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Book online «Grave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) 📖». Author cama seeney

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over to group sevens and the eight of us spread out and began eating. 'Heard you got a nice cold awakening this morning Ella want me to set there fires alight?' Gav asked grining and brandishing a ball of flames in his hand. I stared mesmerized, 'thats cool.' I told him grinning, Caz looked ahead mischevesly he ran or zoomed or sprinted what ever you call it past and the flame went out. I looked around and found him eating the peice of bacon Gav had had on his fork. I laughed and covered my face trying to hide it, Gav charged him but Caz only stole the anouther peice.


I laughed so hard I nearly choked on my food, Caz apeared infront of me and I fell backwards in my chair only to be saved by Nxy. I coughed and wiped the water away from my eyes. 'Thankyou,' I told him genuinely to which I only recieved a nod, he pulled my chair back and shot Caz a look to which he winked and walked away, Nxy rolled his eyes and sat back in his own chair. 'Wait till after breakfast he may even give you a nibble I hear he likes that too.' Sam whispered in my ear. I nearly choked again, 'Can I please eat my breakfast without dying?' I asked coughing uncontroably. Buddy barked in agreement, he had already finished his food 'How is it that you all have such good reflexes? I cant even walk across my room without falling over atleast three items?' I asked with fake annoyance. 



Why do they always have to be right?

 'Well were all diffrent some of us are just more difrent than others.' Sam replied with a wink I retorted with bite me under my breath, Sam leant down and whispered 'Careful Cinderella one day I will take you up on that offer.' I shivered, if you asked me then I wouldn't be able to tell you why. 


Maybe it was the fact that his cool minty breath caressed my neck or maybe it was the fact that he was an animal under that sheeps clothing. Maybe I was stupid and danger intrested me, I never was quite the smartest spark.


'What are we doing first?' I asked anyone around the table, it was my first day after all who knew what i so called needed to learn. 'Well since i'm the only scholar here your stuck with me Kiddo.' Sam informed me grinning like a manicac. I pushed away my half eaten food annoyed, 'I'm 18 a year two tops behind you call me kiddo again and I'll get Buddy to bite you I hear your into that...' I trailed off clicking my finger getting Buddys attention, Sam swallowed nervously whislt Nyx bust out laughing the others looked around at him strangly but he only shrugged and nonchallontly muttered 'she may have a hunters Daemon but hes just a pup I doubt even he knows what he can do yet.' And with that he left, moody brat I thought to myself Buddy looked at me and yipped his agreement. 


Wait what? 


'He may not know but I'm not risking it, its pure bacon for you buddy. Remember who your friends are.' He spoke to me instead of buddy but he seemed to get the message as he walked up to Sam and licked his hand before walking to me and placing his paw on my lap. I sighed and placed my bowl on the floor, he always knew when I wouldn't eat anymore or needed food. Maybe he was just accostomed. Dog's usually get the same peeing scedual as their owners why not feeding? 


But somewhere deep down I knew that wasn't quite right. At least I was in the place where I'd finally get answers, Buddy yet again looked at me deeply he seemed to warn me that there were things here I wouldn't want to know. I sighed and stood up, after all I knew he was right. 


'Right to the training hall for you.' Sam said as he too stood. I followed him out after waving to Lilly and nodding to Caz and Gav. Maybe this place wouldn't be too bad...


As soon as I walked into the 'training hall' I knew i was wrong. It looked like some kind of freaking tourcher chamber, frack. I turned to walk straight out of there but Sam caught me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder using his, my weight and gravity as leverage. 'What goes up must come down.' I muttered rubbing my butt and standing up. 


'Rule number one never leave yourslef open to attack. Rule number 1.0 listen to your oh so wise teacher.' He told me grinning, he was enjoying this way too much. 


'Wise ass.' I muttered before taking anouther look around, 'Ohh she cusses.' The walls were filled with all kinds of weapons from a simple dagger to a short sord, two handed sord, axe, throwing stars, whips, bow and arrows of every kind (long bow, short and even the automatic newer versions) and even guns. A whole range of them. 


'Don't even think of touching them a master witch will be notified and that funky feeling you felt whilst stepping in will stop you from leaving.' He told me with a wicked grin, 'I - I didn't feel anything...' I told him in a low worried voice, he looked at me concerned before shrugging his shoulders and muttering something about kid newbe's. 


