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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Two

Cat opened her eyes to a room full of sunlight, her pillow was still wet from last night, after Eric had left yesterday she had stayed in bed and cried herself to sleep. God she was pathetic. Sitting up, she pushed her long red hair of her heartshaped face....God she was pathetic she said again. I feel like death Cat looked at her reflection in the dressing table mirror, “guess what Cat! You look much worse than death, rigor mortis has set in.” She said out loud. It was then that Cat noticed the clock. “Damn look at the time!” Cat slid of the bed and headed for the bedroom fifteen minutes later she added the finishing touches to her makeup which she badly needed this morning. Having not slept until the early hours. Picking up her handbag and keys from the lounge room where she had dropped them last night, Cat headed out the front door of her two bedroom townhouse she rented 30 minutes from work in a leafy area of Sydney. Cat could never live in apartment complex.  She had taken this week off needing the time to finished things with Eric she had known there would be things to deal with. Today being Friday she had this last business day to get things done before the weekend. The locksmith was due this afternoon after 3pm. Cat sighed this final break away from Eric was going to be hard, at least the townhouse was her rental and not something she needed to return or move out of. She got into her B.M.W that Eric have given her and headed for Eric’s company head office in Double Bay. Twenty minutes later Cat entered the top floor heading straight to the very pretty little blonde sitting behind a desk outside the inner sanctum of Eric’s office. Sometimes she didn’t understand how Eric had never made a move on this pretty, No! not just pretty, but gorgeous woman....who looked something between Jessica Alba and Brittany Snow with beautiful white blonde natural hair and honey brown eyes, only 5 feet 6 inches and I figure of a pocket venus, she could hold her own against any man. Eric had once told that she just wasn’t his type how could any man look at Joanna and not full for her. God if she bat for the other team she would go there.... Cat laughed silently. “Jo honey, you ready for lunch?” At Cat’s voice the blonde looked up smiling  “Just give me five minutes to finish this letter and I’ll be with you.” Jo reassured her “Jo, I have to write something for Eric mind if I use his desk.” Not seeing anything amiss she waved Cat on saying “ Sure hon, go straight in.” Jo was about the only one at the office that knew about Eric and Cat being an item for the last eight months. “Thanks.. I should be done when your ready to leave.” Cat walked into Eric’s office, stopping in the doorway. It smelled like him and she had always like this room, the wall behind his desk was a wall of glass windows overlooking the Double Bay Area, expensive and very exclusive. It always surprised her, how he faced away from that view and people facing him got to enjoy it. But understanding Eric as she now did he would have a good reason or two why he did this to distract people he was meeting with to slip them up or find out information he needed ....two to show anyone and everyone the worth of his business. Arrogant she knew! On the left side of the office was two doors one leading to a personal cloak and kitchen room and the other to a hidden area that hid his printers and fax machine and anything else that an office needed to run. He only kept his ultra thin Mac book computer on his desk. The office was very spacious, lush in taste and very rich in furnishings. On the right side a brown leather chesterfield lounge with two single chairs to match. Cat looked away from this quickly remembering a time when she had met Eric here one night and he had taken her from behind as she had leaned over the arm chair. She moved behind Eric’s desk sitting down in his leather chair, sighing she needed to get this over with and remembering moments in this office was not good! Just to many memories... even being at this desk wasn’t helping! closing her eyes for a moment to clear her mind and focus on what needed to be done.... Cat reopened her eyes and pulled open the desk’s left hand drawer, removing pen and paper.... she really should have done this at home and then just left the letter on his desk but there just hadn’t been time and even now she wasn’t sure what to write! What should I say? Will he even listen? Maybe not! knowing Eric like she did. Eric was used to getting his own way and getting anything and everything he wanted. Well to hell with it, here goes... Cat began writing Eric, I have tried talking to you, but it’s like talking to myself, nothing I have said matters to you or you just choose not to hear it. You don’t listen, I think it’s best all around if we don’t see each other anymore. All I seem to be is a warm body for when the urge hits. You had a long string of lovers before me, so I’m sure ending things will be no hardship for you and no feelings hurt. Wishing you all the best  Cat Cat sat there for a long time just staring at the letter,  she wanted to cry and tears did well,  but she told herself, No more she wouldn’t cry and not here. She wasn’t sure how long she did sit there , when Joanne called her name a few times from the doorway, she hit earth. “Sorry Jo, my mind was elsewhere, I’ve got a few things Going on right now”. Cat folded her letter putting it  into a envelope also found in Eric’s top drawer before sealing it.  “So I noticed.” Jo smiled “Jo can you give this to Eric when he comes back.” Joanne frowned at her requested, because Jo would know after an extended time away the first person to see Eric would be Cat. Cat stopped any questions now by saying quickly “ I’ll explain later, ok” but that didn’t stop Jo as she hoped. “Cat what’s going on? Has something happened between Eric and you?.” Cat frowned, she had set herself on this path there was no hiding it and she didn’t want to... it’s just how much was she ready to talk about. “It’s over between us, Jo. He doesn’t love me, he takes our relationship for granted... well what relationship really, he told me on the onset what it was to him when we started this. So this affair isn’t going anywhere and I find that now I need more than I have with Eric.” “Cat, your wrong Eric does love you.... I see the way he looks at you.” Cat gave a humourless laugh” Has he told you that .... “ Cat waited for Jo’s reply, when none came she went on “No! no I didn’t think so....he treats me as a mistress, he just doesn’t pay my bills because I will not let him I do have some pride” getting up from Eric’s chair she added “ only good thing that came out of our affair was the friendship I have with you.” Jo looked like she wanted to say more,  but reframed, what could she say! Eric didn’t love her and she was wasting her life. “Ok friend, I’ll give Eric the letter but I think.....” Cat interrupted Joanna before she could finish “ please Jo, lets have a nice lunch and not talk about Eric.... well at least until after we have eaten, I really don’t want indigestion. ” Trying to lighten the mood. Jo looked miffed but agreed.   “So are you going to tell me about what’s going on? We have finished lunch now Cat, you did say in the office that you would tell me later.” Cat put down her coffee cup before saying anything she wasn’t exactly sure what to say, Jo got on so well with her boss and she really didn’t would to be the one to complicate things between them. Joanna had talked about some of the women Eric had dated before she came along and they did share a lot. “Cat...” Jo’s voice made her look up  “Sorry Jo, listen I have to run, Mrs Logan gave me this week off and this being my last day I still have so much to do and I’m sure you really need to get back to the office.” Cat stood quickly and picking up her handbag , pulling out the money for their meals it was her turn.  “Please give the letter to Eric the day he gets back!” Cat gave Jo a quick hug, then left before her friend said anymore  on the subject.

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