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Book online «Grave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) 📖». Author cama seeney

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shut that inner, evil part of myself away I knew I was good enough to belong here I knew I was a warrior. I battled and battled and would keep doing so till my last breath. No matter how much my inner demons wanted me to drown I would keep my head from going under. I may be half the person I used to be but time had made me stronger, tougher. Once I was nice, sweet and confident now that was ruined but I felt more of an adult than I had ever before.


Sam stood up and held his hand down to me the quote don't look down upon someone unless you are helping them up sprang into my mind and I smiled softly standing with his help. We walked slowly to the tree line he stopped suddenly and I turned to look at hm in confusion, the sound of bones breaking and shifting stole my confusion for horror. It sounded painful, I watched as his limbs became longer and leaner. His face grew a snout and hair within seconds, his teeth gnashed together in pain or annoyance I couldn't tell. His fingers grew long claws that dug into the muddy ground. I saw a tail wagg and his teeth flashed into a grin, he was on all fours but still managed to be taller than Buddy he came half way up my thigh taller than both a medium sized dog and wolf. His calm eyes watched mine with paitence and friendship, he pawed at the ground excitedly with a little yip. 


Buddy smelt him curiously and yipped back, also looking really excited. I bent down and tore the remander of his shirt from his back, he tried to raise his eyebrow and failed I understood the look though - trying to undress me already. I snorted and sprang froward sprinting at top speed into the he howled his joy, buddy joined in the war cry and I could hear them chase after me. Grinning I put on an extra burst of speed racing through the undergrowth and for the first time in a long time i felt safe running through the woods. Exhularated even. 


Quickly they matched my speed, toungs lonnling from their mouths. I'm normal, I mutter to myself the only sound sourounding me was the soft padding of their paws. Calm overwhelmed me as I ran for pleaure not because I had too.


Soon the rain began to fall slowly but with every breath I took it fall harder and faster, almost like it was running from something in the sky. Thunder echoed above me causing the ground to shake with its mighty groan, lightening light the sky in fracturered peices trees and rocks blocking the path of true light. 


The moon appeared over between the dark clouds in the sky, it was so in love with the sun that they were destined to never touch. To never truly be in the sky together but as lightening and thunder rocked the sky the two lovers embraced the sky with such a glowing love the sky grew brusied with reds and purples. Slowly the colour faided as the rain fell soaking me. I didn't know how long we stood watching the sky with longing, this moment was so impossible to forget but extremly hard to remember. The sky light my soul on fire but weeks later I would never know why... 



Thunder calls to my broken soul

We finally walked back to the rooms, I was not only soaked but dripping. I laughed at myself as I walked into mine and lillys room, Cas and Nyx stood watching as Gabby litterly played with fire infront of Lilly. She was infront of the fire place but as a spark flew uncontrolled from her hand Buddy darted in and growled at Gabby pushing lilly behind him. 'Don't do the whole dying evil look kids you end up looking like a zombie - not a good look.' She mock whispered sneering in my direction but she didn't even glace at Buddy, she completely turned her body away. 


'I'm a death dealer expect me to look like a barbie princess puking pink? Look theres one thing about you that I just dont like gabby. Well its a whole ya know you part but hey. You know if you were on fire and I had to choose between pissing myself and putting out your fire, i’d piss myself.' I told her snorting as she crunched up her delicate nose in disgust, Lilly giggled as she hugged buddy calming him. 'Oh go play tag with some OAP's thats all your good for...' She snapped at me causing a shock of laughter to leave my lips. 'I once wondered why hell was empty, then I realised Satans sporn was secretly here all along.' Her lips twisted with a sour expression. 'Oh dear Gabby promise me you'll never forget me, becuase if I ever even suspected that you were starting to forget me I'd never leave you.' I told her strolling up to her with my creepiest of smiles. She did a full body shiver before leaving, my cackle followed her retreting form down the corridor, 'I will always find you my love!' I shouted after her laughing even harder. 'Must you always taunt her she isn't so bad...' Lilly trailed off looking sad,


'No your right I don't but i'm the reincarnate of the devil therefore i must play my part.' I informed her taking of my soaked teeshirt and throwing it on the windowsil, when I turned the boys were maricously gone and the door closed now that is why I loved rooming with Lilly. 'She doesn't mean it, truly she is just scared of the unknown. I was scared of the dark when I was little. Not because it was black because that was just a colour. But because I didn't recognised the room I loved...' She murmorered almost to herself. 'Darkness is only the absence of light my sweet.' I told her kissing the top of her head, she looked sad as if she was thinking deeply about her past. 


Publication Date: 07-12-2016

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