He took a simple hand gun down from the wall and handed it too me, it felt wrong and much too heavy in my hands. The plastic and metal felt dead in my hands, this held no energy at all. 'I don't feel right holding this, it kinda feels like a dead fish. No energy or life spark.' I told him shivering at the analogy. 


'Don't matter, we face many enemys this may not be your weapon of choice but somewhere out there it will be someone elses. And if they hold it to your head?' He jumped forward suddenly and one hand shot out and hit the inner side of my wrist whilst the other hit the outter side of my hand with his other and held the gun to my head. 'Bang. Your dead, your a dead fish too.' He told me laughing at his own joke. 


'Laughing at your own jokes is lame.' I informed him sprining forward and doing the same manover as he did, but i took it a step forward and twisted my arm and elbowed him in the chin and took a step back and aimed the gun at him. 'Bang, bang your apart of the dead fish clan too.' I told him half enthuastically, truth be told I knew some defence from MMA but that was my secret not his. 


This time when he came at me I was ready, but he turned his back to me and somehow pulled the gun from my grasp turned again and placed the gun under my chin. I only sighed in responce, before quickly changing my whole postion, I now faced away from him and turned my face frontwards. I kicked up with my back leg and hit his wrist before bending his wrist and grabbing the gun again and aiming the gun at him. 


'Okay not the best move.' He motioned for me to give him the gun back 'again, as before' he told me. I did as he said and as my foot his his forearm the gun went off and my shoulder was covered in a splatter of red paint. I sighed he was right back move. 'Someone who is more trained than you will fire, and thoes who aren't as trained will fire accidently thought their reaction may not be as quick you could still get hit.' I nodded and listend as he told me what I could do instead. 


I looked at him confused, he handed me back the gun. I stood aiming the gun at his chest and watched as he twisted my arm one way and then the other and I lost balance and fell on the floor rubbing my wrist. 'You can do a simple twist and grab kinda like the chinese burns? Ever had one of theos there nasty basically the gun needs to flip around and under their hand you take a step back, ta daar your the one armed. Or place hand either side of the wrist pull up above their shoulder and pull them down, bend knees and pull gun away from attacker ensure gun is pointing away from you and prefurably them just incase it goes off.' He sounded like he was reciting part from memory and part from a text book. 'Or use both of your hands to push the attackers arm into air, twist arm and use their weight to pull them down.' He informed me grinning like a fool, this time he stood side by side with me gun held to my head. 


 I didn't really feel like getting a red hair doo, it was hard to wash out of blond. I shoved his one hand forward and used my other to push him back using his belly, i turned to the arm I pushed away and grabbed the gun with one hand and his wrist with the one that I'd used to push it away. I twisted his arm and pulled it too the floor where he quickly dragged me down and had me pinned in seconds. 


'Dang it.' I complained. He helped me up and stood with the gun still in his hand, to be fair I had failed. I sighed and grabbed the edge of the gun with one hand and punched him in the face with the other then using that same hand I twised thus freeing the gun and shot him in the stomach. I grinned triomphantly and bowed dramatically. 


'Issuses with that are?' He asked smiling proudly, 'erm I'm guessing if he fired I could get eaisly hit? Better yet I'm very close and could get a nice hit back and assuming my attacker is bigger and stronger I'd probbly be out?' I asked slightly uncertain. 'Good points, but you don't want to touch the barrel of the gun if one it could go off or had been off. You'll end up with a nasty burn.' He informed me still smiling but lecturing in his famous I know better voice. 


'Nice warm up kiddo lets fix that stance of yours.' He told me with an evil smile seconds before he yet again put me on my ass. 


'Oh joy.' I retorted jumping up with a weird feeling of adrenaline, I heard Buddy yawn from a mat from somwhere in the corner, 'not gonna stick up for me no? Okay great...' I muttered to myself as I put my legs shoulder width apart this time when he shoved me I only took a step back and didn't fall on my ass. 'Yes!' I shouted and jumped in the air, he only resonce was to shove me on my ass again. 


Ahh today was gonna be great. 


Who ever said that ever is gonna get a paint bullet to the face. 

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