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Book online «Grave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) 📖». Author cama seeney

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feet. 'Hey Ella I told you, you'd make friends.' She told me smiling delightedly.



I snorted and headed upstairs to changed into my work clothes.


The next three days were pretty normal, the reason I worked in a vet was that the ghosts of the pets there didn't bother me not like the humans did.  We couldn't find little Buddy a home and welll buddy kinda stuck the other kids all had other names for him but me and Sarah called him buddy or bud.



She bought him a lead, dog toys and food the day she went out with the kids to the store. Somehow she knew we'd end up keeping him, yet another plus side of working in a Vet's was that he could come with me, he loved the fuss he got there. After a week I took the stitches out and gave him a booster shot he was very sleepy that day so i went for a run alone, it was sad really I got so used to him being right by me.



It was peaceful on a sunday morning, no joggers no children just running.  This time i stayed away from the woods and stuck to the path, soon though I felt like i was being followed. I didn't like the feeling.



Every time I turned there were big burly men around... Well it's weird to have one visitor here let alone five. And that my friends is where i sprinted all the way home. Sarah stood at the door looking at me weirdly. 'You didn't tell me you had any family?' It was more of a question than anything, he face was pale and she looked tired.



'I don't..' I replied crossing my arms over my chest. 'Ella I'm your sister's twin brother.' The tall man told me, funnily enough he looked nothing like her. 'Call the cops now.' I shouted at sarah as I turned ready to run. 'Don't.' His voice held power but I turned and ran anyway, Straight into one of his goons.



Buddy bounded down the stairs growling with menace, the man just chucked. 'I thought we killed you already pup.' Buddy ran past him and growled at the man standing behind me.



'Come with us or we hurt any and everyone under this roof.' My so called uncle told me sounded relaxed and even a little cocky, funny thing about this home is that it's full of troubled kids there was a police alert button in every room only me and ella knew where there were. She looked at me thinking the same thing, Now all i had to do was press it unnoticed. There was a switch that looked like a light switch next to the back door, I let out a calm breath and turned around, 'you really think it's a good idea bullying little ole' us?' I asked the goone, I leaned up against the wall with my hand inches from the switch. I flicked it once like i was playing with the switch, signing i moved away with a fierce smile.



Seconds later the phone started ringing, It rang and ran. No one moved, not an inch. Me and Sarah didn't look at each other we both knew this could get ugly, the kids weren't in the house they were at mandatory sunday school at least that was something.



I knew after today, after I got away I would never see these people again. Seconds later a distant sound of a police car rounding the corner at top speed was heard the goone looked worried but the man only shot me an evil look before leaving the premises. 'I will see you soon Ella, very soon.' Was the last thing he said.

This is goodbye (edited)

The officer left looking annoyed he wanted to know why the men were here, when we couldn't tell them he threatened us with a fine for wasting police time. We argued that we didn't know who they were and we needed help but he ignored us.



Sighing he left after constantly arguing with us, Sarah announced she never liked the house anyway that she would move us all. That the law in this town was a joke. I smiled sadly and went to pack, I knew I wouldn't go with them I couldn't put them in danger they had all been so kind to me.



Sarah knew it too, when the kids got back she told them we were moving, they all looked sad but the look on her face said no arguments. I packed and walked away without saying goodbye, I was going to leave buddy with them but he chased me down the road. I sighed and let him, I didn't want to be alone either.



Walking had never felt so lonely, the ghosts followed me but nothing was as bad as walking through the graveyard, the bones there called to me. I threw myself on the ground in front of her, there was one person I had to say goodbye to.



I cried, I shouted, I was breaking but she didn't answer me. She couldn't.



I left the town with the money I had earned and a few days food and clothes, a lead and a coat. I was actually leaving. I had wanted to for so long but now that I was actually going all I felt was sadness, I would never see Sarah or the kids again, well I hoped anyway they shouldn't be messed up in all this.



Walking in the darkness tired me and in the sun exhausted me, I was so done with this whole running thing even before I ran out of food. I would sing to myself, lullabies that my mother had once sung to me but I felt no relief on a drowning sorrow.



