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Book online «The Viper's Successor Somsiddha Saha (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author Somsiddha Saha

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21st century Mr. Navan. Didn’t that strike in your mind that in spite of gangrene and decomposed bone marrow at the lower abdomen, how you survived for three years?” Sam skewed his katana into the lock and melting it, entered. Machine guns installed at the ceiling started shooting at him, and slowly, Sam stepped near Mr. Akatomi, tripping on the shells. The clacking and reverberating sound of shells on the ground made Akatomi nervous, hiding behind a table.

“Bango! I have not done anything, don’t kill me, please!” Mr. Akatomi stood up, holding a bazooka in his hand. “HIHIHIHI, have a blast!” He launched a sprocket aiming Sam. Navan from behind uplifted a debris of a broken pillar to biff him. Sam with a front flip grasped the sprocket mid air and yelped “Move! Navan!” and tossed it to glass windows. But digressing its course, it propels on ground averting Navan and blasts. Akatomi was apprehensive and tried to crouch but before that Sam threw his Katana to him which impaled his heart.

“NOOO!!!” Navan was distressed, stumbling upon the cracked floors and debris, he averted the fissures and sprinted to reach to Sam. He was about to lose balance, but his limbs controlled the staggering. Unexpectedly because of the sprocket a void created and he almost was falling in the trench , Sam caught his hands.

“Move out Navan! I’m gonna blow this place! Nobody can stop me now!” Sam took out the Katana from Mr.Akatomi and turned it off.

“I won’t let you do so, Sam! You’ve got your riddance by killing Akatomi, there’s nothing left now!” Navan in a bemoaned voice, requested Sam.

“No there isn’t! What about dispelling Dermatoxia? Inoculation of people by the vaccine created from the bloods of Gilman family?” Sam pressed his Kabuto and his face uncovers, letting the metal skitter and camouflage in his armour.

“Blood of Gil…our blood? What’s the connection of vaccine has with our blood? Navan spoke incredulously.

“Told you, you’re special Navan. Something unfathomable, unidentified component exists in your blood and well as your father’s too, purported to be not existed before. Baba got a sample of Mr. Donnovan’s blood and examining it he found there’s some mystical elements inside which if properly synthesized can be a cure to almost all diseases. From that he created the vaccine of 2020 pandemic. Later he mutated the cure and unleashed zombie apocalypse over the world.”

“So, Viper is the one who’ve brought this Zombies and Dermatoxia later? Pretty sure I’ve no guilty feeling killing your father Sam! He was just a miscreant as you are!”

“You can cuss me, but I won’t tolerate a word about my Baba! Dermatoxia was not his creation at all! It was purely unprecedented that the toxicity of petroleums and other fossil fuels mixedup with the decomposed bodies and became airborne. This cure too, founded by my Baba but before emanating, you killed him!” A few drops of tears fell on his Handheld kabuto.

Navan was startled. “Then AD5? Adage Industries has successfully invented too!”

“Fulkan cloned what he got in his hand, a sample of the cure my Baba hid in a secret location. AD5 is nothing but the facsimile of that cure and by this connivance, Christopher Klaud, Helmut Yeager and Aaron Dali entered a stratagem to retrieve a cure from that specific hideout. Baba couldn’t had unleashed the cure but had made them accessible to every underdeveloped country like African republic, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Mozambique and some parts of Asia.” Sam slowly backed up and took a seat on the table.

Guests invited were frenzy and ballistic, getting a wee survival chances inside OKAMI headquarter as chunks and debris plummeted down. Remaining Guards besieged the exit points, and Ko3 droids crawled up to floor 257. An exodus of jittery guests was observed by Arun and task force, but communication was still disrupted so he was obscured of what’s happening inside.

“Navan you should take the chopper, and need to escape from here, or else you won’t survive!” Sam admonished Navan.

“Not without you Sam! I won’t let you destroy this time!” Another wave of droids intestifies and Navan evaded their shots. “Reach to the helipad Sam!” He cried out in astonishment.

Sam, like before sliced and vanquished the droids, then slowly tiptoed at roof top. Navan shrieked “Get in now!”

“ I have no issues fleeing from here and surrender Mr. Navan. But what about saving mankind from the grasp of adversities like Dermatoxia? To defeat a threat, one must have to uplift its roots, and that’s what I’m gonna do.”

“Whats more than the threat standing in front of me, Sam? Another sleeper cell activity? Another destruction?

“Lucy was the second last of this mission. Operation Red Alert has obliterated all of Jade Viper’s men. Remember that day at Italy, Sidius was talking about harvesting a type of bug? Yes, Mr. Navan, those artificially made mites are the cure to Dermatoxia, made from your blood component. Invincible to flammables they get multiplied in temperature more than 1300K and flourish in air. Respiration of these bugs fights cancer and other chronic diseases, apart from Dermatoxia.”

“So, the explosions were…”

“Yes, those are attempts to spread the cure. But after COD stopped this at Cleocorp, I resorted in making shelled explosives, when injected, can retain too the specification controlled by trigger, gets exploded leaving no signs of blasts. Plastic explosives were too eye catching. That day at Italy, Dylan had the trigger and sacrificed his life to kill you. But believe me, Lucy deliberately had made herself a weapon, blasted adage without endowing to other Viper’s men, I turned all into explosives. Explosives were only option to flourish the bugs in air, Mr. Navan. This will be my ultimate demolition!”

“But Sam, don’t take laws in your hand. The erring will be behind the bars for sure. Sometimes vengeance is not the option!”

“HAHAHAHA…did you killed my Baba out of vengeance? Or that was for the safety of humanity Mr. Navan? There are many dissidents in this world with their devious attempts, how many can

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