” Evelyn asked. She got closer to it.

“I’m not sure, but someone was riding it earlier,” she said. Evelyn walked up next to it.

“Hello, what are you?” she asked. The brown creature turned to her and locked eyes with her for a moment. It moved its mouth. A moment later some type of liquid flew from its mouth and hit the sand in front of Evelyn’s feet.

“Its not very friendly whatever it is. Come on, what I wanted to show you is this way,” Eadalla said. They turned and left the grumpy creature.

They get to a small lake at the center of the town. The water was crystal clear yet you couldn't see the bottom it was so deep. The sides were rock as far down as they could see, and some fish swimming around. Little orange fish mainly. There was sand next to the lake, but Evelyn saw what Eadalla wanted her to see almost immediately. She ran up to a rose bush. It had just started to bloom, and the flowers were purple. It was a lot like the rose bush back that had been in her families clearing.

"You're brother was here. His rose caused the bush to grow, its part of the magic."

'Oh, what a familiar presence, I have felt you before, but from where?'

"Oh my, she recognizes me!" Evelyn said.

“Yes, I grew the bush who was your mother.”

'The faerie child? I have a message for you, from the red haired warrior.'

Evelyn turned white and dropped to her knees.

"Are you ok?" Eadalla asked.

"She has a message, from my brother, for me." Eadalla wrapped her arm around her.

“I knew this had to be his,” she said softly.

'His message is, "If you need to find me, I'm traveling to a port city to the south, Melager. I don't know where I'll go from there; I'll try to leave a message for you there, if possible."

"My brother went south, to somewhere called Melager. We need to go there." Evelyn tried to stand, but she suddenly became very dizzy and had to sit down.

"We can't, you're not in any condition to travel anywhere yet, and we have to wait for a way to get there."

"Ok, I guess I need more rest, can you help me back?" Evelyn asked.

Eadalla smiled. "Of course."

Evelyn smiled at Eadalla just before she passed out.


Evelyn woke up. She looked around and saw the room she had been in before. She looked wildly around, trying to find Eadalla. She didn't see anything, and all the colors started to swirl together.

"Eadalla, are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here" a voice said, but she couldn't see it.

"I can't see you, I'm scared."

"I'm holding your hand; I'm right next to you."

"I can't feel it, hold me tighter"

Evelyn started to cry. Eadalla climbed into the bed next to her and gently stroked her hair.

"It's going to be ok. I found a book store today; I bought a little book of human stories. I'll tell you one."

A tear ran down Evelyn's cheek, her eyes looked past everything to something far away.

"There are lots of different faeries. One is the Brownie. Brownies aren’t like there sleek and cheerful cousins. They are slow minded and not very pretty. There was a farmer on the Isle of Man who herded sheep upon the Snaefell Mountain. He had saved the brownie from a pack of goblins and the brownie offered to go get his sheep. The farmer was ecstatic and let him go and get his sheep. That night, the brownie returned with the sheep, exhausted.

"Whoo, that little ram of yours was trouble. I had to chase him three times around the mountain before he would come down with the other sheep."

"My little ram?" The farmer asked, "I have no little ram"

The farmer looked upon the sheep, and he saw a poor tired little hare. What a silly brownie for mistaking a hare for a sheep.”

Evelyn laughed a little laugh.

"That was a silly story"

"Yes my sweet, now close your eyes and go to sleep. You need to rest," Eadalla whispered to her.

Evelyn closed her eyes and mumbled, "Yes, sleep" before she feel fast asleep. Evelyn turned and held Eadalla close as she would a teddy bear. Eadalla let her legs and arms wrap around Evelyn. She could feel her soft skin rub against hers' as she fell asleep beside her.


Evelyn's eyes opened and she looked around the room. First thing she saw was the pitcher of water on the night stand next to the bed. Next was Eadalla in the corner reading a book in a rocking chair. Evelyn let out a yawn and stretched out her arms and legs.

"Hello, good morning. How did you sleep?" Eadalla asked as she looked up from her book.

"I feel one hundred percent better. Thanks for the story," she said as she smiled. "Where did you get that story?"

"Oh, this book, 'Stories from the Twilight', there is a book store in this town. It's on a trade route, so they keep a book store here. I got it there."

"But, we didn't have any money really, how did you get it?" Evelyn asked a confused look on her face.

"I tried to pay with some money I had brought, but they have never seen faerie money. Do you remember the story about Astroth? I sang it to the store owner for it. He arranged for me to sing in the inn later. In a few days, when you feel better so you can listen," Aedalla said and smiled at Evelyn.

"Have you decided which story to tell them yet?" Evelyn asked as she rose out of bed. She poured herself some water and drank it down.

"The one about the wind sprite I think, I like that one," Eadalla smiled to herself. "If you're feeling better, I have an idea on something to do today."

"Oh," Evelyn said as she filled her glass again, "And what might that be?" She drank her glass of water down.

"Oh, I want to keep it a surprise. You feel up to it?"

Evelyn smiled at

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