I slept in the woods and when I ran out of food Buddy hunted for us, I would build small day fires and cook for us. With little sleep and little food it was no question that they found us.



Days kept passing by painfully before I had any sort of human interaction.



Eventually I stopped talking to buddy too, living with him - surviving became instinct. He knew what I wanted before I wanted it.


I sat burning in the days sun waiting for the iodine to settle in the water, I decided to try and sleep but I couldn't without drinking something. Buying anything was too dangerous, I knew someone would be looking for me. I didn't know why or how many people were looking for me I just knew they were. I didn't even know what I was, I just knew sleeping in the forest or parks wasn't good for me or my mental state I couldn't outrun those following me or the ghosts that seemed to enjoy taunting me.



I looked at my watch only three minutes had past I had another seventeen to wait until I could drink, this had been the only lake I had found in two days, I felt such a burning relief when I found it.



I felt rabid already, I didn't know how long I had been walking or how many days had past I just hoped they were safe. And that's when I heard it, the cracking of branches. Buddy bounced up and began growling immensely, I stood up and grabbed the knife I had, had with me since the first day.



I used it for cooking or hacking my way through undergrowth. I instantly knew it wasn't ghosts that had found me, ghosts made no sounds when they walked... This time I was in shit.



'Put the knife down!' A voice boomed from behind me, I refused to turn around I knew Buddy had my back. 'Leave.' I shouted back, my voice cracked and sounded hoarse even to my ears. 'I don't think she's one...' Some one else began speaking before he was cut off. 'I said put it down, your in our territory now do as I say!' The angry voice called again.



Their territory? What in all good was this?



I didn't speak I was too surprised. 'We know what you are, Huntress. Put it down.' Another calmer voice called. Hunt what now? I suppose I hunt for food. 'Who are you?' I croaked out sounded unsure. 'Surely you know who we are? What fraction are you from?' Asked another. 'What's a fraction?' I asked lowering my knife, they didn't seem so hostile. The calm voice walked out of the trees, he was around six feet bare foot and in only shorts. I suppose it was hot but...? 'Her knife isn't silver I doubt she's here to hurt us stand down.' He called to the others, 'how do you know she doesn't have another hidden?' A suspicion voice called annoyed, I looked down at myself and laughed it sounded strange and croaky. 'Shorts and a tank top? Ohh she's so dangerous I bet she had an arsenal hidden.' The calm voice replied, he had short blond hair and a single dimple I smiled sadly he looked like he could be related to Sarah. I missed her.



I put down the knife and as soon as I did Buddy stood down and ran to the blond guy wagging his tail excitedly. 'What in all hell is going on?' Someone asked, I looked at my watch ahh I could finally drink. I sighed and walked towards the water, I knelt down and picked it up and nearly drank the whole thing before offering some to the newcomer, he shook his head and smiled as I drank the last. I filled it back up and added more water and iodine.


'Who are you?' The friendly guy asked, 'Ella' I replied 'I'm Sam' he replied smiling softly, 'why are you here Cinderella' he winked at me causing me to roll my eyes. 'That's not what my name is short for. And I'm running from a strange man.' I replied, 'Alright Cruella. Why is he chasing you?' He asked,taking a seat near my fire and waving a guy forward, he brought two rabbits and began skinning them with strong, confident fingers.



'I-I don't know exactly...' I trailed off, in part it was true but at the same time why would someone want me? All i can do is speak to the dead not much help if you think about it.



And that's when I felt it, the cold shivers began to run down my back followed with cold sweats. There was a ghosts close. It silently approached me and screamed in my face, I grimaced and made no sound because they couldn't hear the wailing i could. It was an old man, half his face was burned horribly and his one eye had fallen out of its socket and hung below deflated and floating in dried blood, I wanted to heave but I put on a blank face and tried not to look at him.



'Sorry?' I asked Sam, 'I didn't say anything,' he replied looking suspicious, 'maybe she's just a crazy lost girl.' Another said I ignored them as buddy came close growling at the ghost, he knew when there were close he could feel them but he never quite knew where they were. The ghost growled back and slapped him in the face, 'stop.' I whispered. Buddy snarled his fur bristling,

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