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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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a clear shot. The blood red lightsabre blade easily preventing the blaster bolts from hitting any of the troopers behind him.
"Rebel planetary shield is down. Now launching fighters." Announced the Super Star Destroyer's communications officer.
Bruticus and his squad encountered more security turrets together as they penetrated deeper into the hidden base. Their dark red blaster bolts firing repeatedly. But unfortunately for the Sorgarn, even that was too inefficient to stop the deadly Sith Lord.
"The rebels have disappeared! Repeat, disappeared! There's no trace of them. There is no explanation." The admiral announced as soon as there were a mere three turrets left opposing his squad.
"Did you see a bright white flash?" Remembering the data from Darth Bane's holochron.
"Yes, my Lord."
TS 4142 and his Snowtroopers covered the three Sorgarn with the barrels of their blaster rifles.
"Commence securing the planet, with the Rebel base gone, the planet is now ours. I'll brief you on the disappearance later. There is no need to be concerned." Lord Bruticus moved closer to the captured Sorgarn, the tall, dark blue beings still in their seemingly dignified stance. "And Admiral, has the Death Star arrived?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"Good. Tell Darth Shivilow to place it into orbit. Bruticus out."
"Yes my Lord. Dominator

All three of the Sorgarn rose into mid-air after the dark lord extended his left hand, the dark side of The Force transfixed them helplessly. Bruticus took a momentary look at the Extra-dimensional beings. They were about 12 feet tall with long white robes with some silver jewelery embroidered into them in long, vertical, rope-like patterns. Their dark, turquoise blue heads reminded the dark lord of the Geonosians only with the spiritual dignity of the Kaminoans.
"Deactivate the controls to your inter-dimensional travel." Demanded Lord Bruticus.
The reply from the being in the middle merely answered that it was not safe to do so. The bombing by the imperials had caused their controls to go unstable resulting in the Rebel forces disappearing. They had only managed to stabilize the controls just before Bruticus came in and deactivating the controls would result in farther instability and cause them to warp everyone into a random dimension.
Lord Bruticus' force abilities told him that the lead Sorgarn had expressed the truth. He started lowering the three over the wall opposite to the controls.
"You three stay right there and don't make any attempt to use the controls."
Then The Brutal One sensed the force, strangely, both light and dark. It was not Shivilow. He became concerned about this unforeseen occurrence and before he could alert the troopers behind him he saw two men of similar appearance locked in lightsabre combat coming from the curved tunnel opposite himself.
The dark-sider force-pushed everyone in the room and the Jedi then locked sabres with his opponent, pushed each other's blades away and then commenced slashing at each other. One of the strikes by the dark-sider slashed the wide control console.
"Nooo!" Bruticus' anger heightened as the controls to the inter-dimensional travel failed to maintain their stability.
What appeared to be electrical currents filled the room, despite the appearance it didn't have the same effect, in fact, no-one was able to even feel it. Next, formed a bright white light enveloping everyone within the room.
Darth Bruticus knew that he was about to experience the same thing that the great Darth Bane had 1,000 years ago.

"Part #2 -Bruticus' Apprentice."

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Patrick Delieto as Admiral Targeta.

4 ABY (Alternative.)

The second Death Star was nearing completion. Darth Shivilow sat in what used to be her Father's throne-that of Darth Sidious A.K.A The Emperor Palpatine. She remained in command of the Imperial Forces in the absence of her master Lord Bruticus. Technology to travel through time, parallel dimensions... the Death Star... "Yes." Shivilow thought. "The Empire will truly be unstoppable." The power the Sith shall hold being too exciting to wait for with any amount of patience.
Admiral Targeta. the supreme commander of the Imperial Navy stood at attention before his master with three other high-ranking officers behind him with their progress reports of the Death Star's construction and modifications ordered by Darth Bruticus himself. The noise of some of the technician's welding tools overtaking the sounds of the Imperial commander's voices. Irritated, Shivilow snapped and reprimanded the workers. "Do that quietly, we have important matters to discuss at this time." Her well-bodied, long, dark, curly hair shaking even more than her head.
"I'm sorry my lady, there is no way that could be done unless we stop now and come back when you've finished your conference."
"NO! WORK NOW..." she shouted, initiating a light force choke as a warning. "...just quietly." Then let go.
"But my lady..." the foreman tried to clarify. "...if you come over here and see for yourself what needs to be done you'll see that there's no way we could reduce the noise."
Darth Shivilow froze, their work area resembled the type of reactor shaft her Father had been thrown into, she witnessed it herself when the traitor Darth Vader threw him down as he absorbed the dark side lightning to save his son. Her only fear was her own death, she became paranoid and shouted angrily.
"NO!! You dare attempt to murder me in the same way as The Emperor had been." Drawing both her lightsabres and attaching their ends in mid air before catching the now dual-weapon in her hands. The foreman found himself being drawn toward Darth Shivilow through mid air as she wielded the red dual blades, slicing the man effortlessly into several pieces in a full second.
Due to her fear of death, she chose another location for the Throne room not wishing to see the same place her Father had died.
"Another modification must commence immediately..." she shouted in a demanding voice, one which no-one within The Empire dared ignore. " grates over every floor where there's a reactor starting with this one. The meeting ends now and will begin when the modifications are completed within his room. You are dismissed." Her commanding staff bowed and left.
Shivilow's dark side powers sensed something about to happen, it was too ambiguous in nature to determine what it was since it was unrelated to The Force. She hadn't the knowledge of the bright white light associated with inter-dimensional travel since her master hadn't informed her of it but planned to after the attack on Vargot.
As soon as the novel experience was over, she would find that herself, the fleet surrounding Vargot, and even the Death Star itself had suddenly appeared in open space. Not a planet in sight. Upon Shivilow's orders, scanning for nearby systems commenced.

"Part #3 -Darth Bane vs The Cylons."

Eric Johnson as Darth Bane.

1,000 before the battle of Yavin. (Main Star Wars Timeline and dimension)

For eight years Darth Bane had trained Zannah, he set his shuttle to autopilot as he examined the new Sith artifacts he had obtained from a forgotten asteroid base. Those items held new techniques for usage of the dark side of the force. Knowing that very few Sith ever possessed those all too rare skills he was eager to learn the techniques to teach them to his apprentice Darth Zannah. The Sith shall grow stronger and one day, even if it will be centuries after the deaths of himself and Zannah, the Jedi shall be more easily destroyed.
After four hours of travel he reached their hideout, as Darth Bane exited the shuttle. he took with him a sophisticated analyzer, this newly purchased apparatus being the type specially designed for reading ancient software like the computer chips he found.
Darth Bane headed to a secret chamber and stored the chips and analyzer into the room-sized safe filled with other priceless Sith artifacts before making his way back to the shuttle. He was to rendezvous with his apprentice at an appointed time. By the time he reached half-way between the exit and the shuttle, a small, but brilliant, flash of white light appeared all around him. It was as if a cocoon of white light encased him and only him.

After a split second, the great Sith Lord found himself in a corridor of a design he had never seen before. Lights low and doors transparent in many places. He heard alarms sounding and sensed the presences of many beings of the same type approaching his strange location. Bane detected no presence of The Force, so his initial suspicion of the Jedi being involved got dismissed. He ignited his lightsabre, the glowing red blade adding an eerie effect around himself, as if reflecting the danger and evil he presented to the hostiles charging toward him.
Then he saw the enemy-whoever they were. Battle droids, unlike any design he had seen before. Where did he somehow teleport to? Their eye slits had a single red light moving from side to side, a sound following the movement along each way. Then he noticed the upper legs, a feature making them look more humanoid. Their hands appeared as if they were covered with gloves. Could they have been armoured soldiers? Cyborgs perhaps? Probably not, he sensed no emotion, not even aggression.
They aimed their blasters and Bane deflected their shots as he backed off to a better defensive position due to their numbers. As they approached again, he "felt" two of their blasters through The Force, still with his lightsabre in hand, and turned them around to shoot at those behind him. Once that was done he force-rushed toward the remaining 10 and unleashed a wide arc of sith lightning to finish them off. Darth Bane wasted no time in finding a way out. He sped though corridor after corridor, no signs, no writing and no maps anywhere to indicate where to exit. Seeing a larger corridor which looked like a promising way out, he instead found himself in a control room. He hid as soon as he heard them speak to each other for the first time. Their voices all similar, sounding electronic and virtually monotonous. The was also a different model, bronze in colour, apparently one functioning as their commander. This one spoke in the same pitch and voice only one octave lower. They spoke of how to track him more efficiently because their apparent leader mentioned that even their systems could not properly track the intruder. Everywhere Bane looked, their technology indicated to him that those beings-battle droids, cyborgs, or whatever-were obviously highly advanced. If there was a way for them to adjust their tracking systems he did not want to allow them the chance of doing so. He leaped high from his hidden location a second before their apparent commander started to mention that he had been detected within the very control room they stood. Lightsabre ignited as he somersaulted and landed with a wide slash to the two on his left as he telekinetically stole the blaster from the one on his right and pulled the trigger in mid-air with The Force leaving only the bronze-coloured one farther to his right.
"Definitely battle droids." The great Sith Lord realized after noticing the glowing metal from where he slashed his aggressors. Bane dropped the rifle and stood in ready stance against his single opponent. The bronze battle droid commenced firing and Bane deflected each shot.
"Tell me where I am." The Sith Lord demanded.
The droid didn't answer, only kept firing until Bane was close enough to chop it's blaster in two. Then demanded an answer to his question.
"Listen to me droid, what system is this?" The Command Centurion was unfamiliar with the term "Droid" so it assumed it was a Human slang term or taunt.
"All humans are enemies I will not aid you in any way."
"You've seen what I can do, you know I can

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